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Sonic Origins Collection - General Thread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by HEDGESMFG, May 27, 2021.




    Again, we're also spoiled by feats this community has pulled off with these games over the years. When we have figured out how (after 25 years) to pull off tweaks like the above in the current ports, it makes it hard not to hope other players can experience some of these same cool upgrades themselves.
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  2. Naean


    Naean H.F. (Nez Man) Member
    United Kingdom
    2D. Sonic Fan Game
    Like 2 years from 2020. :V
  3. There it is lmao. The game definitely did not release a year and half before entering active development.
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  4. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
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  5. Mastered Realm

    Mastered Realm

    It wouldn't be the first time this happened (ie.: all SEGA Ages titles being reffered to as 'ports/remakes', Sonic 4 Ep II's "It's a brand new engine!" and let's not forget the "Made by the team that made colors and generations" remark on Sonic Forces.

    To me there are two paths:

    1.: These versions are using Whitehead's engine, but aren't being ported by him (just like the Sonic CD PC port on Steam or Sonic 1 and Sonic 2 Classic (the new versions on mobile after the "Sega Forever" brand was created)

    2.: M2 created a special emulator to display graphics in widescreen for the Mega Drive. While still emulation in the technical sense, it wouldn't count as so in practice, as the experience it's offering isn't remotely achievable in real hardware, so we can't say it's just emulating the Mega Drive anymore.

    I doubt CW or Stealth are directly involved, for now at least. Sega would have mentioned them already if that were the case. Maybe they're still negotiating with the developers who will handle this. There isn't even a logo for it. They clearly just approved the budget and the concept internally and just wanted to get the word out because Sonic Colors Ultimate is not enough for a 30th Year celebration.
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2021
  6. There is zero guarantee that Sonic Team or Sega would have mentioned their names already though, even if contracts were already signed. This is pretty plainly evident considering how no names have been mentioned at all, with Iizuka even getting evasive when any names are brought up. I think there is an awful lot of merit to the notion of Sonic Team not wanting to derail the hype for Sonic Colours. Revealing Taxman's potential involvement in Origins would absolutely generate a ton of hype for a game that is minimally half a year away, but it would practically guarantee an onslaught of negativity directed at Colours.
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    Let's also not forget that this is a collection of games that have been released dozens of times (even if S3 hasn't been rereleased for a decade now), and are widely available to buy on multiple platforms TODAY.

    I think this collection will do very well, but it's not like it's hard to play these games legally today. This shouldn't be any kind of marketing prioroity for Sega to begin with. We're only really interested in this collection here because we understand precisely how meaningful this collection 'could' be if done right. Most games will barely give a thought to this collection until someone tells them "Hey, this is the best version of the classics EVER!". This isn't even a Mania 2 level of hype, not even close.
  8. Forte


    I speak better after three beers Member
    It would be funny if they re-released Sonic 4 ep1-2 in this collection in de-make format. A man can dream, right?
  9. McAleeCh


    Honestly, if they had the time and resources to do that I'd say they should just spend it making something new to include, rather than demakes of two games which gained somewhat mixed reception and are chock-full of repeated level tropes from the classic trilogy.

    Even assuming you'd have to stick to the same amount of Zones as Sonic 4 Episodes 1 & 2 combined, you could still do something fun and new incorporating the classic gameplay - perhaps a short extra game with 8 all-new Zones bridging the classics and Mania, with the game's ending somehow resulting in the Phantom Ruby warping onto Angel Island (thus serving as a subtle advertisement for what to pick up next for folks who enjoyed the collection). Or maybe a game which takes Sonic 3's Competition Mode stages and fleshes them out into full new Zones, ending in a few completely new stages to round out the package. Or something else entirely!

    Not that that's really what's on offer here - the collection's been announced as featuring the five classic Mega Drive/CD games, so that's all I'm expecting. Still hoping there's some unlockable galleries of videos/concept art etc. surrounding it, but at the end of the day providing it contains well-executed 16:9 remakes of all the games advertised then I'll be happy. = )
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2021
  10. RetroJordan91


    The REAL Blue Sphere Guy Member
    So what are the chances of Tee Lopes being involved with Origins by composing remastered versions of the classic games (mainly the Genesis titles)? It would be a really cool option to play with both the original 16-bit tracks (they way they sound in the Retro Engine if that ends up being used) and the remastered modern day remixes of the tracks as well a la Mania. I don’t think CD would need it since those used real instruments to being with and they already sound great, but a man can dream lol

