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Sonic Origins Collection - General Thread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by HEDGESMFG, May 27, 2021.



    They've successfully decompiled the code for S1, S2, and SCD before, so those will probably get modded like normal once the updates are done. Word is that decompiling S3&K was harder, though, if I recall.

    However, I do want Denuvo removed ASAP. I'm also hoping people can extract the map data and port it back into the Sonic CD 2011 mod scene separately as well. The new paths are kind of neat.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2023
  2. ELS


    Amy is worse than I thought she would be. My kingdom for whoever used to be in charge of Amy.
  3. Just tested it out, and hitting the balloon Mecha Sonics in Sky Sanctuary (during his second Egg Mobile fight) with Amy’s hammer jump somehow hurts you, even though it’s not spiky or anything. Your normal spinball jump pops those balloons just fine without getting hurt.
  4. Antheraea


    Bug Hunter Member
    an aside, 99.9% of the time, the answer is "it's never that simple". Obviously I don't know shit about the specific instance, but, yeah.

    It always drives me nuts when people (not you mind) are like "just do this", like, I saw a couple of Persona 3 Portable fans say that Atlus should "just" add FeMC to Reload as if it was as simple as taking the game's files and dropping into the engine and things magically work LMAO
  5. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    It's a remake. They have the opportunity to incorporate it from the start.
  6. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    This, pretty much. All people wanted from that was FES content along with FeMC in a potential best version.
  7. I like Sonic Blast. Sue me.

    I used this opportunity to try out the Game Gear games in the collection and see what the audio fuss was about. I picked out the issue almost immediately and I fully understand why people want it corrected, but... hear me out.

    I'm not sure how many of you own actual Game Gears, but I happen to have one with a copy of Sonic Chaos (my favorite of the bunch, personally), and upon hearing the fuzzy audio coming out of my Switch in handheld mode... it sounds pretty damn close to an actual old Game Gear speaker. Is this ideal? No. Not for most people. Is it intentional? Probably not- I can't prove it one way or the other but the rest of Origins is pretty damning on the verdict here. But I couldn't help but notice how the audio made me think of the actual old hardware. So I turned the letterbox background to solid black, pulled my Switch off on it's own in handheld mode, and played a few acts of Sonic Chaos. And honestly? It felt the closest to a modern Game Gear experience I think exists period (Steam Deck notwithstanding, but way more people have Switches than Steam Decks).

    I know most of you are disappointed in this collection to some degree. I am too. I grew up with the classic games and seeing them come so close to an opportunity for perfection only to get shafted so hard is disheartening and frustrating. I can't even say I'm mad at the state of the collection because, for all intents and purposes, I think this is the best official way for casuals to get into the old Sonic games, Game Gear titles included. I really genuinely do think only diehard fans and knowledgeable modders have better ways to play these game than what Origins offers, which... that's objectively a good bar to pass, yes. but when all other factors are taken into consideration, it just makes one wonder why we were only given 70% effort and not 100%. I echo the sentiments of everyone in here when it is said that the amount of effort and time it would take to fix these minor issues is miniscule in the grand scheme of things, especially when the definitive versions of these games is what lies beyond that metaphorical goal ring.

    But I digress. I'm happy with the collection. I am disappointed at the low presentation effort and disregard for anything better than "good enough". This is the first Sonic game to genuinely disappoint me on launch day, and yet I love it all the same. Remember when Sonic Origins was announced the day Frontiers was teased and we all collectively agreed Origins would be leaps and bounds better? What a time to be alive Sonic fans. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go play more Sonic Blast. That Green Hill music genuinely slaps.
  8. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    Yeah, what pains me is that the collection is incredibly close to being perfect. Stealth is right there but they rather keep him locked up on S3&K only and most likely rushed him on that too. If they had just let this thing cook until this year instead of rushing it out last year, it would have been something much greater. Instead, it's just an ok collection.
    I would still recommend it to people who want the core games in one package. The small things really don't matter to the general audiences. It's not like they have a choice anymore either.
  9. Gestalt


    Sphinx in Chains Member
    Have you guys played the NSO version of Sonic 2? Origins isn't half as bad.
  10. ELS


    If we had a real advocate at sega, they'd pay them for an extra year to really polish up all of the games to not only compete but beat what the fans offer for free on PC. It would hardly cut into their profits on the game and it would earn them frankly an insane amount of good will with everyone.
  11. Harper


    Isn't that just an emulated version of the original?
  12. BenoitRen


    Tech Member
    Casuals play on mobile, where the superior versions of Sonic, Sonic 2 and Sonic CD are still available. For Switch, we have the Sega Ages versions of the two first games, which are also better.

    This collection is only good for casual access to Sonic 3 & Knuckles.
  13. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    That's pretty reductive. There's likely no shortage of people at SEGA who want Sonic to be just as good as we do, but that's not the practical reality. The company is beholden to execs and investors whose primary concern is the bottom line. The developers themselves are never going to be able to unilaterally postpone a release, I imagine the case for that needs to be made to the suits and, if they're not sufficiently convinced by that case in a cost-benefit analysis, it's just not going to happen.
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  14. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
    While this is probably for the whole "flashing lights = bad" thing, it might actually be more accurate in a weird way. The effect (which is quite different to the Master System version, for the record) is probably relying on the Game Gear's screen being crappy - poor image persistance "smoothes out" the flashing on real hardware.

    e.g. if you've got a pixel switching between black and white every frame, you'd see the flicker on a modern TV screen, but on a real Game Gear you'd only see grey. Off the top of my head, Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP II uses this trick to simulate more colours.
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  15. Gestalt


    Sphinx in Chains Member
    I think so, yes, but I ran into some bugs that I don't remember from the original. (Graphics glitching on the result screen after a Special Stage, game softlocking itself during the bumper section in Metropolis Zone) It's weird
  16. RDNexus


    Is there a need to keep spewing vitriol along this thread? Try to chill a little.
    You already made a point this collection disappointed you, so why continue?
  17. TomGyroid


    Oh yeah, you guys tried selecting Amy/Amy+Tails for original Blue Sphere from the S3&K Level Select? It turns the sphere icons black (and then a bunch of colours if you mess around with it) and allows you to play as her there, but she turns invisible for the level clear animation. In one case I was playing as Sonic with an extra Blue Sphere HUD over the gameplay and it was softlocked.
  18. Zephyr


    See, I figured that must be the case, but nobody, including any of the many tech members around here, contested it. So I've just been left to wonder!
  19. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
    I would imagine it would be shockingly simple to change the height of a hitbox - you're just swapping out some numbers. Even if you had to do it for every frame of animation, it's not "difficult", just time consuming.

    But if it's a case of having to test 23489012348r0923 in-game scenarios or justify the work to whoever's in charge, that's a different story.

    My guess is that it wasn't an understood bug until people started posting detailed breakdowns. "I seem to be getting crushed more often in Chemical Plant Zone" is not an ideal bug report.
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  20. LuckyLagomorph


    Nope, IN
    Drawing shit
    I would have probably agreed if the Origins versions of Sonic 1 & 2 didn't just recently patch out Roll Lock.

    I can't go back, man. I can't! :ohdear: