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Sonic Origins Collection - General Thread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by HEDGESMFG, May 27, 2021.

  1. big smile

    big smile

    Aside from the island backgrounds, the UI is disappointing, especially when compared to the mobile games which had well thought out menus and options.

    I don’t know why they didn’t just use the Sonic 3 save screen for all the games (which would have made it more consistent) and then had a separate menu for toggling settings like spin dash style, screen format, etc (which is what Mania did).

    They reinvented the wheel and made it less good.
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  2. Naean


    Naean H.F. (Nez Man) Member
    United Kingdom
    2D. Sonic Fan Game
    I agree wholeheartedly, I think the worst offenders are the Sounds and Illustrations menus; the music playback visuals and viewing artwork visuals are way too minimalistic, and lack any kind of Sonic style or Sonic fitting flair. Very generic menus which you could copy and paste the template of to any game, in fact they're so lacklustre you could use their design in a corporate slide show and no-one would bat an eye.

    It's particularly disappointing when you consider some prior Sonic collections also published by SEGA clearly had way more love and attention devoted to their user interfaces. :(
  3. Laura


    Brightened Eyes Member
    Im enjoying it a lot so far. Just beat Sonic 1 with all emeralds. First time I've done thar without using savestates! I actually think the token retry for Special Stages is a great idea which could be built upon. Maybe lives could be used for retries to make more risk/reward? Maybe too punishing but an idea I had.

    I like the map a lot but it's a bit confusing with the in game cutscenes.

    Sonic sees the emeralds flies to Sonic 2 island and runs towards it but then he's suddenly on the Sonic CD island? Makes sense if Little Planet is above the Sonic 1 or 2 Island but less so if its above it's own Island. Lol.
  4. Linkabel


    They did feel off to me compared to the Genesis/Mobile version. And seems like stuff like this can happen.
  5. big smile

    big smile

    The museum artwork is especially bad. Many of them are multiple pages. By default, it displays it as a small thumbnail, so you have to zoom in to see it properly. But then you can’t flick to the next page until you zoom back out. It’s just more convoluted then it needs to be.
  6. The Joebro64

    The Joebro64

    Just played a bit of Sonic 1 and 3. It’s great! Having a lot of fun. It’s nice to finally have the remasters on console after all these years.
  7. Naean


    Naean H.F. (Nez Man) Member
    United Kingdom
    2D. Sonic Fan Game
    Is it just me, or are the ring sound effects for Sonic 2 in Sonic Origins a bit off the mark from how they should actually sound?

    Something's not right to me about their sound, and Special Stages in particular seem to exhibit audio channel panning issues which I don't recall happening in the original game.

    I've recorded a video of Sonic 2 gameplay with BGM off to try showcasing what I mean. I feel like it's much more prominent when more rings are collected in a short amount of time.

    I'm quite cautious that perhaps this is just a combination of placebo and ultra-analysing kicking away in my brain? I dunno though...
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  8. big smile

    big smile

    Disappointingly, Origins hasn’t been localised for Europe. Genesis is mentioned everywhere, which doesn’t have the same nostalgia.

    On the plus side, this contains the European manuals. I think it’s the first collection to do that. They also have an interesting multi-language variant of the European S&K manual, which was not the version in the first release of the game. That was interesting to see.
  9. ELS


    I started story mode for the first time. What the actual hell is this image quality.

    Attached Files:

  10. Naean


    Naean H.F. (Nez Man) Member
    United Kingdom
    2D. Sonic Fan Game
    Do you happen to have Anti-aliasing turned on under Graphics? I just tested this on my Steam copy with that setting on, and my Green Hill Zone blurriness looked very similar - in fact almost identical - to your screenshot.
  11. Josh Cristan

    Josh Cristan

    It's the "polished, high definition" that was promised.
  12. JoseTB


    Tech Member
    Some more early feedback:
    • Mirror mode in story mode, so that you could go through all the games in mirror mode in one go, would be nice.
    • Ability to save your progress in blue spheres mode (both old and new), so that it automatically remembers the last stage you beat, would be a nice quality of life improvement.
  13. ELS


    Surely that's for the maps and not these 2d games, it couldn't be that stupid...

    Oh my god it is.
  14. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    So I watched one of the Mania Adventures episodes available in the museum and my god

    *It’s gorgeous*

    So nice to be able watch these in their purest quality, can’t wait to check out + - the animatics   !
  15. E-122-Psi


    I find it a shame the save system is nerfed from the remakes (though more so 1 and 2 since CD's only let you replay Metallic Madness over and over) though at least there is still a continue function.

