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Sonic Origins Collection - General Thread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by HEDGESMFG, May 27, 2021.

  1. qwertysonic


    creating the biggest sonic collection
    Unless there's actually something new, I don't know that I'll get it. I already own the Genesis games and though I also have the Taxman ports on mobile (and Sonic CD on steam) I prefer actually just the vanilla games on Genesis. Vanilla Sonic 3K is already an amazing game. I don't know that I'm that excited for widescreen mode. Especially since it's not Taxman doing it.
  2. President Zippy

    President Zippy

    Zombies rule Belgium! Member
    I'm with you there on remake fatigue. Here's a big fat list of re-releases I own of the original trilogy and CD, in addition to the S1-3&K original releases on the Genesis/MD:

    Sega PC Sonic CD and S&K Collections
    Sonic Mega Collection (GC)
    Sonic Gems Collection (GC)
    The Taxman/Stealth remakes of S1 and S2 on both iOS and Android
    The Taxman remake of SCD on Steam and PS3
    S3&K on Steam (just so I could play Angel Island Revisited)

    ... And I also own 2 copies of Sonic Mania (w/ Plus DLC) on Steam and Nintendo Switch: I can't justify spending $20 on yet another release. I would need not just quality of life improvements like widescreen, but new features and possibly some new content: like an extra act for all the levels in S1 & 2, something a romhacker with SonED or SonLvl could whip up in a couple weeks, without even writing new code or adding new assets.

    It doesn't even need to be anything mind-blowing like a restored S2 Hidden Palace Zone with an original boss, just something I haven't done 40-50 times already.

    I know most people here don't feel this way, but I think widescreen is one of those features that makes the old version obsolete, like being able to change boots in Ocarina of Time 3D without pausing. After playing the Taxman remakes, I can't go back to playing S1&2 in an emulator. Widescreen mitigates the blind ambush cheapness of Aquis, Slicer, and Shellcracker in Sonic 2.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2022
  3. Zephyr


    I'm planning to get it for no reason but to have 3K and CD on my Switch. Quality of life improvements, new content, additional games, etc. is a (very welcome!) cherry on top as far as I'm concerned.
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  4. Crimson Neo

    Crimson Neo

    Loopin' around. Member
    I honestly agree with ya. The only exception is when I'm playing ROM hacks. If it's not a ROM hack or just another Mega Drive game, I don't see a reason to comeback to emulators when we have Sonic 1 Forever, Sonic 2 Absolute and especiallly Sonic 3 A.I.R. for now. Of course, there will be people who will prefer the vanilla original games and that's completely fine.
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  5. Yash


    CHOCOLATE! Member
    Extraordinarily wishful thinking on my part but I wonder if maybe since this seems to be happening in-house at Sega, they'll be more open to adding new content? I recall the reason some of Christian's proposed additions/changes were nixed in the mobile versions of CD, 1 and 2 was they didn't want to let essentially a promoted fan put too much of his own print on the games, whereas it might feel less sacrilegious if it's the original team (albeit in name only at this point) doing it.
  6. Linkabel


    I'm still getting it, especially if they include goodies like they did with Jam/Mega and Gems Collection.

    I think it's totally cool if people that already have these games and actively play them don't want to get this.

    But I'm also sure Sega and Sonic Team know this since these compilations are always aimed at people that haven't played them or are relatively new to the franchise.
  7. Dek Rollins

    Dek Rollins

    size of a tangerine Member
    I just want Origins to be free of the mobile remakes' unnecessary and tacky changes. Give us a setting to disable the Hidden Palace secret in Sonic 2 if this is based directly on the mobile remakes.

    Honestly I'm hoping this isn't based on the mobile versions at all, because I wouldn't have to worry about that stuff then.
  8. biggestsonicfan


    Tech Member
    Imagine beating GHZ act 1 and a mobile ad plays upsidedown but you're playing the PC version... :psyduck:
  9. foXcollr


    Resident Dolphin Member
    Personally I'm fine with these 5 games, it's just about how they're presented. As long as this is an upgrade over the TaxStealth ports, I'm in. But if they're a downgrade then it doesn't seem worth it, I mean Sonic 3 AIR is always a click away.
  10. The Joebro64

    The Joebro64

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  11. MykonosFan


    MODE CHANGE. Moderator
    Very minor update, the game has been rated in Australia. SONIC ORIGINS | Australian Classification

    EDIT: Ninja'd, curse you Joebro :doge:
    I haven't used that mod so I haven't tested this myself, but Tracker threw this together: Unlock Full OST Menu Instantly in SCD:Restored [Sonic CD (2011)] [Tutorials] (
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  12. raphael_fc


    Overthinking Sonic timelines. Member
    I just remembered that Sega for some reason decided to bring CD's placement in the timeline back to between 1 and 2. Maybe this some reason is Origins? I don't know why Sega would bother redefining CD's placement out of the blue, after defining it after 3K 10 years ago.
  13. RetroJordan91


    The REAL Blue Sphere Guy Member
    Regardless of what SEGA says, I always felt that CD falls between 1 and 2 in terms of canon.. it’s presentation and similarity to Sonic 1 only adds to that.

    Also, is it safe to say that the collection is pretty much finished if other regions are starting to rate it? IIRC, the length of time between rating any game and actual release falls around the 2-3 month mark
  14. MykonosFan


    MODE CHANGE. Moderator
    It likely indicates we're close. Sometimes games get rated and take a long time to come out after; Ape Escape 3 was rated for PS4 4 years ago and still hasn't released, as an example. Generally I take it to mean that the content that will appear in the game is locked, though, which tends to mean the game is near-done. Still best to wait for an official announcement before jumping the gun just in case.
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  15. Snowbound


    Is there a Sonic CD mod that has the Japanese music for Act 1, the US music for Act 2 and the option to pick ur preference for the non-level music (opening, boss, etc)? I love both soundtracks and IIRC there isn’t act specific music in CD (aside from the boss theme) so this is a dream mod of mine.

    Anyways if this mod doesn’t exist then it would be a kickass feature for sega to add in origins!

    Heck throw in the STH Boom Album versions of the US tracks too!

    I agree that the spin offs aren’t necessary... as long as we are getting the definitive retro engine versions of the 5 classics. IF extra emulated games were included I know a great way they could do it. Reuse the 3D 90s bedroom from the Sega Genesis Steam Collection and contextualize the emulated games not being widescreen by letting us see someone turn on the system the game’s on. If Sonic’s World from Sonic Jam were brought back than this would fit right in as a location on the overworld.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2022
  16. Pengi


  17. shilz


    getting my daily allowance of vitamin kk
    I'm desperately hoping that they're NOT basing 1, 2, and CD off the remakes and porting from source, because, in all honesty, those versions are pretty terrible outside of the minor additions they have. How they've ended up as the "definitive" versions despite their inaccuracies is beyond me.
  18. What's terrible about them?
  19. raphael_fc


    Overthinking Sonic timelines. Member

    I'm not sure if we should discuss this in this thread, but people directly asked Ken Balough about it and he answered the idea at the time of Sonic 4 was really to place CD after 3K.
  20. Pengi


    I don't think that counts as defining Sonic CD's place in continuity. They never took a firm stance on it publicly. Balough himself chose to leave it flexible (some time before Sonic 4, but not necessarily immediately before) when discussing it at the time.