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Sonic Origins Collection - General Thread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by HEDGESMFG, May 27, 2021.

  1. TomGyroid


    Not to mention S&K's title screen as the LBZ->MHZ transition. Though Knuckles' non-MJ S3 theme isn't included in Origins even as a museum track (S3&K's sound test doesn't even include all the distinct music tracks for some reason). And of course you lose a distinct track with the MJ music removal as S3's non-MJ Mini-boss theme became S&K's.
  2. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    So I don't know if it's exclusive to that 0000000 code or if I've just never encountered the conditions until now, but in S3K Origins if you don't die or get hit in the level you still get the cool bonus from Sonic Mania. I got a time bonus of 3000 and 0 Ring bonus and my score tallied to 13000. You don't see an entry for the Cool bonus but you still get the points for it. (And that 1 hit death mode is no joke and I now want that for all 4 games. That is a challenge that I'm grateful infinite lives exists for. Lives in that mode would be the ultimate classic Sonic challenge)

    Also ya it'd of been nice if they modified the S&K title screen so it'd be a toggleable option. Just scrap the character select for the Sonic 3 menu and there you go.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2022
  3. E-122-Psi


    I'm not positive but I think the Knuckles and mini-boss theme in S3 were MJ since they use similar samples as the removed level tracks and weren't in the prototypes or PC versions. That said Knuckles does have his prototype/S+K Collection theme.

    Even besides the MJ tracks, I think the recurring theme songs and fonts are enough to warrant a toggle. At the very least it's better than completely random selection that they have now.
  4. nineko


    I am the Holy Cat Tech Member
    If you want a similar experience in Sonic 1, you can enable "panic mode" in my hack to disable everything that can protect you (rings, shields, and invincibilities).
  5. RetroJordan91


    The REAL Blue Sphere Guy Member
    So after getting some playtime in with the new patch, my game crashed twice on the Switch (one crash hasn’t been fixed since launch and one crash when playing with a certain cheat code)

    1) The game still crashes when obtaining the sixth chaos emerald in a playthrough of Sonic 1 with Sonic & Tails.. this one is a pain because the only way to play Sonic 1 with both characters together is through level select and for the Switch, it’s impossible to beat the game.

    2) This second crash occurred in Sonic 3&K (both Anniversary and Classic modes) after activating the Sonic 3 branding code (01,09,09,04,00,02,00,02).. when playing through Angel Island Act 1, I activated the first checkpoint after the level caught fire, but the game crashed before the bonus stage starts.
    Upon further testing, it turns out that the crash only occurs when accessing the slot machine bonus stage (the Gumball and Glowing Spheres stages run just fine).. I only tested this at that particular checkpoint so I can’t confirm if this occurs at all the other checkpoints as well.

    I will attempt to contact SEGA support and report these crashes so I hope these get addressed in another patch down the road.. I would hate to have these slip through with no fix whatsoever

    EDIT: Ninja’d on #2 in the Known Issues thread
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2022
  6. kyasarintsu


    I really don't like having all of these things hidden behind layers of obscure passwords. Why can't we just unlock this stuff with our coins at some special "customization" shop? It would add much-needed longevity to coins and would make this mechanic a lot more transparent and manageable. Mania had a simple, easy menu for this stuff.
  7. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    Yeah, these obscure cheat codes should be a relic of the past, who actually likes them? Just make them purchasable like kyasarintsu said.

    Although I doubt they're gonna do anything beyond re-enabling the codes like they've already done, making a new menu is probably too much effort lmao.
  8. I for one thoroughly appreciate unlocking/discovering optional codes and content. I wouldn't be bothered if there were an option to pay to unlock everything, especially if not all encompassing. I'd rather put forth the effort to unlock and/or execute such hidden content, but I can't say I'd fault others for not wanting to.
  9. Crimson Neo

    Crimson Neo

    Loopin' around. Member
    Man, kinda sad we didn't got a similar main menu in a similar style of 2011 CD for Sonic 3 & Knuckles, even tho' I'm not exactly sure it would be necessary for Sonic 3's case...

    But would love any excuse to.
  10. _Sidle


    Unsure how dumping the cheats would "add much-needed longevity to coins" any more than the shop items in the normal game you already bought. Actually, coins don't even need longevity added to them, since they infinitely serve a purpose for as long as you do special stage runs (and aren't one-shoting them every time).

    Another thing: IMO, unlockables are just not secrets, full stop. Seeing something in a shop waiting for you to 100% feels inevitable and mundane. It doesn't begin to scratch the same itch as doing urban legend stuff. Having to actively seek them out via inputting strange codes is nice... a basic unlock menu (while undoubtedly convenient) doesn't have that neat locked-away element to it.

