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Sonic Origins Collection - General Thread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by HEDGESMFG, May 27, 2021.

  1. Kimberly


    I've just beaten the game 100% and here's what I think of the whole package.

    Here's the order of how I think the performance goes for each game:

    Sonic 1 > Sonic CD > Sonic 2 > Sonic 3
    Version: Steam

    Sonic 1 plays almost exactly how you expect from the mobile ports. The sound is fine, and the game overall is fine. The biggest problem is that it has the known Retro Engine quirks with more strict crush collision, and other small quirks.

    Sonic CD also plays mostly the same as the mobile ports. I never played the steam standalone version, but I imagine it's also similar. Something I really disliked about the remastered Sonic CD which is still present here is how poorly some of the songs loop. The JP Boss music just does not loop correctly at all, and some other songs suffer from the same problem. Another nitpick I have is how the score tally waits for the "level complete" music to finish, which does not occur in the originals. This makes some transitions feel much slower. This too was present in the mobile ports, and I dislike it. I still dislike it now.

    Sonic 2 is where things get worse by a lot. The first thing you notice is that the ring sound effect is not correct. Some people already mentioned it, and I can confirm its presence. If you are a decent player you will notice something that you have to deal with during the whole playthrough: Tails. Tails have an issue where the function that he respawns after you are too far away from him is completely broken. This causes Tails to get stuck and jump constantly. It is so bad at times that you just want to mute the whole game. Hidden Palace is present but has no achievement or anything attached to it, so it's just... there.

    Special stages are annoying because Tails is still as useless as always, and you can't turn him off in Story mode, meaning you need to get the "higher difficulty" amount of rings vs Sonic alone, even though you most of the time end the special stage with tails having pretty much always 0 rings or less than 10.

    The biggest problem with Sonic 2 is definitely the tails problem, which seems to be a matter of fixing up that respawn functionality that they broke for whatever reason.

    Now the meat that most people just want to buy this for: Sonic 3.

    I think a lot already mentioned it, but it's not really good. The thing you notice literally immediately especially if you come from Story mode (thus play the games in order), is the quality of the SFX and BGM being much lower compared to the other games. I am honestly thinking it is even lower than what some base emulators offer, which is pathetic. FORTUNATELY, the Tails respawn issue is not present in Sonic 3, so Tails does not get constantly stuck over and over. I also heard Drop dash is the best in this version. Honestly, I've rarely used the drop dash, since I am used to just playing the game like the old-school versions.

    Retro Engine's more strict crush collision is the most noticeable in this game, and it's extremely frustrating. You get crushed constantly if you spin dash at places, spin dash quickly after a moving platform went high enough, and get crushed in general. After Sandopolis I was just really done and just wanted 100% the game and don't open it anymore.

    If you purely considered buying this for Sonic 3 then I personally wait for a sale or bug fix patches. Sonic 3 A.I.R or Sonic 3 Complete even are much more polished products, and Sonic 3 A.I.R (legally) only requires the steam version of Sonic 3 & Knuckles which... you can no longer get actually because SEGA pulled it down, but much cheaper than what Sonic Origins costs.

    If this does not get any bug fix patches than it's an incredible average product at best, and if this is what SEGA offers us during the wait of Sonic Frontiers, then I do not look forward to what a mess Sonic Frontiers will be.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2022
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  2. FlackoWeasel


    Blue cheese lover! Member
    I noticed a very small detail on Knux. When he glides, his guills move a bit during glide :). They were still when I played on MD.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2022
  3. Laura


    Brightened Eyes Member
    Yeah I also find the crushing really annoying in Sonic 3. Lol. But it's also nice to go back to it and see its still a very well designed game.
  4. E-122-Psi


    I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed this happen more often. CNZ 2 has a area with the blocks that's absurdly hard because of this. I think Mania had this issue as well.
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  5. Laura


    Brightened Eyes Member
    Yeah I'd say Manias biggest gameplay flaw is how many damn crushing hazards there are.
  6. Kimberly


    Mania 100% had the same collision problems, and it's a shame to see nothing got improved regarding that. It's way more noticeable in Sonic 3 too. I highly doubt that in particular is going to get improved post-release too, so regardless of how many bug fixes come after this, the annoying deaths related to getting crushed will likely remain forever.

