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Sonic Origins Collection - General Thread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by HEDGESMFG, May 27, 2021.

  1. RetroJordan91


    The REAL Blue Sphere Guy Member
    That gives me a lot of hope!! 3&K should be a huge highlight of the collection next to story mode, mission mode, and the museum.

    Fingers crossed that there is an option to play 3&K with the original zone order!! Stealth mentioned it as a game mode way back when so I hope SEGA approved it!
  2. nesboy43


    Would be great to have a toggle for Sonic 3 music as well. Not only to have the options to switch between the original soundtrack or the sonic and knuckles PC collection soundtrack, but also the sonic and knuckles/sonic 3 boss/title screen themes.
  3. DefinitiveDubs


    I would, except that it contradicts some of what's been established. If Buxer did most of the cues himself, then what were the rest of the music team doing? Why did Cirocco Jones credit himself as having written one or two of the cues on his website? And why, in the Huffington Post article, does Jones state that Michael was constantly coming up with ideas and making new melodies that would make it onto the final cues?
    [citation needed]

    Buxer was an arranger, a soundscape artist, a percussionist, a keyboardist, and a bassist, but not once on any one of Michael's albums is he ever credited as a composer/songwriter. Jackson, along with Teddy Riley and a scant few others, were the ones behind the lyrics and the main melodies/lead vocals. Buxer was very influential in giving MJ's 90s albums the kind of sound they have, but calling him a composer/songwriter is giving him too much credit.
    The scandal theory has to be bullshit at this point. I think the reason Sega keeps trying to maintain that's the reason the music was cut because it looks bad on their part to say "Yeah, we know he got accused of molesting children, but we didn't let a little thing like that bother us".

    I'm starting to think the reason the music was cut is simply because Sonic Team didn't like it that much.
  4. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    Perhaps you're joking and I'm shit at picking up on cues, but that strikes me as an egregious false equivalence. Expanded competition zones (which would be entirely new levels for all intents and purposes) would take more resources than adding a currency system to unlock stuff like concept art, and the two are completely distinct in function from one another. A more apt comparison would be with mission mode, and even then that looks dope (gratuitous grey boxes aside).
  5. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Yea those gray boxes are just nasty, I hope one day a "more organic mission mode aesthetic" mod is made.
  6. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    Just got confirmation on stream that we're getting proto tracks, with work courtesy of the wonderful Jun Senoue.
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  7. Snowbound


    Katie just said that not all the Sonic 3 songs can be used in Origins
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  8. Brad Buxer is credited as co-writer for several recorded but unreleased MJ songs. Afaik no proper album cited him as a co-writer, just for arranging, sequencing, performance, and programming.

    ...pity that Buxer's work will be absent from Origins now.

    [edit] here's an example of a song the two wrote together:
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2022
  9. RetroJordan91


    The REAL Blue Sphere Guy Member
    Yeah and she also mentioned Jun Senoue working on these tracks to make them sound as good as they did in 1993.. basically going as far as using the original Genesis sound chip
  10. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    So recomposed proto tracks? That's going to be trippy as hell.

    This S3K experience is going to be very surreal. Looking forward to it but wow.

    RIP Banger clown music - 1994 - 2011
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  11. TheOcelot


    Scooty Puff Jr sucks! Member
    Yeah, I'm amazed Katie actually confirmed this. Thought SEGA would never talk about it, but yeah proto tracks here we come and no doubt Jun will make them sound even better.
  12. I'm really curious how these turn out. We know how sonic 4 turned out... but he also asked for legacy hardware to be provided to nail the retro sound, and apparently was not provided it (is that adequate as an excuse to why we got meowing cats? Not sure)
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  13. LukyHRE


    The only one who has a Portal-themed avatar Member
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
    Bitching and complaining about my country -.-'
    Are we talking about completely new tracks? Or is he redoing the proto tracks from the PC version with the actual Megadrive soundchip?

    I'm amazed they confirmed this, really good info to have :)
  14. RDNexus


    So they still can't use the MJ-style themes. That's too bad.
    Still, I'm curious about how the proto tracks will sound in a more complete state.
    It's quite likely that finding that Sonic3 beta helped this case.
  15. raphael_fc


    Overthinking Sonic timelines. Member
    I'm scared. I remember something akin to this when talking about Classic Sonic's music in Forces.
  16. Abiondarg


    I'd sacrifice all the other disputed Sonic 3 tracks if I could at least keep Ice Cap.
  17. Ice Cap/Hard Times was genuinely the best classic Sonic music outside of Chemical Plant, so this is a shame. Not surprising, but still a bit of a bummer, nonetheless.
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  18. At last...its over
  19. foXcollr


    Resident Dolphin Member
    Wow, that's actually crazy... even crazier that Katie actually just straight up said it.

    I guess this confirms they aren't forbidden from talking about it, they just never showed it. I'm also assuming that, from a marketing standpoint, Sonic games are known for their music and saying you couldn't use the original music could be bad PR.

    I'm curious to see what Jun is gonna do to them, since the Mega Drive versions we've been used to hearing don't necessarily sound bad at all.
  20. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Well no excuse this time they recreated all the other songs they clearly have the samples. Maybe they didn't at the time of Sonic 4 but they do now.

    I think I'm going to miss Launch Base the most. I just never really got into the proto track for that level. Like I don't think either song necessarily fits whatever Launch Base is supposed to be aesthetically but the MJ Launch Base was just a great track.