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Sonic Origins Collection - General Thread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by HEDGESMFG, May 27, 2021.

  1. RikohZX


    I'm not sure if the restarts worked the same way in the mobile ports, but I got all 7 Chaos Emeralds on my story run through Sonic 2 in the very first act of Emerald Hill by just hitting up the checkpoints, restarting, rinse and repeat. You keep all your rings after special stages too, ala Knuckles in the old Sonic 2 lock-on.
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  2. GeneHF


    SEGA-ier than you'll potentially ever be. Site Staff
    Scenic Studiopolis
    Complete Global Conquest
    ...go on.
  3. Naean


    Naean H.F. (Nez Man) Member
    United Kingdom
    2D. Sonic Fan Game
    Just a heads up, the water droplets in Hydrocity Zone, and them splashing on characters, were in the original game. It is a nice detail though, yeah. :)
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2022
  4. Laura


    Brightened Eyes Member
    I get the impression Stealth spoke out to defend his team at Headcanon rather than himself. He seems to genuinely care about his team at Headcanon a great deal.

    And regarding his relationship with SEGA, I don't think it's as big a deal as people make out. Besides, it's unclear if he'll ever be given the opportunity to work with SEGA again to be honest. There's a five year gap between Mania and Origins. Who even knows if/when he'll be contacted again.
  5. foXcollr


    Resident Dolphin Member
    Really?? I don't think I've ever stood directly beneath one, but for some reason I noticed it immediately when one randomly fell on me in Origins.
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  6. The Deleter

    The Deleter

    I don't disagree with anything anyone has said so far wrt this. And Stealth deserves to speak up about the mistreatment. Focus on professionalism in the face of actual wrongdoing will always be in poor taste, since ultimately it's being more concerned with the civility of the employees of a company, and that's just asinine to care about in the face of actual human lives, effort, and issues worth addressing. Ultimately everyone who has worked on Mania and Origins deserves better than SEGA, and that extends to probably every other developer who's worked on a Sonic game that got hit with issues in the past.

    It's just we already know playing by a company's whims/rules is often the only way to work with said company, and Stealth himself said he hopes to work on more projects in the future if it allows. When operating within those limits the least egregious thing to do would be to reword a full explanation of the why's and how's to remove statements that might offend their working peers and the company that owns them as a result.

    Having reread the tweet thread though, I think it reads better than it did before; I don't think he was directly attempting to blame Sonic Team's implementation of the build for the bugs in the game as much as just clarifying that the bugs were out of their control and not their responsibility. With enough scrutiny I think it works fine in hindsight. (edit: actually changed my mind again) Is it good enough though? From a glance, as the very opener of the tweet thread, the responsibility for the bugs laying on Sonic Team was the read that many people had, and it could be the read that SEGA offers it, if it comes to their attention. And on top of that the information provided as the lead tweet also means we have the twitter effect of people honing in on the aspect, as "It's all Sonic Team's fault, not Stealth's" is a very twitter-friendly bullet point, which enables the read of what laundry is being aired to be even worse while everyone is @ing SEGA simultaneously with these tweets.

    It always deserved to be said, all of it, but even after thinking it over more to read it in the best faith possible, it still managed to come off as the other interpretation fairly easily. It just could have been executed better without loosing the same meaning and information behind it imo, and it still would be a shame to have it affect the working relationship between them solely on the front of us loving the work they do for the series. I only hope it breezes over without any of this actually affecting their working relationship in any of these ways, in spite of how much better off they'd probably be to never work with SEGA again.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2022
  7. Naean


    Naean H.F. (Nez Man) Member
    United Kingdom
    2D. Sonic Fan Game
    Yup, I distinctly remember that detail happening in the original game. I've just double checked the Steam emulation version and Sonic Origins' version, and both have the detail very similarly if not identically implemented.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2022
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  8. Forte


    I speak better after three beers Member
    So... Is it worth getting the game at this point, or is it better to wait for the team to patch things out?

    I'm considering PS4 or Switch version.
  9. FlackoWeasel


    Blue cheese lover! Member
    I love that they added those springs into this secret area pit on Death Egg act 1. When you usually fell into your death around there, now you can bounce up into safety. it is that area shown on the map here, the lower path
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2022
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  10. foXcollr


    Resident Dolphin Member
    Honestly, if you just want to play S3K widescreen and experience a bunch of little surprises that only a longtime fan would care about, it is somewhat worth it, if only for a lofty price. If you don't care about the missions and whatever and the Knuckles Chaotix/Spinball music that is probably already uploaded to YouTube, I'd skip on the DLC.

    The DLC does come with the island camera thing, which is pretty cool, but the other attraction - the letterbox borders - are 50% "oh that's not awful" and 50% "ok so now we're just slapping a bunch of sprites on a blue background in paint.NET".

    Also: how does this game not have filters?? Isn't that just standard fare for every classic SEGA collection at this point? Mega Drive Collection has a handful of them to choose from
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  11. Epsilonsama


    To be honest I would wait. I pre-ordered it for quite a while cause I wanted to play Sonic 3 & Knuckles on the Switch with the added bonus of having the Retro Engine versions of Sonic 1,2 and CD (I already have Sonic 1 & 2 as part of the SEGA Ages that M2 did). If you are a hardcore Sonic fan, specially of the classic ones you will notice all the small bugs that do add up and tarnish what could have been an easy 10/10 collection. On the Switch right now the SEGA Ages play better having a better implementation of the drop dash and even having the Mega Play versions of said games which is pretty cool. If you have a PC there are currently better ways to play classic Sonic so I would wait for Denuvo to be removed and the community to work on mods to fix some issues in case SEGA doesnt do anything.
  12. RikohZX


    Honestly with music mods already out, my biggest gripes so far of 3&K are solved for now, though I hope we also get clear and crisp sound replacements soon too. With the volume most of these mods seem to play it, it makes me realize either people aren't balancing audio correctly.. or Sega made everything universally quiet across the entire collection for no real good reason.

    I just hope Tails being unable to despawn most of the time in 2 and this damn bilinear filter can be fixed from here, but the latter seems like it might not get that.
  13. Linkabel


    I finished story mode earlier in the day, but I noticed something from the Modern side found its way into the game

    I wonder what the reason was to go with Modern Eggman's logo:

    Instead of the Classic one Okano made for Sonic Adventure:
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  14. GeneHF


    SEGA-ier than you'll potentially ever be. Site Staff
    Scenic Studiopolis
    Complete Global Conquest
    I wouldn't read too much into it. Likely a minor oversight. Most don't remember there's a classic Eggman face emblem. I'd expect to see the EG logo more
  15. Yes, don't listen to the hate. Its a nice collection.
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  16. Mana


    >People posting legitimate concerns and features that need to be addressed while im just praying they add the ability to use Sonic 2's Sonic sprite in 3nK
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  17. JW.


    I'm glad he spoke out. Seeing him being criticised for it is very strange. Sega does not need defending lol.
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  18. The Deleter

    The Deleter

    Because it wasn't the Sega corporate criticism that was the "Unprofessional" takeaway, it was the reference to Sonic Team's implementation. Developers rarely point the blame at each other publicly. That's the opening shock that leads people to say "this could have been truncated/why say this"
  19. JW.


    There's nothing shocking about what he said. It's pretty much a given at this point with Sega and Sonic Team. Him stating it publicly and not letting his team take the heat for things out of their control is not something to be criticised.
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