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Sonic Origins - Known Issues

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Mustapha, Jun 23, 2022.

  1. sayonararobocop


    Bugs encountered in S3K (Switch):
    • Sonic got stuck briefly during the second underground water spout in Hydrocity Act 1
    • Couldn't reach the last giant ring in Hydrocity Act 2 with Sonic alone
    • Infinite rubble in Marble Garden Act 1
    • Score reset to 0 at the beginning of Marble Garden Act 2
    • Lost the first super ring after walking across the transporter
    • Flying Battery outdoor texture appeared after going indoors in Act 2
    • Somehow detransformed in Flying Battery Act 2 right after turning Hyper.
  2. Pengi


    Is there any way to view your best time for or replay Sonic 2's Hidden Palace Zone?
  3. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    EDIT: Oh wow nope, Hidden Palace is missed. That's a pretty big omission.

    Also I find it crazy they record your times for all the special Stages, and not only that but Sonic 1, CD, and 3's all have leaderboards (they actually take into account auto scrollers, Sonic 2's special Stages and Sky Chase don't have leaderboards enabled). Ngl I'm actually loving the leaderboards here, I guess since there are so many categories to choose from and in many stages.

    I'm competing with some Switch player Diego for some top spots in Sonic 2 mirror mode it seems lol. Mirror mode might be this game's main selling to me, it breathes a little bit of new life into games I've played the same way for 27 years. Save for my story mode run-through everything else has been mirror mode so far. Haven't even touched classic mode yet either, but again I played these games in 4:3 for years and if I want to play real "Classic" mode I'd just hook up my Genesis and play any of these titles on that.

    The lack of lives doesn't concern me either since I die maybe like, what, once or twice a playthrough max? Sometimes I disable lives in Sonic 3 AIR just to remove broken hud elements from certain mods :V
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2022
  4. I just mainly finding some silly sound bugs, like some sound effects not being played when they should and now again a bit of sound lag
  5. Ashura96


    Last edited: Jun 27, 2022
  6. Hez


    Yes you can and it's annoying. How someone missed this is beyond me. I did it almost immediately and you can't get back over easily.
  7. TheOcelot


    Scooty Puff Jr sucks! Member
    Experienced an issue today with Tails in S2 (Classic Mode) where if you are flying when entering the special stage via the starpost; the flying sound effect plays continuously throughout the special stage and continues when returning to the normal zone. The flying sound only stops when you fly again with Tails and then cancel his flight.

    Also when I played CD in Mirror Mode yesterday I experienced the glitch - which I believe is exclusive to the PC/console 2011 port of CD - where it showed the bad future aesthetic in Wacky Workbench act3 even though I had already collected all time-stones. It still stated that I "Made A Good Future in Zone 3" but showed the bad future instead of the good future (in the 2011 version this would also sometimes happen in SS Act3 & MM act3 after collecting all time stone). I don't think the android port of CD had this issue because it received bug fixes which the console/PC versions didn't receive. So I guess this means the port of CD in Origins is the PC/console port instead of the superior android version.
  8. netscapenow


    Was unlocking all the stuff in CD's extras menu today when I noticed that the time trial mode was pretty janky. In the special stages, running on the water long enough made the time bonus UFO appear (and i could smash it, which did nothing), which I'm pretty sure wasn't in the standalone 2011 version. Also, there's no way to restart or exit out of the time trial without completing it, which was pretty annoying (though I'm not sure if this was the case outside of special stages, cause I never had to restart once to get a total time of under 25 minutes like the pro gamer I am :V)
  9. kyasarintsu


    I really want to know what happens if you try to play multiplayer mode like this. I'm almost tempted to buy the game just to mess around with glitches like this.
  10. sayonararobocop


    Needing a palate cleanser after Origins, I was playing Sonic Mania and noticed that when you whiff a drop dash by landing on the ground too soon you trigger the same sound effect that happens after every drop dash in Origins S1 & S2.
  11. Xiao Hayes

    Xiao Hayes

    Classic Eggman art Member
    I'm soooo glad (sarcasm) they added Tails' flight assist to older games... The command shouldn't interfere with the regular double jump input even if that's implemented, yet it does and managed to make Tails even more annoying here. It happens even when you're not playing with AI Tails, resulting in having a really hard time to get an S rank on those missions for any accidental misclick of the up button.

    Not a bug, but whoever thought it was a good idea to lock the arrow keys to be menu-only inputs has my eternal hatred for forcing me to play with my gamepad which has never been good for classic Sonic and it's even worse when examples like the above one happen in this collection.

    More on topic, while either I've forgotten the bugs I've encountered so far, or they're already reported here there's one I haven't seen mentioned and remember: FBZ boss didn't use the flamethrower at all despite me trying actively to taunt him to use it.

    I found this one as well, and I'll add that, when this happens, the ghost will already be free and start appearing since the beginning of the act (the usual way, not like how Knux finds the big ones).
  12. Chaos Rush

    Chaos Rush

    I thought for SS Act 3 this was intentional so that you could hear the huer huers while racing Metal Sonic, since it’s basically his theme song at this point.
  13. Xiao Hayes

    Xiao Hayes

    Classic Eggman art Member
    The music is forced but otherwise it's supposed to happen in the good future if you earned it. What they're saying is that it forces the bad future level, not just the music.
  14. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
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  15. RDNexus


    Wow, that's quite the low blow from SEGA.
    And here we are, paying for others' craps.
  16. Naean


    Naean H.F. (Nez Man) Member
    United Kingdom
    2D. Sonic Fan Game
    Wow; that's not just "a bit of an arsey thing to do", it's in stupidly poor taste and a downright disrespect to the original staff and developers, without which part of this collection would not exist.

    What a perplexing alteration, one of the only ways I could see this being excused is if for example SEGA is really on that bad of terms (Particularly legally.) with Sonic 3's past staff, and if that's the case, fucking hell.

    If this is the case, it makes me question why the Sonic 3 (& Knuckles) in-game credits are apparently untouched from the original game(s)? Is it due to current-day SEGA's lack of technical know-how and / or time crunch? After all, blanking over text in a manual via Photoshop is so much easier and quicker than editing old code. Whatever the reasoning, it increases yet more inconsistency in Sonic Origins.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2022
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  17. Kimberly


    Wow, this whole history of Sonic 3's development (or post-development) gets more and more interesting.

    It's not really editing old code though I think? Since it's all-new on the Retro Engine as far as I am aware, which makes editing the credits as easy as everything else. However, maybe the manual + museum was done by SEGA while S3k was done by Stealth and the team.

    Another possibility is that a "manual" is just a presentation, which means they can edit it to their liking without facing any issues, whereas for s3k it's the actual game so they are required to credit the original people. That still begs the question of why they would do this though.

    I take it there are no s3 manuals on the net with the credits removed that they accidentally took or something?
  18. Naean


    Naean H.F. (Nez Man) Member
    United Kingdom
    2D. Sonic Fan Game
    Fair point. :)

    In that case, generally speaking, I guess it gives me the sense that SEGA are unfamiliar with, and struggle to work with, code / programming that isn't done in-house, including the Retro Engine.

    Based on what Stealth has said on Twitter, I gather that after Stealth handed in Sonic 3 & Knuckles to SEGA, SEGA took over with everything else, implementation, missions, etcetera.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2022
  19. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
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  20. Exoticus


    It makes no sense to go out of their way to scrub the instruction manuals while leaving the in-game credits intact, as you say. Makes me wonder if this is some sort of freak accident, but there is no way to rationalize that in my head. What a dick move.