    Modernizing the system without losing that cool hidden aspect I like about the codes is a tough balancing act. Couldn't tell ya what a good compromise would even look like for that...
  11. Harper


    It'd be nice if there was a hidden menu to toggle stuff like Sonic 2 2013/Origins has. Would be even better if it actually affected save files. I prefer Sonic 3's camera over the Sonic 2/Mania camera, but for some reason the Sonic 3 camera is locked behind a cheat code.
  12. kyasarintsu


    As someone who doesn't keep up with the community or history of the games the passwords have no cool meaning to me and are just an annoyance. I hated having to constantly look up the sound test cheats in 2 and 3 whenever I wanted to use them as a kid (as they were meaningless, unmemorable sequences of numbers to me) and I don't like it now, either. A shop is mundane and I'd still prefer it. I don't think there's a good enough reason to keep this stuff as obscure as it is when Mania had an easily-accessible list of adjustable settings. I had no idea what Mania's secrets were, as I played it blind, and thought it was fun to just get random popups telling me I unlocked things as I collected medals. Maybe simply having an invisible counter for the total number of medals accumulated could work as an unlock method, I don't know. Anything but the tedious method we have now.
  13. Iggy for Short

    Iggy for Short

    My compromise would just be having a cheat menu that each option pops into once you've used the code at least once. Everyone still gets to have their fun knowledge pass-around but once you've used a cheat you don't have to dig up the code again unless you prefer to activate it that way.
  14. E-122-Psi


    I feel like cheats work for more obtuse treats that weren't in the originals like flying Super Sonic and elemental shields in S1/2, but in terms of the stuff that was in previous releases like choosing between the standalone or lock on cosmetics of Sonic 3, I think those should be more accessible, especially since most of them affect the actual gameplay less so don't risk changing up a save or time attack in an unfair way.

    CD has menus just for spin dash and soundtracks after all.
  15. Endgame


    Formerly The Growler Member
    Without looking through all the pages to see if someone's answered this already, but do you know if adding mods to the game on the PC will stop me getting achievements (I know this is the case for some games)?
  16. Crappy Blue

    Crappy Blue

    Knuckles' Chaotix is a perfect game with no flaws Member
    I haven't played with that many mods, but I've played the game with the clean upscaler mod and a music mod loaded through the mod loader and still gotten achievements, so at minimum achievements aren't disabled from opening the game through the mod loader with some game files changed.
  17. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    To my knowledge the only mod I've played with that disabled saving in certain places was the elemental shields enabled by default in Sonic 1 and 2. Every other mod worked fine with saving and achievements, but none of them are super technical yet due to Denuvo.

    You can even trick the game into giving you achievements with a 100% save file mod, then just doing things will trigger certain achievements the game thinks you "unlocked" even though you're a cheater :eng99:
  18. TomGyroid


    It's weird we have to mod in better picture quality settings in a 2022 game release, like forcing progressive scan on a 6th gen console game or something.
    I might have actually messed up Competition's Time Attack with a run using the normal physics/abilities code. It manages to record your best time even if you blatantly cheese it to all zeros using debug mode, so don't know how that'd be fixed other than maybe just wiping your save file.

    They basically went from an entire Extras menu in SCD to slightly different level select cheat menus in S1/S2 to just making it all codes in S3&K. Selecting shields or random monitors had the same toggle in S2 while it's two separate codes in S3&K. Maybe there wasn't enough space for cheat toggles on S3&K's extensive level select, barring a sub-menu through code like in S2. Or maybe even with that option, the production of S3&K's remaster meant they couldn't make a menu with all the cheats because they weren't sure they'd all be working in time for release this time around, but then maybe they could've also just fixed it later on?
  19. The Game Collector

    The Game Collector

    Washington State, USA
    Being Ted Narcotic's bass player; working on Kelly Kristjanson's tape archive; collecting video games
    For me the worst issue with the game that this patch doesn't cover is the bad gravity in the Sonic 1 Special Stages.
  20. Shade Vortex

    Shade Vortex

    The Black Vortex Member
    USA, WA.
    YouTube Memes
    The special stage physics being different isn't something they're likely to fix, they've been that way since the mobile remakes.

    Notably besides the infinite rubble glitch, another remaining glitch is one where if you hold up or down when on top of the animal capsule at the end of the stage, your character enters a funny spin animation for a duration of time. Not a big deal and honestly, I kinda hope it stays in because it's funny.
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