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Sonic Origins Collection - General Thread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by HEDGESMFG, May 27, 2021.

  1. Crimson Neo

    Crimson Neo

    Loopin' around. Member
    Why the "Unused Song" is still called UNUSED SONG in the museum if it's being USED in the New Blue Spheres mode? :doge:
  2. Dunno if anyone's seen this yet, but in Sonic 3 you can run really far away from the signpost in act 2 and backtrack to the start, and the signpost will still be there where you left it
  3. AzuraRacon


    This was back when they were developing the sega smash pack on GBA of all things.

    they got Ecco back from its external studio, and found Spinball with the aforementioned former dev

    They had to rebuild Golden Axe ground up save the graphics iirc
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  4. Sonic's scrapped sleeping sprites are back in Sonic 3
  5. Turbohog


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  6. RikohZX


    Had the feeling this was the case. Sorry to hear things got messed up on a lot of things outside of your control, everyone.
  7. Ashura96


    Damn it's actually unknown if they will get the chance to fix the bugs and issues.
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  8. Zigetch


    Enjoy this world~ Member
    So there's no bgm whatsoever for the museum, gallery etc. unlike the previous compilations? Have to admit that's disappointing. :/ I really, really enjoyed just zoning out with Jam/Mega/Gems with its bonus materials and atmospheric music to accompany them.

    Just complete silence aside from menu sounds and whatever is played while in the Sound Test? Why? At least the option to play music from the games while browsing would've been fine. (Similar to Gems and Mega Man Zero/ZX Collection.)
  9. Turbohog


    To be honest I'm afraid Stealth has ruined his chances of doing any bug fixing with these tweets. I'd be surprised if Sega wanted to work with him again.
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  10. Jaseman


    The programmer has a nap! Hold out! Programmer! Member
    airing dirty laundry like this was definitely a mistake, but fascinating to see nonetheless.
  11. RikohZX


    After getting to do what we think is his dream project only for it to basically get rammed up Hedgehog Engine's rear end callously as Sega yet again mismanages everything involved?

    I wouldn't want to even try to beg Headcannon or Taxman to go through any of Sega's crap again at this rate, because they don't see value in outside contributors or their fans, and I don't think Sonic Team wants a Mania 2 or anything like that. I'd rather these people get their peace of mind by staying as far away as humanly possible from Sega management completely.

    .. that, and having basically everyone running this branch of Sega gone and away from their positions, because this brand isn't going anywhere on the game side of things any time soon while these people are in charge.
  12. Sable


    I feel like it's par for the course at this point; I'm disappointed but I'm not surprised. The state of nearly every main Sonic title for a long time now has more than likely been the result of SEGA not giving ST enough time or budget to meet unreasonable goals, and it's pretty damning to hear straight from the source that they've done it to Headcannon too. Some people seem to forget that creatives don't get an education and head into their field with the intention of putting out sub-par work. A lot of what goes on behind the scenes is fueled by executive meddling, internal politics, and a general lack of understanding of what is feasible or what the target audience actually wants.
  13. DefinitiveDubs


    I'm afraid of this having bigger ramifications than Stealth burning his bridge with SEGA. This could potentially cause SEGA to not want to work with any "fans" anymore, period.
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  14. Hydr0city


    > Kamikazee Member
    He put it well himself, at least - while this may ruin any potential future partnerships, it's necessary to be said. Headcannon doesn't want to take the blame for something that is ultimately the fault of SEGA, especially when it's not representative of what they submitted. It's something that has to be done, regardless of consequences. He and his team deserve to be treated better, and by speaking up about it, he's at least doing something about said treatment.

    I don't think they'd want to cut ties with him totally, but we'll see how it all plays out. Wouldn't be a very good look if a developer comes out and says "Hey, this isn't what we submitted - this is not our fault", and then SEGA just tells them to not work with them again.
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  15. Linkabel


    Not sure if to spoil it but why did they

    add new music to the cutscene after Doomsday Zone? Is that new or unused?
  16. Hydr0city


    > Kamikazee Member
    That's from the proto - it's the credits theme from there. So technically new, but also unused. (Not unused in S&K Collection, though)

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  17. MH MD

    MH MD

    Long live the King Member
    This is just you assuming things, it's very possible that a lot of materials are just not present anymore , we know they lost source codes in the past, or prototypes of their games, a lot of stuff that we got over the years was not even stuff that SEGA still had, but things that other people had across the globe with a lot of hunts and searching

    Japanese companies in general are known to not always care for this stuff and easily losing important things from older classic works, being it anime, videogames, or anything else

    Square Enix famously lost the source codes for older Final Fantasy games like FF7 or FF8, that they actually had to work harder than they anticipated and even recreating characters models from scratch for FF8
    Even Kingdom Hearts 1 had lost source code and materials so it's remaster was way harder to develop due to that

    at the end of the day, they did actually in fact provide new stuff in the collection that we have never seen before which is something i actually doubted would happen, and even provided higher quality scans of things that we DID have, so i don't see what the big fuss really
  18. Stealth sounds like he's at the end of his rope. Something something straw that broke the camel's back, right?

    They all really did put so much effort into Sonic 3. Like, the act 1 boss in Sandopolis has been reworked to get knocked back farther the harder you hit it. How cool is that? To see everything they worked for get completely undermined by Sega is incredibly heartbreaking, as expected as it is to be.
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  19. RetroJordan91


    The REAL Blue Sphere Guy Member
    Wow… now I understand that this sort of thing happened before with Stealth’s Denuvo comments about Mania 5 years ago, but this clarification and transparency was needed without a doubt.

    The fact that this man is really sticking his neck out, admitting to making mistakes during development, and putting everything on the line should be admired and if SEGA is just going to look past that and not work with him anymore, then no support should be given to them going forward. SEGA screwed this up and they know it. This sort of crunch culture is an absolute joke and if no patches/updates are green-lit for this game, then what’s going to persuade fans to buy anything else they put out, whether it is Sonic or any other SEGA franchise?

    I do not fault Stealth/Headcannon at all for what happened here because I knew all these bugs are not in line with what a Headcannon product should be in terms of quality.

    SEGA better wake the hell up and do the right thing because if they think this is acceptable, then it’s going to look really bad on them
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  20. astroblema


    my name means "star wound" Member
    It's a secret!
    we aren't going to get a Mania 2

    edit: sorry if this comment seems immature, honestly, I want to personally punch everyone on my timeline who defended Sega after the release of this collection and told me I should be thankful they even released anything at all. Fuck
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