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Sonic Origins Collection - General Thread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by HEDGESMFG, May 27, 2021.

  1. Mookey


    By comparing it to another recording:

    The first video was in my first result for "sonic 3&K origins ost" on Youtube, and the second was in the first result for "sonic 3&k ost", for reference.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2023
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  2. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    And today I finished Sonic CD - with all Time Stones for the first time ever, and in doing so, getting my first ever PlayStation Platinum trophy.

    Thoughts on CD:

    * Menu music is once AGAIN defaulting to USA (necessitating a switch on first run) despite the fact I've set elsewhere in the collection to EU, and that it should be detecting the correct choice anyway based off the system region. SoA bias and lazyness.
    * TTSW is nice to have back as opposed to the mobile release, but it's the inferior out-take version and not the one from the MCD original. Sloppy mistake.
    * Thank fuck for the coins, on this one. There's a reason I've never fully cleared Sonic CD before, the special stages - especially later on - are absolutely dire. I burned through possibly high-30s coins retrying special stages - maybe 25 or so alone on Time Stone 6, with Time Stone 5 taking a good dozen or so. I actually stopped and restarted the entire game again because the 29 coins I took into the game on the first try I used up entirely before managing to get the 6th Time Stone. Going back in with 50 (Boss Rush S2 is a great way to get them) was a little overkill in that I think I finished the game on a net high-50s coin count, but jesus.
    * All the speech apart from the PAST and FUTURE soundbites being gone makes me sad. No more YES or Amy giggling is a shame - I know why they've done it, but still.
    * I continue to detest Stardust Speedway's level layout and question what drugs the designer was on. One of the worst levels 90s Sonic Team ever made.
    * The readjusted Sonic CD end credits threw me for a loop given I'm used to certain clips playing with certain audio timings. Given how much empty black space there was after the more rapidly played clips had finished, I think they should have spaced them out at the same rate as the original game.
    * Despite everything: largely due to the game's age, this WAS the least buggy game of the four, I found. I didn't have any collision issues aside from one timewarp in a Mission throwing me into solid rock, nothing in the main playthrough itself.

    May well be a long time before I touch this part of the collection again but that's less down to problems with the game as it is Sonic CD being my least favourite of the games on this collection anyway.
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  3. Antheraea


    Bug Hunter Member
    I do wonder if this might be a rights issue, given that we know that ownership can be as granular as composition vs masters vs final recordings.
  4. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    Meanwhile that happened to me in the main game.
  5. Terios 3&K

    Terios 3&K

    Blue spheres guy Member
    I know im late, but I want to give my two cents on Amy as a playable character, at first when gameplay got revealed I got very dissapointed because I tought she would just have an reskined instashield, but after a lot of playtime I have enjoyed her more than I tought I would, the trade off of loosing the invincibility in exchange of more range and not having to time it has proven very fun imo, its like a Knuckles and Ray glide situation (altough Ray's glide is much more unique), I would have maybe added a double jump when you leave the button pressed or some kind of bounce instead of the "hammer frenzy" as I haven't got that much use of it oposed to the hammer jump, but as it is I like the moveset, looking forward to using it in Superstars where it seems like Sonic does not have the instashield, I also like the sprites a lot, they don't follow the genesis limitations, but lots of things in this remasters don't, it really does bother me that she uses a emulated pallete instead of a RSDK one, and Sonic 1 and 2 use a lighter ping because of a bug, they should really fix that (I would have also made the skirt use the skin color and remove one green from the shirt, but thats just my opinion as someone that makes pixel art myself), but the sprites themselves are very cute and charming I love them, is really sucks having to pay 10€ as an early buyer, but for people buying it now al together really ties everything together



    The sheer level of disrespect Amy has for some of the bosses is downright hilarious at times.

    I know a lot of you don't care for her moveset, but I'll repeat it again, things like this make me quite enjoy her as a Sonic variant.
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  7. Snowbound


    Recently I’ve gained a new appreciation for Amy’s hammer drop dash as it greatly changes underwater traversal. Amy’s ability to move left and right while in hammer-drop state has done the impossible and made underwater sections fun.
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  8. TomGyroid


    So I played through Sonic 1 Game Gear, with mono audio settings on my PC and the Origins Blur Fix mod (which fixes the blur in the GG games by complete coincidence), and I had a pretty good time, it's a cute title. There was some noticeable lagging with heavy action on screen and slight input lag on at least Sonic's jump, but I'm guessing that's stuff just inherent to the original games?

