The social media manager for Sonic posted on Twitter that there are currently no plans for a physical release. Edit: Sniped by a post with a link. This can be deleted.
I'm fine with classic Sonic talking in comics and multimedia projects but I've always preferred that they left the games version silent. I hope the new cutscenes are the same way or it'll be kind of jarring having modern animation and voice acting to bridge together 30 year old 16 bit games.
There was a post yesterday along the lines of "is anyone not going to buy this"... and I was really tempted to say "me me me, because I own five or six copies of Sonic 2 and I don't need another one". But seeing them put the effort in and having Taxman and Stealth on board - that gets my backing. I mean sort of anyway - the pricing strategy is ridiculous and I guess there's no guarantee Sega haven't removed certain music tracks, but ehh, it looks like a good baseline for those who haven't played these things before (and given the shock and awe over Quartz Quadrant Past, sounds like some people fall into that category!). But for me... well... there are limits to how much I can bring myself to care when I've played these games so many times. I guess it would be fascinating to see if that Sonic 3 (or hell, Sonic 1) prototype is acknowledged in some form, but I dunno man, do I want to pay full price just to see that? Probably not. But if it encourages a Sonic Mania 2 that genuinely breaks new ground in exciting ways (or at least, isn't rehashing old levels... because they're all here in this compilation), then yes, good, buy etc. Or just make that game anyway, because genuinely, why would you not.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but this also confirms Tyson Hesse isn't involved with the animations, right? Looking at the trailer I thought they didn't really look like his style, so it felt weird to have everyone assume he had to be the guy working on them.
Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if we ended up with the original S3&K tracks. At least they're not bad songs, and they'd be polished for the release, unlike how we've heard them through the prototype and PC releases. Actually having a gold standard of those tracks would be kind of nice not going to lie. Not to mention what they could do with remixes for them in the updated remastered mode.
"Stealth getting shafted" seems to be a recurring theme with Sega lol That's my bad then! I still dig the different art direction for the cutscenes, I think I prefer it to Mania if we're being honest
I'm guessing this is just based off of the game's description that leaked yesterday? It lists new content, and I honestly imagine people are filling in the blanks here. What would curators know that we wouldn't? Curators reviews are just user community reviews after all. I'm guessing that we'll get Hidden Palace Zone + boss rush, and that'll be it. It'd be nice to get more, but I'm not going to get too carried away here when we know very little.
The DLC I find disjointed and pointless. Just charge 45 for the game and call it a day. So much extra effort and confusion over this 5 dollar DLC. I think the DLC spoils the excitement I had, as well as the lack of physical release. How greedy can you get to charge for DLC on a collection of 30 year old games?
honestly this reinforces how cool stealth is... I remember playing his proof of concept for GBA Sonic 1 and after all of these years he's still making it possible for me to play the good sonics in Nintendo handhelds :P
Yeah, basically Knuckles would only need sprites for the special stage, twirl/fall, mini, and the Palmtree Panic loop. They already did this for Tails in the previous release, which is why I find it weird Knuckles didn't get this treatment considering the heavy promotion of him being a playable character in the trailer. The reason I brought up the 3D islands before is because they are a paid DLC at $5 USD (digital deluxe). Keep in mind that Mighty and Ray's Mania DLC cost the same $5 for two new characters made from scratch.
She sure does get a lot of representation in the trailer doesn't she? (A man can dream, can't they? :P) The content otherwise is looking pretty damn lavish either way, definitely not one of their usual quick emulator packs. Still some elements I'm wondering about, like S2's multiplayer and if Knuckles is added to CD, not to mention that 'coins' counter in Anniversary mode (does that mean all widescreen is forcibly infinite lives?).
For 16 bit sure, in 8 bit it's actually the second act of Green Hill (Where it is underground). Labyrinth is on the 'second' part of this island as you crawl your way up to the top of the island's peak... (so I assume around the back)
That trailer was so beautiful. I'm ecstatic that it features nearly everything I wanted and then some. Maybe there'll even be an unlockable Amy...
Well, when that changes, consider me onboard. =P The cutscenes are lovely and the mission modes look like a nice idea, this will be a great product on a disk or card. Shame the PC version has Denuvo - are they really that worried about piracy of a product that's not only existed for three decades, but already is easily available for download on PC in the form of the decomps anyway?
Partly hoping they reverse this prior to release for this reason. Shenmue 1&2 HD were intended to use Denuvo as well before they removed it right before release for the same argument: people could just emulate those games.