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Sonic Origins Collection - General Thread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by HEDGESMFG, May 27, 2021.

  1. I sure did as soon as I saw the 8-bit Sonic 1 title screen and noticed Sonic's head was suspiciously not as round as it usually is.

    And yeah, I don't recall Sonic Adventure DX having any problem with the aspect ratio for Game Gear games.
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  2. TomGyroid


    So I'm guessing that makes both the Sonic 3 Complete sprite maker and RafaKnight uncredited on Origins? Also MJ I suppose.
  3. Whoops. Yup, you’re right.

    I don’t use emulators much so I didn’t consider the fact that you can scale the height and width differently. When I do, I usually just go for square pixels scaled the closest to the display resolution.

    In that case, wtf?

    Edit: To comment on more than just my stupid scaling mistake, I am not too surprised by the audio "issues." As some people have said, it's obvious to me that it's intentionally trying to mimic the experience of using a real Game Gear. Now, that's not to say it's a good idea, but it's not unexpected. My problem is that doesn't make sense for the collection thematically, considering 1-3K are "improved" experiences compared to the originals (don't argue if you disagree - I just mean from their perspective), and then these are supposed to recreate the originals, flaws and all.

    Looking forward to receiving my JP Switch copy tomorrow from Play-Asia to give it a go. This is the longest I've intentionally gone without playing a new Sonic release... excluding the Boom games. My PS4's fan is just ridiculously loud compared to the Series X, so I don't want to turn it on and buy the DLC. I'll probably grab the Pix'n Love release for the PlayStation anyway, so it'd just be a waste to get the DLC now.

    All I wanted was 1-3K in widescreen on Switch with a physical copy. I'm sorry to set the bar low, but I'll likely be pretty satisfied. I'm just happy I had the self-control to resist a digital version based on the rather baseless expectation that an improved release would come out physically.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2023
  4. BenoitRen


    Tech Member
    See, this I did not know, and is a much better counter-argument than saying "stop your vitriol" when I'm trying to correct the repeated statement that "this is the best way for casuals to access these games".
    It isn't, but casuals don't care.
    I do not buy this narrative that "fans do what Sega can't". People seem to forget that Sega is a huge company with a lot of resources. Plus, they have the source code. If they wanted to, they could do much better, but they're content with half-assed efforts to squeeze profits.
    Argumentum ad populum
    It's too much of a coincidence that they're removed at the same time as Sonic Origins's release.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2023
  5. Knucklez


    I ordered 2 Switch copies and 1 PS4 copy on Amazon. Then I only now find out after delivery that the 'Plus' content is digital code... So I'm returning all of them immediately. Sonic Mania Plus was the perfect physical release given that the base version came out digitally only as well. But this... Amy and the GG titles and you put it on a code? Nonsense. I buy physical copies to have it ALL physically. Ugh...
  6. muteKi


    Fuck it Member
    I will say this much about the mods Sega has had their internal staff make with the game's engine: I would not wish programming a bespoke scripting engine in a foreign language on even my worst enemies. There's a reason people say "throwing money at the problem" as a pejorative, and I'd much rather have the RSDK teams make their own more original stuff than continue to provide tech support to what are about 10-year-old alternate versions of about 30-year-old games

    (My complaints about the S3 physics still being fucked should be viewed in that light as well)
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2023
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  7. can confirm it's fun to spam hammers as Hyper Amy. Relaxed non-hyper quills are forgiven
  8. muteKi


    Fuck it Member
    Technically true because they wouldn't play Sonic 1, 2, or CD with touchscreen in the first place, they'd play something else instead like a temple run or subway surfers clone with controls suitable for the platform. If they want something sonic themed they'd probably play Sonic Dash.
  9. I'm sorry, but what's all of this about plagiarized sprites?

    Like, I've heard bits and pieces here on the forums, but as an outside observer, I can't help but think that if you got 10 different yet very skilled spriters and asked them to create new Super Sonic sprites based on the preexisting ones for normal Sonic, that almost (if not all) of the sprites would look nearly identical due to style replication and sprites size limitations. Am I just crazy? If they're 100% 1:1 and it has been said they were plagiarized, then I'll eat my words, but the most I've seen come out of it myself is "they're kinda similar, they must be stolen". Can anyone elaborate?
  10. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    I hope you have an empty stomach.
    A+ used pre-existing Super Sonic sprites from some other project as a placeholder. He did not redo some animations and the placeholder sprites went into the final game unchanged. He and Stealth apologized publically for the mishap.
    It was an honest mistake.
  11. My stomach is full, and frankly this isn't vomit worthy, I've seen so much worse over the years.

    So they were used as placeholders and accidentally got shipped instead of the intended sprites. Weird.
  12. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    Vomiting wasn't part of the deal. Print your post and start eating it.
    I don't think it's a big issue, especially after the apology. Like I said, honest mistake.
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  13. A video of what I’m referring to:
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  14. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    I like this attack too. It's largely pointless, but damn if it isn't just fun to do.

    It's a bit undercooked though. Whilst standing still, Amy has a unique animation for throwing a hammer which means that she has to complete the full animation before she can throw another. But if she's doing anything other than standing completely still, she doesn't have an animation and therefore the hammers can just be spammed ridiculously fast.

    Also, what's up with the whole Super/Hyper naming scheme for her in 3K? When she has all the Chaos Emeralds, she can transform but no message will display. And when she has all the Super Emeralds, she can transform, gains a new ability and message displays saying that she can now be Super Amy. They changed Tails so that he's consistent with Sonic and Knuckles in Origins, but they made Amy more confused than ever. I've played as her in S2 yet - Harry does it say when she gets all the Emeralds there?
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2023
  15. E-122-Psi


    As janky as the hammer run is, I noticed that the physics kill actually lets you cheese some high slopes. It's a weird effect though I suppose it is some sort of cool exploit Amy has, similar to her leap move from Advance 1.


    Hyper Amy's hammer spam is my favorite dumb twist from this whole thing. It basically canonizes the infamous Sonic X ep 52 hammer respawn scene on steroids, and definitely makes her hyper form unique (and arguably as broken as "Hyper" Tails, if not close to it).

    On the downside, it requires a second button, so it slightly breaks the one button rule for the game, but oh well.

    Sadly, I doubt we'll even see it again in any game, but then I suppose we're never seeing any hyper forms again officially any time soon. Hell, they didn't even bother to call her "Hyper Amy" per the glitch.

    Maybe it was another little thing Stealth snuck in himself without letting SEGA know?
  17. Palas


    Don't lose your temper so quickly. Member
    You know, for what it's worth, hyper forms have an unintentional Party At 5AM vibe to them -- rules, spoken or otherwise, no longer apply and people are just fucking around, half-hungover, half-drunk, doing whatever is fun but expends no energy at all, often being unabashedly silly in the process. Hyper forms already break another very important design principle in the games (you have to physically collide with objects to interact with them). The one button principle is a minor casualty.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2023
  18. AnimatedAF


    Still waiting for my copy to arrive but a few friends got their Japanese version of the game in the post now and apparently the QR code for the digital soundtrack is a unlisted YouTube video with about ten songs on it LOL.
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  19. RDNexus


    So...something someone with a code can access, rip and reupload to the masses. Great... Just great... ^^"
  20. Turbohog


    This should be a crime lol. What's the point of a digital soundtrack if you can't (legitimately) download it?