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Sonic Origins Collection - General Thread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by HEDGESMFG, May 27, 2021.

  1. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    I'm willing to guess the curl into a ball while charging a peek out as Super/Hyper issue is because they didn't give Super any new max speed or peelout sprites, and the game's probably looking for sprite values as they were in Mania, but they're not there so they load what's in it's place now which is rolling sprites.

    It's funny seeing all the unintentional Mania leftovers, kind of makes the whole experience feel like a very elaborate Mania hack that turns it into S3K, which I suppose it kind of is. Once you start to dig under the surface though Mania stuff starts popping up again. This, the combi ring loading the broken Mania HUD, the cool bonus still incorporating into your score at the end of act tally even though the line was removed, the FBZ fans in debug let you hover over them like Mania's FBZ fans, the Egg Reverie flight code, the Eggmobile in Launch Base controlling just like Mania's HCZ Eggmobile if you toggle debug on/off during that cutscene, probably more.

    I'm more upset they did remember to axe Mighty & Ray. They're good boys let them in S3K.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2022
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  2. AzuraRacon


    Exactly what I needed to fill the “walking against the latch button” shaped hole in my heart thank you
  3. Sai Start Marker

    Sai Start Marker

    Born in 1947 but made for the 90's Oldbie
    I've been hyper-fixating on this lately. Using the Sonic 1 decomp, I've accidentally activated it like twice, trying different variations of the Knuckes in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Level Select. It's possible it's the same code in Sonic 2 (2013)? I'd also love to know what this code(s) is, as it has no documentation about it on the internet and it definitely exists as a button code in Sonic 1 (at the very least).

    All I know for sure is that it's all D pad inputs and ends in Up. :V
  4. TomGyroid


    Weird they didn't address what that code would be in the (pre-S3&K cheats patch) Speed Strats video on secrets, though they also happened to ignore Sonic 1's, albeit quite obscure, 8th Special Stage/Special Stage creator. S1/SCD/S2 really have that "someone else's work dropped into our laps" energy coming from Sonic Team here. I also remember not being able to save the created Special Stage between game sessions in Origins, but maybe that was always the case in this remaster and/or an intentional decision. It's kinda surprising they didn't just remove it entirely like they did Proto Palace Zone, that is if ST are even aware of its existence.
  5. Sai Start Marker

    Sai Start Marker

    Born in 1947 but made for the 90's Oldbie
    Okay, so I just figured it out. To activate the Regional/Tails to Miles code via button input in the 2013 versions and in Sonic Origins, at the title screen in both games, press Up, Down, Down, Down, Down, and then Up. One more Down input than the original Sonic 2 code. :V

    Go make Yamaguchi proud. Or enjoy Naka's hidden credits in Sonic 1. And I'm sad the special title screen for Tails is missing in Origins. It's amusing watching it instantly change in the 2013 version.

    EDIT: On further inspection, if you start the game as Tails, pause and select "Title Screen", it'll at least show the unique title screen. Better than nothing I suppose!
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2022
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  6. TomGyroid


    Good to hear they didn't remove this code! That just leaves Sonic CD as the only title where I can't play as Miles. Another detail showcasing how SCD was the earliest of the remasters, which they've only somewhat addressed so far in Origins.
    You actually can still see the Sonic & Tails/Tails/Knuckles title screens in Origins, you just need to exit back to the title screen after you've selected that character in the character select/level select. Same with Knuckles' KIS2 title screen, though I think that one only works by exiting the level select after picking the the character. Maybe selecting the title screen in S2's pause menu resets the game entirely whilst it doesn't in S1's?
    Edit: It turns out my the S1 Special Stage creator has just saved my created stage between game sessions, so either they recently fixed this or I screwed up when making that note initially. Probably the former.
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2022
  7. Davether


    That's awesome to hear, great find!

    Its a shame the title screens get all confused, its a byproduct of the save file/character select system they implemented. I think it would have been better if they make you select a character BEFORE the title card like how it was handled in the mobile version, its less disruptive that way. Or at the very least, allow a no save option without needing to go through the level select cheat.
  8. Diablohead


    Indie dev Oldbie
    Near London
    Honestly they should have had a barebones game select like sonic jam and handled all the cheats, options and extra in the games themselves just like the mobile ports. Woud have been 10 times better.
  9. Snowbound


    So at this point can we definitely say whether or not Headcanon was brought back to work on the patch? I don’t think anyone has made an official statement although I’ve been working long hours the last few weeks so I could’ve missed something.
  10. Harper


    Seems to be SEGA.
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  11. TomGyroid


