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Sonic Origins Collection - General Thread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by HEDGESMFG, May 27, 2021.

  1. muteKi


    Fuck it Member
    I do not actually like the menus in the mobile ports, at least not for 1 and 2. Those menus take forever to load and stick out a bit from the art style of the game. It's perfectly functional, I suppose, but I always prefer to play the decompilations because of how much faster it is to get into the game. I'm mixed on how they did Sonic CD in Origins; I'm fine with the original title screen bar options, but I would have preferred if there'd been *one* settings option that gave you both spin dash and music selection from one press -- I'm fine with the extras (DA Garden, etc.) as their own separate menu.
  2. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    They should have given us Sonic World 2.

    With a pause quick menu.
  3. Iggy for Short

    Iggy for Short

    Whatever the reason, not retaining the save functions for 1, CD, and 2 was a real shame, and is my biggest gripe against the collection by far. The additions were nice, and most other issues I had were nitpicks, but not being able to build clear saves killed my desire to go back to it after beating the Story and Mission Modes. I wish they'd done something to keep the feature - tweaked or reworked menus could've also been a good opportunity to unhide some of the extras/cheats and add options for certain additions, but even something barebones would've worked.
  4. TomGyroid


    I kinda wonder if Sega actually wants cheat options available outside of the cheat codes in terms of potential mandates of the games being "authentic", like how Egg Gauntlet got scrapped for being too different visually and what not. They did upgrade Knuckles w/ Tails in S2 to a default option (whilst demoting Sonic w/ Tails in S1, possibly because of initial bugs or something) after it was I think snuck into QA by the devs for the original remaster and just allowed to stay in, according to Stealth in his S3&K anniversary stream, in which he mentions such stuff that they'd "only" allow as cheat options.
  5. TheOcelot


    Scooty Puff Jr sucks! Member
    One thing I like about Origins 3K is that if you start a boss-fight and then turn super or hyper the boss music just continues to play, the super music doesn't overide the boss music.

    I like this because I'd rather listen to the boss track instead of the repetitive super track when fighting a boss, and of course it saves us from having to listen to the rubbish new super theme.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2024
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  6. TomGyroid


    At least until the level music resumes afterwards if you're still Super/Hyper I guess, specifically even if you use the Super theme disable cheat code, it'll STILL play again.
  7. TheOcelot


    Scooty Puff Jr sucks! Member
    If the boss music is playing whilst in super form there are two instances where the super music starts playing after the boss is defeated; 1) after defeating the first boss in Launch Base act2 (the super music stops when the second Eggman boss starts) and 2) after defeating Knuckles in Hidden Palace which is really strange. All other times after beating the boss the normal level music plays.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2024
  8. Solid SOAP

    Solid SOAP

    Nut Lord Member
    Been going through the games as Amy, which I didn’t really take the time to do when I got the DLC originally. Tbh unless I’m missing something this collection is basically perfect, I haven’t encountered a single glitch. There are like creative choices that are strange (e.g. keeping rings after a special stage in Sonic 2, the wrecking ball boss having I-frames when he appears in Sonic 1, etc.) but it’s a perfectly playable version of the classic games. Now I just wish I could play widescreen without the damn coins icon.

    They also fixed the blurry ass pixels from the original release! My biggest issue tbh

    Oh well! I think kids introduced to Sonic through the movies will love this. Frankly in its current state I don’t think it gets enough credit, especially with the ability to play as Amy. Very few retro compilations add new content like this does.
  9. Kilo


    Starting new projects every week Tech Member
    Changes with the weather
    To be fair, that was introduced through Knuckles in Sonic 2. But the option the have the vanilla behaviour would have been nice.
  10. Solid SOAP

    Solid SOAP

    Nut Lord Member
    I didn’t even realize that tbh

    Frankly I originally thought it must have been a mistake, but it really makes sense why they originally wouldn’t allow you to maintain your rings considering how easy it is to get through every special stage using this method.
  11. Fadaway


    I just want to be able to play the Christian Whitehead Sonic 2 'remaster' in 4:3 with the original 1-up mechanics, have elemental shields enabled, have the super peelout and no insta-shield. Why is such simple specifications always elusive to me??


    Honestly, Mania might be the only official title where that's possible as elemental shields/insta shield are often considered a packaged item.

    Obviously, decompiled versions of sonic 2 with customizable settings should make that possible, but that's not 'usually' how most people see sonic 3's abilities.
  13. Fadaway


    Oof. I meant the Drop Dash, not the Super Peelout.
  14. TomGyroid


    UltraFix adds the Super Peel-Out via SCD release date level select cheat code and Elemental Shields are available through an existing level select option, but I'm not sure about specifically disabling Insta-Shield alongside that; I don't think mod loader codes would help? IDK.
  15. TheOcelot


    Scooty Puff Jr sucks! Member
    I was playing through Sonic 2 in Origins earlier today and discovered an extra-life box in Metropolis Zone Act2 which I'd never found before. It's very easy to miss. It's not in the original version, it was added in the mobile remaster (released back in 2013). So it took me nearly 12 years to discover it :V

    I recorded a quick playthrough showing it's location:

    Think the reason I've never found this before is due to the placement of that Slicer badnik. I normally move without hesitating straight downwards to avoid getting hit (we all know a lot of the badnik placement in Metropolis is really unfair).