    Then in trying out Sonic 2 Game Gear, I noticed the music/audio would fluctuate in volume with the usage of the PC's mono audio in accessibility settings, at least. Perhaps a consequence of trying to merge the sound channels of however Origins' weird stereo echo audio works or whatever. Again, would've been nice to at least have that option for regular audio in the settings if it's technically an option that you just need to go outside of the game for. If they can put in a totally useless anti-aliasing option that just makes the main games even blurrier (though as stated, not the GG games?), I don't see how a mono/stereo audio toggle would disrupt what they might want to view as the singular Game Gear experience, even though they already have an option for different regions' ROMs. Should I mention this in the Known Issues thread?

    Otherwise, it's looking to be nice having these titles all in one easy place alongside their Mega Drive brethren, without being tied to an older standard definition rerelease that either splits them up (with no 2P?) or lacks save states, and with the epileptic parts toned down and the option for the slight region differences. Though I still need to properly try them all out, I must stress. Just throw in the the option for stereo/mono audio, 4:3/pixel perfect and an official blur fix on top of that.

    In other news, they've released the long lost full version of the Launch Trailer music:
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  9. Ehfvanteis


    Still haven't gotten around to picking this up, but my enthusiasm for this title has completely dropped after hearing reports of how many bugs still seem to remain in the Plus version.

    I appreciate this is beating a dead horse - and from the sound of things, Plus is definitely a better release than the base version - but should we really be in a position where we have to rely on so many fan mods to patch these games up to an acceptable standard?
  10. RDNexus


    Seems like the norm nowadays... For whatever kinds of games out there... Dear Goodness...
  11. BenoitRen


    Tech Member
    They're most definitely not. The emulation is terrible.

    Sonic 2 and Sonic Triple Trouble have even worse input lag than the first game on this collection.
  12. big smile

    big smile

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  13. BenoitRen


    Tech Member
    When I saw how she ran yesterday, I thought it was jarring but deliberate because when she runs in Sonic CD she makes short and quick movements.
  14. Ch1pper


    Fighting the Battle of Who Could Care Less Member
    Stuff like Bridge Zone Act 3? Yeah, that's par for the course.

    I was going to say that I haven't had any problems like this, but I thought my short time with Sonic Blast felt kind of weird. …Well, weirder than usual. *shrugs*
  15. TomGyroid


    For reals? Barely heard about this. They've been emulating Game Gear for decades, why can't Origins just be okay for five minutes? Is it specifically input lag in particular?
    Yeah there's that, the Sky Base Emerald shortcut is particularly laggy, can happen a bit in the first level I think and there's a slight brief nanosecond freeze transitioning to the Signpost where Sonic's pallette gets slightly different, but I remember also seeing specifically that in SADX or such footage.


    Definitely sad that this one still got through. Do I pray for one more patch?

    Who knows.

    You should definitely report it in known issues. I don't even know what the chances of us getting more fixes are anymore, but alas.
  17. TomGyroid


    I mean the Steam files are still getting altered and I'd expect at least one more customary patch after a bunch of new additions that brought slight problems of their own, but y'know what they say about never being disappointed in lowering expectations. Makes me wish Headcannon was allowed to suggest more improvements to the games going forward, like what was presumably some of the specific updates made in Plus.
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  18. RetroJordan91


    The REAL Blue Sphere Guy Member
    If SteamDB is any indication, there’s still some tinkering going on behind the scenes as of three days ago so perhaps one final patch of bug fixes?


    Edit: Ninja’d
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  19. BenoitRen


    Tech Member
    The emulated game already lags in the first level where it doesn't in the original.

    I know these games are old, but they didn't have any input lag.
  20. Mr. Cornholio

    Mr. Cornholio

    Moronic questtion, but I saw earlier that Sonic 2 was updated to use Knuckles' palette for the title cards like the Genesis original (Green/Yellow/Red instead of Blue/Yellow/Red). Was the 'ring retainment' behavior after hitting a checkpoint brought back? I actually really dug that even if it sort of acted as an 'Easy Mode' for getting all the Special Stages. I was a bit baffled the 2010 mobile port yanked that entirely without having some sort of toggle.