    Tee already made official remixes of the following zones in Mania:

    - Sonic 1 -> Green Hill
    - Sonic 2 -> Chemical Plant and Oil Ocean (he technically did the entire OST with Sonic 2 HD)
    - Sonic 3&K -> Angel Island (act 1), Hydro City, Flying Battery, Lava Reef, Blue Spheres (EDIT: Also the 1-Up Jingle and the Act Clear jingle)

    Hearing all of the tracks modernized Mania style would be a great combination with all of the games being remastered for new platforms.. do I think it will happen? I don’t think so.. I honestly think something like this can happen if the games are completely redone using Mania style sprites and palettes

    One selling point would be the option to play either the remastered Taxman ports as they were originally or the revamped Mania style that I mentioned before.

    Like I said, highly unlikely, but definitely something that can make Origins stand out from previous collections if it will only be the main 5 games
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2021
  11. I'm honestly fine with just the "remastered" soundtrack from the Mobile versions (and I hope Sonic 3 & Knuckles will receive the same treatment). Although, new remixes would be appreciated too, maybe as some extra, who knows.
  12. muteKi


    Fuck it Member
    It would be funny but I don't see why they would make that over just bundling Mania. Aside from preferring the Tails controls and maybe the (really unoriginal) bosses, S4 offers basically nothing that even Mania doesn't do better.
  13. shilz


    getting my daily allowance of vitamin kk
    The music they did for the mobile versions... don't really sound much different outside of not being direct game rips, and if they were to redo the music in any way, I'd prefer it in the same way that Sonic 3 AIR / Render96 do, locating original samples and matching them to the final versions. Of course, they would never do something like that.
  14. TheOcelot


    Scooty Puff Jr sucks! Member
    Iizuka said the reason why Origins is being developed (along with Colours Ultimate) is for new fans introduced by the success of the movie. So I think this new release could include an "easy mode" for each game perhaps similar to Sonic Jam's. Maybe with some badniks removed, more invincibility item boxes and the extra-lives system completely removed. Colours Ultimate has removed the lives system so a mode without lives in Origins seems possible. Also, I think playable Tails is guaranteed as he's pretty much considered easy mode. Mighty definitely comes across as an easy-mode character in Mania because of his protective shell so perhaps he'll also be included.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2021
  15. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    I'd love if there were options for sprite styles. Even if the options are between original and Mania (since Mania has most of the base sprites for all 5 games covered) I'd take Mania's any day.

    I just hate Sonic 3's sprites so much, at least Sonic's set, he looks like goofy in half his sprites. Knuckles only ever had Sonic 3 sprites until Mania and I just prefer Mania's Knuckles. Tails for some reason is destined to only have one basic sprite style for all time.
  16. Sid Starkiller

    Sid Starkiller

    Virginia, USA
    Paying off student loans
    If there are, there have to be all options for all games. There are those of us who prefer the Sonic 3 sprites, after all.
  17. ...way to exclude the superior sprites Knuckles recieved in Chaotix. Only half-jesting, as those are my favourite sprites in the entire series, but I get that they don't do it for everyone. Even if, barring unexpected extra work to create new sprites in each style, Sonic was the only one to have unique sprites for every entry in the collection plus Mania, having the option to choose your preferred sprites would be lovely. Unless they happened to include the 32X sprites, I'd likely use 3's sets most of the time.
  18. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    I was just thinking of the route that'd require the least amount of effort. I mean that'd be amazing if they took the effort to make all new sprites based off Sonic 1 and 2 to fit into Sonic 3 (Sonic 3 I think is like Mania where there are enough sprites to cover all actions from 1 and 2, CD would require a few new sprites though), just not sure if they'd do that.

    I wonder if they'll fix sprite inconsistencies, like Sonic 3 occasionally using Sonic 2's rotation sprites (even though there are Sonic 3 versions of those sprites)?
  19. Sid Starkiller

    Sid Starkiller

    Virginia, USA
    Paying off student loans
    Gonna be honest: I would legitimately be angry if they did it that way. Whether they intended it or not, they would be saying "Love the Sonic 1 and 2 sprites? Put them in any game you want! Love the Sonic 3 sprites? FUCK YOU YOUR OPINION IS WRONG."

    Fixing sprites, though, I'm 100% down for.
  20. bombatheechidna


    I don’t like Sonic 3s sprites. His belly looks like Mario’s from Super Mario World. He looks like he ate Mario. Mania’s and Sonic 2’s versions are superior. I even prefer Sonic 1’s over 3’s.