    I mean there's a S3&K code or two that weren't active in the game's code up until now (no items code, blue shield code, random items code), and considering how Sega's been kinda awkward in working with the Retro Engine, maybe it was someone else who helped them?
  12. Antheraea


    Bug Hunter Member
    I mean, you could do that in the original and AIR too, so if they made it a total cakewalk it wouldn't be accurate :V

    wait just a fuckin second, is that why 7-7-7 is how you win big in slots? I thought it was arbitrary but that explains a lot. it was always a question for me as someone who grew up in a city where even the grocery stores have slot machines (Las Vegas).

    easier to implement and requires less testing. The password system already existed in the 1.0 release so there wouldn't much in the way of implementation, while a proper cheats menu would require a lot more work that would not really be within the scope of "bug fixes and minor additions". Think new assets, new UI coding etc.
  13. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    Also a bunch of hidden number cheats is far more in-theme with the games of the collection, given that's how they always were. Mania was a brand new (OK yes but you know what I mean) game.
  14. TomGyroid


    Well CD's remaster actually turned a couple cheats into unlockables, only accessible through a brand new extras menu. It's kinda weird as it's the only game in this collection you don't do the title screen cheat codes for.
  15. Laura


    Brightened Eyes Member
    Yeah I'm not really a fan of options being hidden in a sound test mode. I get that's how things were on the original games but it's 2022 and not 1992.

    We can't just blame SEGA for this either. The original version of Mania was averse to allowing custom options on save files and all the new options added to Plus were confined to the Sound Test.

    I'd understand if it was God Mode or something but there's such inconsistency. Debug Mode utterly breaks the game but is allowed in Extras. But then max control was relegated to Sound Test. Baffling.

    As much as I love Mania, relegating options to the Sound Test has precedent with Mania.
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  16. Kobz


    P+K+G Member
    This. Max control has become my default setting whenever it's an option. It's easy enough to mod it to stay on without entering codes or enabling debug in Mania, but it still strikes me as odd given the presence of debug in the Extras menu. In the case of Origins, I don't believe it was among the codes reactivated or added with the latest patch. Whether that changes through a future patch or modding, it's yet another item on the "wait and see" list for this game.

    On another note, I still can't get over the fact that they charged extra for a DLC music library with completely mismatched track names out of the box. That's egregiously poor form on Sega's part.
  17. big smile

    big smile

    Yeah, this was completely baffling.

    Even more so because they didn’t have a lot of rewards for collecting the gold medals. Putting some of those extra cheats, such as Max Control and Super Sonic flight as toggle option unlockables for the medals would have made the medal system more rewarding.

    It's the same issue with Origins. The coins quickly lose their usefulness (especially once you've got all the museum content), so having a shop where you could buy the cheats as toggle options would have given the coins more longevity.

    As TomGyroid said, Sonic CD turned many cheats into unlockables, so I don’t know why they didn't stick to that better approach for the all cheats in Sonic CD and all the subsequent games.
  18. Algo922


    Same thoughts here. Sonic Mania is my favorite Sonic game, but I absolutely loathe having to input codes on the sound test to enable in-game options. Wouldn't mind it the first time, but it should be something to be toggled in the options menu anytime after.
  19. TomGyroid


    Max Control actually was added to S3&K in the latest patch through the Super Peel-Out code, as Drop Dash/Insta-Shield are of course always enabled there in Anniversary Mode regardless.

    S1/SCD/S2 on the other hand... Still lack either the Insta-Shield or Super Peel-Out. Though I do wonder if Sonic Team trying to implement that themselves would cause a few glitches like Drop Dash did.

    But yeah, instead of spending resources on that, we get a few extra quid for barely remastered music you can't play anywhere else in-game that once again teases a game that's only been rereleased on GameTap in 27 years. That's Sega for you.

    Maybe there's some mandates in place or such limiting how the cheats can be used? Stealth mentioned in an old S3&K campaign stream that they could only get away with putting some neat cheats into the S1/S2 remasters because it wouldn't be part of the game proper. And lo and behold, going into Sonic Origins, Sega would even retroactively make the once-default option of playing as Sonic w/ Tails in S1 now a cheat-only option, even though they simultaneously upgraded the hidden Knuckles w/ Tails option in S2 to a default option (maybe because Tails does show up in a normal Knuckles S2 playthrough?). So maybe Sega's preferring some stuff to stay as cheat codes for these games?

    (1:14:03 time mark)
  20. Ooh, that’s a throwback. I remember wanting that for Chaotix when I was younger. Never got it but I do remember the ads pretty vividly.