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Sonic Origins Collection - General Thread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by HEDGESMFG, May 27, 2021.

  1. Blastfrog


    See ya starside. Member
    My expectation is utter disappointment. The slightest bit of competence or actual effort from modern-day SEGA is merely a bonus. If Headcannon is involved, there may be hope yet, but it remains to be seen.
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  2. OKei


    OKeijiDragon Member
    Isn't that how the Sonic cycle works?
  3. Snowbound


    How good Origins Plus turns out is directly related to how involved Headcanon is. I’ve had fun speculating about possibilities but I’m well aware we’re dealing with Sega here. My expectations are low.
  4. Laura


    Brightened Eyes Member
    Not really. If Origins Plus comes out then it will be a DLC along the lines of Mania Plus. An extra character or a few new games isn't 'way too high expectations'.

    Besides, high expectations is a good thing. If anything fans have far too low expectations when it comes to Sonic. If Origins Plus does come out and is hardly any better than the original then we should be disappointed and criticise it.

    I really dislike this form of cynicism which often masquerades as quasi intellectual but actually just permits SEGA to produce mediocre games because people have such incredibly low expectations for this franchise.
  5. Blastfrog


    See ya starside. Member
    I definitely agree with you that we should have high expectations, and as dedicated fans who pay money for a product, we should be getting our money's worth. If fans make excellent content (and they do) and a big corporation with lots of money like SEGA can't even hold a candle to that, it is SEGA's fault for being so mediocre.

    We've all been burned time and time again, and SEGA shows little to no inclination to do the right thing. I very much want to see quality products come from them, but it's wiser to just give up at this point. The winning move is not to play (SEGA games).

    Many people have passionately petitioned SEGA to do better so many times over the years, and they consistently show irreverence. It's time to give up. Expecting anything more than mediocrity from SEGA is inevitably going to lead to disappointment.

    It's like expecting Konami to start making real games again and not pachinko machines. Not gonna happen, stop hoping. It'll take a miracle to turn things around, and that'll only come if they decide to change their ways on their own accord, no amount of protest will influence them.

    Not to say that it's impossible, Nintendo did release the final build of Star Fox 2 eventually, but that only happened because they felt like it (and even then it was exclusive to the SNES mini, which like so many of their products are artificially scarce). The only way it got a widespread release was for people to defy Nintendo's wishes and rip the ROM.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2023
  6. Vertette


    Uh, surprise?

    On-topic, as sad as it is, I expect little from Sega at this point simply because I get burned less. It's like, wow, they rereleased SMB1+2+DX! And the physics aren't quite the same but it's more than what I was expecting which was nothing! And they finally rereleased the mobile ports, even if the new songs are bad and there's some bugs, but at least I can play S3 in widescreen now! Feels good(?) man.
  7. Zephyr


    Having a clear and sober perspective on the situation isn't "cynicism" or "quasi intellectual". You're essentially saying that we should be able to have high expectations and justify having them, and I agree, but we don't live in that timeline. We shouldn't have high expectations because we can't justify having them. I have the expectation that the sun will rise tomorrow, because I can justify having that expectation, because a precedent has been set for it rising every day. I do not have the expectation that Sega will deliver quality Sonic games, because I cannot justify having that expectation, because a precedent has not been set for them delivering quality Sonic games.

    Maybe you mean "expect" in the sense that a parent expects their child to do their chores and ear their dinner. If that's the case then it's a different sense of the word than others are using. Might be more clear saying that we should demand better. We absolutely should demand better. Having low expectations and criticizing mediocrity are not mutually exclusive. Just because we expect trash from Sega doesn't mean we should accept it when they deliver trash.
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  8. Kobz


    P+K+G Member
    Up until the recent Korean ratings leak, we wondered if Origins would even receive an additional patch to deal with the remaining bugs and anomalies, with plenty of folks (justifiably so) leaving it for dead. The fact that Sega is committing enough resources to an expanded release with the additional content we've discussed up to now is encouraging considering how easily they could have moved on entirely.


    I'd like to at least point out that adding a handful of ROMs, fixing bugs, and adding one extra playable character are still 'not' terribly high expectations given the actual information we have so far.