    Kudos to anyone who discovered this.

    Pretty sure I found all other extra routes Stealth & Taxman added in the remaster (in Hill Top, Chemical Plant, Hidden Palace and the extra-life box high-up at the start of Oil Ocean act2 on that extremely narrow platfom).
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2025
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  16. President Zippy

    President Zippy

    Zombies rule Belgium! Member
    I just want to say that I plunked down $12 for this compilation on Steam because "eff it, it's just $12 and the missions look fun", and I got a worse experience than playing S3 AIR and the previous taxman ports of SCD, S1, and S2.

    The loading animation between every act is infuriating (and hideous), the Amy sprite set looks like the work of an amateur, the unlockable goodies were a joke compared to Sonic Gems Collection, and they still haven't patched the Sonic 3 soundtrack to use the superior S3 Proto compositions or improved versions thereof (let alone paying Brad Buxer his damn royalties to get the versions most of us grew up with).

    Nothing other people haven't already said years ago, but I just wanted to vent about this phoned-in compilation. Ridiculous.

    EDIT: For extra emphasis my Steam copy of SCD 2011 is better than the Origins version. The menu is so slick and fits the style of the original release, and I can jump right into the game.

    The only people who didn't half-ass Origins were the people who made the animated cutscenes and the people who made the physical goodies with the Plus release. Thank you to those people for doing their best.

    EDIT2: For the people who paid the full $40, it sure would have been nice to get the Sonic Jam "easy mode" level layouts so their younger kids and nieces/nephews can play.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2025
  17. Vertette


    Weren't those originally from Knuckles in Sonic 2? That adds a few layout changes to accommodate Knuckles' glide/climbing abilities.

    Also yeah, I'm disappointed we've never seen the Jam layouts get ported to Origins. Would've been a good USP too.
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  18. penBorefield


    Badniks, attack! Member
    Conquering the world
    Maybe they forgot Sonic Jam's "easy mode" layouts existed so why bother.
  19. TheOcelot


    Scooty Puff Jr sucks! Member
    Some bits in the mobile remaster are from Knux in S2 but not much. In Knux in S2 they mainly just added a ton of extra-lives in high places, but not many new routes.

    The only new route added in Knux in S2 I can think of is; There's an extra high-up route near the end of CP act1 for Knuckles but in the mobile remaster this extra route is like 80% different. The extra life I mentioned at the start of Oil Ocean act2 is not from Knuckles in Sonic 2.

    As for whether any of the routes they added in the mobile remaster were from Jam, I've no idea. Now I really want to play Jam to see all the differences, lol.

    Oh and I just booted up Sonic 2 on switch (SEGA Ages) and it turns out that extra life in Metropolis act2 was first introduced in Knuckles in Sonic 2. So that's 30 years of me not knowing it existed instead of 12...
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2025
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  20. TomGyroid


    Plus they'd have to give SCD and its four layouts per level a similar philosophy. It is a bit of a shame to not have that for newer players (or Easy Mode's sample platter of fewer stages to breeze through, as Geek Critique sorta put it), but I wonder if it'd fall into the same camp of not including separate S3/S&K in that Sonic Team only wanted there to be the Anniversary/Classic/Mirror Mode ways of playing the games differently. I think Jam's layout changes weren't even made by the original level designer.

    I'd also assume Origins' S3&K tracks were literally just the best prototype music Sega still had access to and that they wouldn't accept the further along leaked prototype as their own without further verification they never got around to, if they weren't just content with that music to begin with and patching it out was even an option. Very ironic considering people initially speculated that the positive reaction to the prototype tracks leaking was the reason why Sega was finally comfortable with rereleasing S3&K in the first place when it seems like they couldn't have been less aware of that build's existence (and clearly had enough confidence in what they did end up releasing). Also wonder if they would've ever actually improved on them like they claimed or if that'd be too inauthentic for their mandates, like not changing the bosses for the scrapped Egg Gauntlet Zone. Meanwhile, "just paying Buxer his royalties" for the MJ tracks seems a bit too simple for that to be the solution of the music's decades-long legal taboos. It's just an awkward situation all around, it's not like anyone knew in advance to try and give Sega the HPZ prototype before or during development.

    I personally had a fine time with SCD 2011, but it really annoyed me having to quit out the game each time I wanted to restart a level and was noticeably blurrier.

    In other news, Origins' SteamDB now hides the developer branches like Superstars and Shadow Generations. Likely nothing (yet weird), but I'd laugh my ass off if they announced 3D Blast/Mean Bean Machine/Spinball were additional bonus DLC after Sega Classics' delisting, or Fighters with its delisting on Xbox. Throw in Flicky while you're at it, and still not Chaotix.
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