    Something I forgot to point out in the "review" above is Sonic 1's special stage. I've always felt the "smooth" special stage is way more difficult than vanilla. During my playthrough, I also had a harder time in Origins. Not only because of what I feel are straight-up different physics due to "real-time" rotation, but also because I feel hugging emeralds make them disappear much slower than they do in vanilla. This is especially noticeable in Special Stage 3 with the massive wall surrounding the Chaos Emerald.

    The smooth special stage was also present on the mobile ports and had the same physics inaccuracy.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2022
  7. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Ya do not spindash directly next to those electrical triggered crushing hazards in FBZ when they're down on the ground, you will die.
  8. RetroJordan91


    The REAL Blue Sphere Guy Member
    I really want to say that these features would have certainly made it into the final game if they had more development time and not tried to rush it out for Sonic’s birthday.

    I know I keep going back to this but perhaps these can get implemented in a future physical release along with the bug fixes that everyone has been plagued with?? Add Knuckles to Sonic CD and there’s a slight chance that SEGA might redeem themselves.

    Hey a man can dream right, and I know this is SEGA we are talking about here so who knows what the hell they're going to do.
  9. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    .... Mania sprite options were cut.

    Fuck you Sega. We could've had the consistent story mode experience I hoped for but nope! Couldn't have that could we.

    Whatever, modders will once again probably figure it out. Just like vape mode in Mania. Can't hide this stuff for too long Sega :colbert:

    Also who wants to see Studiopolis and Mirage Saloon in S3K because here's that:

    And apparently the Egg Reverie flying still works. Hacks for this should be fun.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2022
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  10. Crimson Neo

    Crimson Neo

    Loopin' around. Member
    A detail I really loved is that Stealth and his team cared to put a lot of sound effects that didn't existed before in Sonic 3 & Knuckles, especially on badniks. I really love these tiny details, it's a small thing but it can make a good difference, for me. A similar thing were done in Sonic 2.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2022
  11. biggestsonicfan


    Tech Member
    I was wrong. This is a "Sonic Mania repackage"...
  12. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Well 1, 2, and CD are basically are you described but Sonic 3 is a Mania repackage.

    We've come full circle. The Sonic 3 pitch became Mania and then Mania became Sonic 3

    I'm curious though if Mighty and Ray exist in Sonic 3 at all and if so can they be reactivated?
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2022
  13. Chaos Rush

    Chaos Rush

    I was tempted to get the SEGA AGES version of Sonic 1 and 2 on Switch for a while now, but once Sonic Origins got announced I decided I’ll wait until it comes out. But now that it’s out and it’s apparently riddled with bugs, I finally decided to get the SEGA AGES ports by M2 and I’m quite satisfied with my purchase. I can finally play Sonic 1 and 2 on a decent-sized handheld (yes I know there’s options for DS and 3DS), and since it’s emulated there’s no bugs that weren’t there in the original, and the music and sound effects are ultra crisp quality. They also have a decent scanline filter (though it only lines up with the pixels properly in either dot-by-dot or vintage screen modes).

    So if any Switch owners are looking to play a non-buggy Sonic 1 & 2 on Switch, consider these options instead! I’ll get Origins once an update comes out.
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  14. Vertette


    Yeah, it's a result of the more precise collision in these remasters. On paper that sounds nice until you keep getting crushed by the many moving hazards in some of these games even in situations where in the original you wouldn't have.
  15. Zephyr


    Finally, we got Mania 2. :V
  16. foXcollr


    Resident Dolphin Member
    Nevermind the crushing collision on actual crushing hazards, I've experienced being crushed by just running into walls or spikes. The second time I decided to go Super (I usually don't because it's not that fun IMO) was in Launch Base and I ran into some spikes on the wall and got "crushed". I came back and could not replicate it, I just got the wall-push animation.
  17. jubbalub


    #1 Sonic Superstars defender Member
    There's a lot of checks and balances for them still in the code, but the code for the actual characters doesn't exist anymore.
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  18. Has anyone else mentioned how nice it is that shield actions don’t trigger when you use up+jump to have Tails carry you? Has that been a feature in AIR or something? This is the first time I think I’ve seen it implemented.
  19. SuperSnoopy


    I like Sonic Advance Member
    Lyon, France
    Slice of life visual novel, coming soon...?
    I think it was a feature in 3 Complete at the very least.
  20. Ah. I’ve played 3C a lot so maybe I just forgot then.