    Also loving all the details given to the character backgrounds in the animations:

    • Sonic 1's is the most simple but I like seeing the animal buddies characterised (why don't those Flickies just fly away though? It's a freaking Motobug! XD)
    • After all the previous mentions of the tarot cards predicting them together, turns out Amy just straight up 'cheated' reading her future.
    • Wonder if the two bully foxes will ever make a return.
    • I like how these newer takes keep playing on the fact that Knuckles genuinely thought he and Eggman were friends, adds a sympathetic tint to his whole gullible angle.
  16. astroblema


    my name means "star wound" Member
    It's a secret!
    I'm facing two weird bugs:
    - "Enable" on the anti-aliasing option disables it, and vice versa.
    - I can only get the jackpot bonus stage in Sonic 3, no matter the amount of rings I enter.
  17. Josh Cristan

    Josh Cristan

    Fair fucks, I was beaming with joy watching those animations on youtube. It's every bit the Sonic cartoon I wish we'd had.
  18. Chibisteven


    I managed to get a hold of the music files from Sonic Origins that was uploaded else where:
    - Sonic 1 & 2 is taken from the official soundtrack release. Loud and EQed but taken from a model 1 Genesis.
    - Sonic CD is loud and EQed.
    - Sonic 3 & Knuckles is taken from what appears to be a model 1 Genesis with some tracks being of poor upsampled like quality but most sound like an unmodified model 1 Genesis. It's a bit more muffled compared to my own model 1 Genesis and more bassy too, probably bad EQ. Some tracks are a bit louder than others. Very inconsistent.
    - Sonic 3D Blast appears to be taken either from an emulator or modified later model 2.
    - Chaotix is taken from a modified model 1, the PWM is strangely got the left and right reversed.
    - Sonic Spinball is taken from a model 1 Genesis with some strange EQ and compression going on.
    - Additional museum music seems to be ripped straight from commercially available CDs or the masters used for them.

    My thoughts is wow, this is a really inconsistent job all around on Sega's part and I've could have easily done it better than them and funny thing is I already have.
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  19. I've played Story Mode up to the beginning of S3K, and had a bit of a look at some of the other modes.

    If anyone was paid for proofreading the text in this game, they need to be fucking fired. The tutorial helpfully points out "The maximum number of Playlist is 5." and in the Museum we can listen to the music of the famous "Sandpolis Zone". There are a ton of other little formatting issues too (e.g. missing spaces and brackets, 'Hydro City Zone' and 'Ice Cap Zone'). For the Sonic Spinball music, "Boss" and "Bonus Game" are mislabelled as each other. It's fucking embarrassing. People have said the same is true of a lot of 3D Blast and Chaotix tracks, I don't know those games' music well enough to comment.

    A lot of weird sound issues generally though:
    - There's horrific clipping in the ring sound effect in Blue Sphere.
    - The continue jingle doesn't play when you get 50 rings in the Sonic 1 special stage in Anniversary Mode, though the 1-up jingle does when you get 100, even though the reward for both is coins.
    - The chaos emerald jingle sounds dreadful.
    - In the Museum, the Chaotix music is really, *really* low quality for some reason. THIS IS PART OF THE DLC WE WERE ASKED TO PAY EXTRA FOR!!!
    - Sonic CD defaults to the US soundtrack, inexplicably. I do prefer the US soundtrack overall, but it definitely shouldn't be the default.

    Boss Rush is all kinds of broken:
    - The background suddenly moves at the start of the Egg Rocket fight in Launch Base Zone.
    - The spikes you have to avoid when fighting the Egg Scrambler (Mushroom Hill Zone) have inverted colours somehow????
    - When you get a game over, say "no" to retrying, then press "Continue" from the game menu to resume at the boss you were up to with one life. Do this as many times as you wish.
    - Similarly, once you complete a Boss Rush, say "no" to retrying, then you can press "Continue" from the game menu to pick up from the final boss. If you want to quickly get coins, I'd recommend just fighting Sonic CD's final boss over and over, you get 25 coins each time.
    -Speaking of Sonic CD's final boss, I could've sworn its official name was Psycho Egg. What the fuck is "Egg Spinner"?
    - The music is wildly inconsistent. For most fights, it will play the appropriate stage music and then start the appropriate boss music, but these are the exceptions.
    --Collision Chaos will play that round's Good Future theme throughout, presumably because the player's starting position skips the boss trigger.
    --Emerald Hill Zone starts with the Sonic 2 Death Egg Zone theme.
    --Angel Island Zone starts with the Sonic 3 Death Egg Zone theme.
    --Hydrocity Zone starts with the Sonic 3 boss theme for some reason, but then *restarts it* when the boss fight actually starts a few seconds later.

    Finally, as others have noticed, the rolling jump control lock in Sonic 1 and 2 ruins the drop dash in those games. Did nobody pick this up during testing? Did they even do testing?
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  20. Sable


    Finished getting the platinum trophy on PS5 and 100%ed the museum. I want to offer more detailed thoughts when I wake up, but I have to say I really enjoyed the cutscenes; they very nearly brought a tear to my eye from how much love was put into them. Mission mode is surprisingly fun despite drab visuals, some of the objectives in later games are pretty cool. Audio quality inconsistencies annoyed me, the Tails bug in Sonic 2 was wildly bothersome, and... surprisingly, I didn't actually mind the new Sonic 3 arranges too much while actually playing the game. Overall there's problems but it's nothing that can't be fixed with a patch.

    On PS5 it sounds fine to me. The PCM samples in it are low quality but they were low quality in the original game.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2022