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Sonic Origins Collection - General Thread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by HEDGESMFG, May 27, 2021.

  1. JRokujuushi


    J64 Member
    Free coins for everybody.

    EDIT: Nevermind, just saw it was mentioned earlier in the thread, just not through this video.
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2022
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  2. MrMechanic


    The thread is massive so... odds are it's been mentioned... But I just learnt this and since it's a new page.

    If Tails gets "Stuck" off screen and wont stop jumping. A quick way to fix it is to force his flight helper function (Jump + Hold up(?)).

    It will cause Tails to spawn right on you and stop his endless jumping offscreen.
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  3. AzuraRacon


    The fact that this works almost makes me wonder if Tails jumping specifically is interrupting his respawn?

    Like for some reason it still considers him an active character only when he’s jumping or something; because the game will respawn him just fine if Controller 2 moves him with the D-pad as well
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2022
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  4. RikohZX


    I wouldn't even be surprised if adding in the Mania style flight control for AI Tails is partly what broke it. I don't know how Sega managed that after their slapshot work with almost everything else, but it's usually the tweaked stuff that has something broken attached.

    Besides Sonic 1 special stage physics, those are just plain broken.
  5. AzuraRacon


    those flight controls were actually in the mobile version already

    It’s less They’re Mania Styled, and more Mania Reused Them, and people were even pretty excited about that
  6. foXcollr


    Resident Dolphin Member
    I agree, NiGHTS and Sonic CD really rely on a manual to tell you what's going on. It's antithetical to the other games in the classic series, but I think it's understandable given its time and the fact that a lot of people actually read manuals back then, or at least the first few pages. Allowing the player to at least get a good ending with the Time Stones is a nice concession for people who didn't understand what was going on (me). And my god yeah, time travel being instantaneous would've helped a lot. Trying to find a good place to time travel your first few playthroughs feels a bit tedious, especially when there are no spring traps or automated sections nearby for you to cheese the system. Also... accidental time travel... not a fan of that, lol.

    Restarting the stage in the Good Future sounds like a neat idea that I might try too. One thing I really wish CD did was have a mandatory "Future" Act 3 before you move onto the boss. You either play Act 3 in the Bad Future, or you destroy the robot transporters in Acts 1 and 2 and play it in the Good Future, exactly like the boss act. But you get an entire separate level to just enjoy the reward for your efforts and listen to the cool music you earned, no need to scavenge the level for signposts or a transporter, or find a place to time travel a total of 3 times in order to get back to the future, only for it to be over shortly because by the time you've done that you're usually already halfway through the stage. And unlike the boss act, the music doesn't get cutoff 10 seconds in.
  7. Has it always been the case that the robot generators become automatically destroyed after obtaining all the Time Stones in CD?

    Yesterday I tried to get all the generators in addition to the stones rather than stopping once I get all the stones, but to my surprise, the generators spawn in their destroyed state once the 7th is obtained. I thought I've done a generator + time stone playthrough before but maybe I’m wrong.
  8. Nik Pi

    Nik Pi

    Sonic 2: Archives
    Yes. It also was in Mega CD version
  9. Harper


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  10. RetroJordan91


    The REAL Blue Sphere Guy Member
    Well it’s most certainly good news that patches are being worked on.. here’s hoping that many more are in the near future so that these damn bugs get fixed
  11. sayonararobocop


    @Laura figured this one out and it was a lifesaver for me !
  12. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    I think the issue might have to do with the game confusing player and cpu inputs. In the mobile ports originally they could mostly be played only by one player locally (idk about 2 Bluetooth controllers on am iPad maybe). So you activate Tails with 1 player inputs which also gives you control over Tails. But maybe now that two controllers work, the game thinks cpu Tails is player 2 Tails and won't bring him back because the game thinks a person is trying to control him (and Sonic 2 mobile online was all on one screen, your opponent would show up on your screen with 2P above them if they were in your area but otherwise they were offscreen doing their own thing). If you activate Tails' flight though, it makes the game remember "oh that's player 1/cpu Tails" and then he'll come back.

    Oh another oversight. When playing as Knuckles and Tails in Sonic 2, the special stage tally still lists Sonic Rings and Tails Rings.
  13. Londinium


    People actually read these? Member
    I still wish this game had the Master System and Game Gear Sonic games unlockable.

    Sonic Adventure DX had them, and that was 20 years ago, so why not Sonic Origins?
  14. Laura


    Brightened Eyes Member
    It's very inconsistent. At times it works immediately and at times he has to fly manually for a good while and he'll then respawn when he lands.
  15. Nik Pi

    Nik Pi

    Sonic 2: Archives
    For the few unpopular games- he needs a write/steal/buy emulator for new gen consoles. For.... what? For meeting the needs of few players? This games is very unpopular, most of gamers don't know about this games. Also origins- it's a firstly compilation of classic 16 bit games. 8 bit games would look out of place, imo.
  16. Londinium


    People actually read these? Member
    Sonic Origins presents the chance to introduce new players to the 8-bit Sonic games. Those games can be popular, the only thing inhibiting them from gaining notoriety is that Sega never pushes those games the same way they do the 16-bit ones.

    The 8-bit games can be side dishes to the main attraction, they don't need some new island, they could just be available from the museum.
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  17. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    This is an interesting mod. Sonic 3 Alone

    I wonder how they pulled off this effort this early in the game? This mod seems more technical than the others so far, especially Sonic 3's mods (although someone enabled 360 rotation in Sonic 3 via a mod)
  18. MastaSys


    And something that was clear with Origins is the more casual folks (to the franchise, not gamming) don't really care if it's a shiny 16:9 remastered port or an slapped up emulator as long they can play some game. It's would definitly help justify the price range without much cost.
  19. Xiao Hayes

    Xiao Hayes

    Classic Eggman art Member
    *Xiao got through over 50 pages of this thread.*

    Seriously, between Frontiers and Origins you've made me read more posts this month than in the whole preceding year. I haven't played Origins since I started reading; well, to be fair, I stopped playing Origins and then chose to read to fill the gap because I haven't enjoyed it much.

    Besides the usual stuff that bothers everyone and some quirks that bother just me, I've found out I'm in fact a purist and most of the time I hate playing on widescreen, have added moves and similar stuff. One of the main points of me wanting to play this was trying the remasters for the first time to check the differences with the originals out, but it had the same effect on me romhacks centered on mechanics have: if I don't get new levels or find odd how the game plays, I prefer to revert back to the vanilla versions.

    I haven't touched story mode yet; I went to the isolated games first for some training after years of not playing those, and the mission mode because it was the newest (albeit most modernized) stuff and the legit way to get coins in no time. So far I've beaten 1, 2, and 3K and I'm halfway through CD, then I'll go to Story mode and get all the bad endings on purpose to see if it makes any difference. I'm still missing some S-ranks on S2 and S3K because odd mechanics and because I'm not as good playing these games as a lot of people around here seem to be.

    Speaking of all that, I've broken my promise and haven't recordings of my gameplays for you because I din't found them really interesting and were even embarrassing given my lack of practice and my overall attitude compared to when I was young and innocent. I don't play that weird, I just don't play elegant.

    That's all for now, more to come when I take a rest from reading text walls and replying other topics.
  20. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    no reverse gear Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    steamboat wiki
    Please please please please please document the bugs they're fixing on the wiki. It will be difficult to roll back to earlier versions, and it's important to note exactly how the game ran at launch.

    I don't have the game and I don't have the time. It's information that will be lost on YouTube, lost on Twitter, and lost on these forums.