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Sonic Origins Collection - General Thread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by HEDGESMFG, May 27, 2021.

  1. Chimpo


    Artificial Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    The definitive edition of Sonic 1 is Sonic GBA to match the current state of quality.
  2. TheOcelot


    Scooty Puff Jr sucks! Member
    16:9, Tails & Knuckles playable in S1, Hidden Palace & Proto Palace in S2, Tails being able to fly, Tails assist, extra routes in some zones, options to have no ground/air cap in S1, Elemential shields in S1 & 2 made the 2013 mobile remasters easily the best official versions of these games and added far more replay value. Same goes for the 2011 version of CD.

    I'm happy we finally have the remasters on consoles, but it irks me so much that thanks to some strange/stupid decisions and being rushed out the door that Origins isn't quite up to the same standard as the original versions of the remasters. I live in hope Origins has sold well enough to warrant an "Origins Plus" physical release with a much needed patch. For fuck sake SEGA please add the option to have the finite lives systems in Anniversary Mode, I can't help but cringe every time I see COINS.
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  3. Oh yeah, forgot about that in my list. This was a game changer in 1 and 2. I was super bummed about Origins until I realized that the cheat menu was still accessible.
  4. I didn't mind when for Sonic Forces they had removed the lives system, but... ugh, fuckin'... COINS? The f were they smoking?
  5. Blue Spikeball

    Blue Spikeball

    I mean, without coins there would be no significant reward for exploring around or amassing rings in the S1 and S2 zones in Anniversary Mode.
  6. Alright, that's fair. But... I don't know, for me, having coins seems... off-putting.
  7. Londinium


    People actually read these? Member
    They should've called them Sonicoins
    Make the designs Sonic heads
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2022
  8. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Should’ve just made them fucking red rings
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  9. Chimpo


    Artificial Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    It just seems sacrilegious.
  10. TomGyroid


  11. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    What coins or red rings? Because coins yes
  12. kyasarintsu


    I dunno. I never got the big deal about them being coins. It's a cute anagram of "sonic" and I don't think it's good to reuse the red ring design for something that isn't a hidden collectible.
  13. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
    They have all the same letters between Sonic and "KTE" to write "TOKENS", that probably would have been better.
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  14. RankoChan


    I'm bored, k? Member
    Some random RPG project.
    I'm still disappointed on how Origins turned out. The bare minimun I'd expect for $40 would've been giving the Mania team full control of the project and (re)port all of the games into the latest version of the retro engine as a unified experience. Would've allowed for neat stuff like a randomizer mode, Knuckles in CD, and expanded multiplayer. Heck, if they were running in the same engine you could bring back "lock-on" and allow owners of both Origins and Mania to combine the titles akin to the recent Hitman games.

    Instead we got a rushed mess of mobile ports frankensteined together.
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  15. The classic Sonic advent calendars also came with the 10 ring coins which was weird. Did they exist in Generations’ and Forces’ classic levels? I don’t play those levels enough to remember off the top of my head. If so, I guess that would sort of make sense. Though the real reason with the calendars and the red rings sets is that Jakks probably had them already and it’s a good way to move excess stock. It still is slightly annoying lol.
  16. Yep, they did. And if I recall correctly collecting every single RSR in Planet Wisp Classic unlocked the Homing Attack for Classic Sonic.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2022
  17. Ah, I figured. Well that’s not too egregious then. It applies to the red rings as well. Still not really things people associate with “Classic Sonic” but it’s not like they threw in a random Sticks figure lol.
  18. TheOcelot


    Scooty Puff Jr sucks! Member
    Have no problem with red star rings being in Sonic 4 Ep2, but I don't like that by collecting them all you are awarded...absolutely nothing. Even if it was something simple like unlocking sound-test or maybe concept art from the game at least it would give a reason to go out of your way to find them all (does anyone remember "concept art Friday" prior to Ep2's release, heh).
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2022
  19. Sonic Lost World also had something like that where if you completed every mission, Omochao'd say something along the lines of "You recieved a reward" but turns out the reward was simply NOTHING.
  20. TomGyroid


    It is still weird that Headcannon weren't just offered to helm the rest of the games in the collection, especially when Sonic Team seem kinda limited in working with the Retro Engine themselves (like they can't implement a simple Drop Dash without creating several problems and seemed too squeamish to add Knucks to SCD) and the same team was also busy with Frontiers at the same time. It legit would have been the easier option to just outsource it all to Headcannon instead of splitting focus between that and Frontiers. And as someone on these forums pointed out, they'd rerelease the remasters they didn't make but outsource the rerelease of the game they did make (Colours Ultimate). Maybe they just thought they're the only ones to handle a collection of what is ostensibly THEIR games, even though some of the changes/lack of additions they went with are pretty weird and confusing, if not outright rookie mistakes like the Hedgehog Engine making the pixels of these games kinda blurry in 2022. I do wonder if it would have been too much for Headcannon to focus on a new remaster, missions and various improvements to three other titles alongside museum stuff and maybe separate projects on the back burner, considering Sega rushed their schedule as is just to make S3&K and they presumably aren't as big as Sonic Team (although wasn't Mania originally a collection of the remasters plus new levels?), or if they just really, REALLY needed to have a Sonic Team-curated museum and 3D assets, or at least aspects of the collection only Sega could manage like the new cutscenes. But could those have still been outsourced for Headcannon rather than the other way around?

    Technically Taxman made it so the games are all still running on the same RSDK (v5U), but the older games are still earlier engine iterations. I'd wonder if that'd make S1/SCD/S2 more up to date and "compatible" with S3&K/Mania or if it'd just result in more issues, like with physics. At least the Rings could consistently rebound generously like in Mania/S3&K.