    Could they be wrong? Sure. My "pie in the sky" wish is simply Chaotix, but that's not exactly unreasonable given the choice of concept art and music included in the collection extras before. The other 2 addons are semi-confirmed by a leak, which, yes... could also be very wrong.

    And Bugfixes are highly likely in an update with a major physical release. Not at lot, but at least a few.

    Remember that SEGA themselves hinted at all of these things with the survey last year too.

    If you want to get really pessimistic, for all we know the Korean rating is somehow off and the physical release/Plus Edition actually doesn't exist, but I don't think that line of thought is super reasonable and does us much good either.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2023
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  10. kyasarintsu


    I'm not "expecting" better as in "these guys are trustworthy and have a history of providing good content" but simply "expecting" as in "holding a standard as a consumer". Plus existing is neat but really should have been in the base game. And yes, I'm aware of the company politics and deadlines—I don't think there's anyone who isn't.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2023
  11. This whole conversation about wanting better is dumb, but so is the "they're releasing an update of some kind so here is my crazy wishlist" stuff. Let's just try sticking to what we know based on the information available. If there's no new information then wild mass guessing does nobody any good.
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  12. Snowbound


    God forbid anyone has a moment’s joy and speculates about what Origins Plus could have. Conversely, God forbid anyone’s upset about vanilla Origins and isn’t interested.

    I tried to be polite about the “temper your expectations” bit but I want to point something out: I STILL haven’t purchased Origins OR Frontiers. I’m not setting myself up for disappointment, I’m saying what Sega needs to do to get ME to buy their PRODUCTS. If they don’t do it… well I’ve already legally purchased the classic games, so I’m just not gonna buy Origins Plus. If that’s what happens, I’m not gonna lose sleep over it.

    Occasionally I’ve mentioned far off fantasies of what Origins Plus can have but I’ve always been clear when I viewed things as unrealistic. I understand this discourse isn’t just about me… but honestly some of y’all need to lighten up. Sega sucks, I get it. We don’t hafta wallow in it though. That doesn’t mean you have to agree with me. But I think some folks could chill out when they see someone who has a different feeling towards a video game.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2023


    Guys please, let's focus on the game itself, not endless debates on how often SEGA does or does not meet expectations. There are times when they surprise us, and times when they disappoint us. We get it. Each person is responsible for their own emotions in regards to this.

    Yes, some speculation may be silly, but it's what we're stuck with until more concrete info drops. Some people might be disappointed, some might be very happy. Let's keep it on track, please.
  14. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
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  15. Linkabel


    Buy Lost Judgment, you get StF and as a bonus another great game to play. Spoiling just in case:

    I wonder if the artbook is going to have new stuff or just a print version of what's in the game already?

    And if Amy is playable, I wonder what moveset she has.
  16. Snowbound


    I’m not familiar with Comic There are a lot of clickbatey sites with similar names but I’m not going to pass judgement on the accuracy of this. However I will put aside my trepidation and give my opinions on this:

    - IF this is legit then I wonder if this was supposed to go out tomorrow since stuff seems to get announced on Thursdays
    - I’m glad Origins Plus will be sold for $39.99 digitally and physically. that said $10 seems like a steep dlc price for vanilla Origins players.
    - Having the roms in the museum is a clever way to justify the mix of retro engine ports and originals. I wonder if all 12 games will be unlocked from the start?
    - I’m happy to see Classic Amy in all games and Knuckles in CD. If both of these additions are true than I suspect that Headcanon is involved. I also wonder if we’ll get a couple new missions highlighting Amy.
    - Hopefully there’s also more concept art added to the museum.
    - Speaking of the museum, the inclusion of the game gear games have me wondering if there could be additional roms to unlock there. Realistically I don’t see Chaotix or SegaSonic being included… but maybe Spinball, 3D Blast or Fighters?
  17. Turbohog


    Never going to buy a digital-only Sega title on release again since they will just release a physical Plus version a year later with bug fixes.
  18. Snowbound


    I am 100% with you… unless they finally make a Mania 2 in which case I’m getting it on release day. Seriously tho, I’m really glad I passed on Origins at launch. If the leak is legit, then I feel bad for folks who didn’t wait
  19. Turbohog


    The thing is I never preorder or buy games on launch, but I made an exception for Mania and Origins. I still feel burned by Origins and am just not a fan of this business practice.
  20. Laura


    Brightened Eyes Member
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