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Sonic Origins Collection - General Thread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by HEDGESMFG, May 27, 2021.

  1. RDNexus


    It was supposed to be "a way" for newcomers to experience the classics the way they appear to be at the time.
    But, of course, with a more polished look xD
  2. E-122-Psi


    In hindsight Classic Mode would have been the PERFECT reason for the downgraded music, having the more console accurate audio for that mode but keeping the enhanced tracks for Anniversary Mode....but they did it for both versions.

    Again a lot of ideas and tweaks that COULD have made sense with the right direction. They took out Drop Dash for more accurate controls...but kept Spin Dash in Sonic 1. They ignored all the old physics codes to make Classic Mode more accurate as well.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2022
  3. Sonic Warrior TJ

    Sonic Warrior TJ

    Time for a buzz, cuz Member
    There's a new Speed Strats about cheats for all the games.

    I didn't know about the 8th Sonic 2 Special Stage. Gonna have to check that out.

    Next video will apparently be about actual speed strats.
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  4. ...Wow! They actually added this as an option? AND fixed the Knuckles sprite?!

  5. netscapenow


    Another weird Classic Mode oddity: They went through the trouble of removing Super Tails in S2 as he wasn't in the original, but left him in in 3&K (as in, Super Tails when you get the Chaos Emeralds and Hyper Tails when you get the Super Emeralds, as opposed to Super Tails being locked behind all 14 as in the original). This is a nitpick for sure but it's weird that they bothered to make one game more accurate and not the other.
  6. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    The 8th special stage was actually added in the mobile version, I seem to remember it being made a sizable deal of at the time because of how much it utilised the new fully-3D special stage engine. You're not the first person who seems to have not heard of it, which I'm somewhat surprised by.
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  7. Sonic Warrior TJ

    Sonic Warrior TJ

    Time for a buzz, cuz Member
    I played the mobile version back when it came out, but just kinda flew through it once to play the remade Hidden Palace Zone and never touched it again. I never enjoyed using the touch screen for platform games. The 8th Special Stage looks pretty sweet so it's too bad I didn't see it before.
  8. RDNexus


    I saw it on YouTube, so I always knew it existed.
    Those twisting turns are quite in line with Sonic 3D's special stages, if I'm not misremembering ^^"
  9. E-122-Psi


    Really they had a good layout on paper, and even most of the resources to DO it well, but it's not really set up well:

    Anniversary Mode: Needs more enhancements to stick out. Keep the remakes' enhanced audio for this particular mode and maybe have some cheats active by default (eg. adding the extra emerald and Super forms to normal play and Sonic/Tails mode being a player option in S1).

    Classic Mode: Do more to make it console accurate. Again make some cheats active by default and the level select letting you deactivate them instead (eg. the speed cap options). Some enhancements like Sonic 1 having spin dash and Sonic 3K's Hyper Tails should also be deactivated by default for authenticity.

    My Data and Rankings: Really online leaderboards was a nice gesture but broken by recording ANY mode's run, who's gonna bother retrying against records that had Super mode on? Just rename it Time Attack, still base the other modes on unlocking levels but only record times played through the menu itself.

    I am starting to appreciate Mission Mode more as I play it though. Yeah the layouts are very fan hackish but some of the challenges are actually quite clever and fun.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2022
  10. Abiondarg


    This is a cool thing for them to highlight. I bet a lot of this stuff goes unnoticed for many people.
  11. muteKi


    Fuck it Member
    I mean I land firmly on the side of thinking that even the level layout changes made to Marble Zone to accomodate Tails's and Knuckles's playstyles ruin a lot of the better-realized aspects of the stage's visual design and composition, so I struggle to think that adding the seventh special stage to S1 without cheats for the purposes of differentiating the anniversary mode over the classic mode is gilding the lily. For that matter, you wouldn't have access to Super Sonic until Labyrinth 2 at the earliest, so it's not like it would be all that useful the way Origins is designed, and besides that most of Sonic 1's stages have a lot fewer rings than the later games, so you wouldn't be able to be super for most of the stages either.

    But I mean I'm also that cantankerous asshole who thinks adding the spindash to Sonic 1 was a mistake that ruins the game's ability to communicate ideas to the player, so I expect a bunch of you young whippersnappers to stay on my lawn despite my protests


    I'd be a lot happier if the S3&K physics weren't literally ruining a lot of valid speedrun strategies. Still need that patch.
  13. Last edited: Jul 22, 2022
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  14. nineko


    I am the Holy Cat Tech Member
    I was holding my phone upside down when I opened that video, and that made me notice something, I think they went with "coins" in the lower left HUD because that's literally an anagram of "Sonic", and so they didn't have to draw any new letters. Change my mind.
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  15. It sounds so Sega to try and get out of that sort of minimal work.
  16. Snowbound


    Now we just need to find 2 currencies that are an anagram of “Knuckles” and “Tails”
  17. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Knuckles wasn't spelt out though, it was "K.T.E"
  18. Algo922


    NGL, I'm really digging the acceleration and physics from Mania brought to this rendition of 3K. Feels even better with the drop-dash, hope they don't patch it out to be similar to the original physics in 3K. If they do patch it, at least just fix some of the quirks some of the members mentioned here.

    There are some routes I remember from the original 3K that were hard to get to with Sonic without pixel perfect button accuracy. It's more easier than before now, with a shortcut from Hydrocity Act 2 coming to mind; Same shortcut that was in Mania actually lol.
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2022
  19. G Spindash

    G Spindash

    Rock/Metal DJ, Audio Wrangler Member
    Sonic 3 & Knuckles Remastered Soundtrack
    Re the speculation on why they didn't just use the original roms for classic mode.

    I'd assume it's simply because of the extra work it would take to get S3K to play the replaced music.
    Perfectly possible to do, but if done incorrectly, you still might end up hearing the Original music through bugs, glitches or hacking.

    Cue the Sonic tubers & news sites with the headline: THE ORIGINAL MUSIC IS STILL IN THE GAME!!!

    Doesn't excuse Sonic 1 & 2, but using the S3K rom would be too risky unless you hacked it (or went back to the source code) to remove every trace of the original music.

    Also probably safe to assume that no finished S3K rom exists without the original music.

    Too much effort for Sega, for something that's basically an extra feature on the collection.

    Doing it the way they did, the fans can mod in whatever they want & Sega's hands are legally clean.
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    So here's my honest take on this...

    I don't mind if the physics aren't a perfect 1:1. What I do mind are game breaking cheap deaths and physical changes/collision that mess up fairly common runs (speedrun or otherwise). There are a lot of areas where you get hit or worse yet, die, where you just shouldn't, and can do so easily regardless of skill. Those are the types of things I'd like patched if at all possible. If the physics aren't 1:1, I can forgive that. Most of the differences in Sonic 1, 2 and CD didn't bother me save the roll-lock, but after playing S3AIR, it's clear the differences here mostly make the game worse.

    However, Tails upward flight acceleration seems much harder to control. That's the one accelleration issue I have issues with. The rest I can adapt too even if I don't prefer them.

    But they need to fix some of the collision issues and the cheap deaths if possible. The easy crushing deaths in CNZ are the absolute worst of the bunch. Fix those and the death egg emerald chase death and I'd start looking the other way on the rest of the problems.