Is there a sub that's similar to Retro on there? I use reddit quite a bit these days and it would be cool to keep up to date with beta stuff as I forget to log in here, it's been ages and I miss news etc. Am aware of the main 'Sonic the Hedgehog' sub, but honestly it's just a bit creepy with all the sexualized fanart.... is there anything with more adult/serious discussion akin to truezelda? Cheers guys, hope you have all been well Mods: wasn't sure where to post this - feel free to move if you don't think it's appropriate here
I haven't seen any sexy fanart on r/sonicthehedgehog, but I did once post an Infinite vs Shadow meme that got deleted so that's no fun. Did you mean r/sonic or r/sonicthehedgehog?
Not that I’ve seen which is unfortunate as that sub is indeed awful, it’s dominated by fan art and defense force kinda fans going on about the usual things they go on about to the point where actual Sonic news gets buried under it all. The Frontiers sub is decent though I’ve seen a healthy amount of technical discussion about the game there.
They merged years ago. Anyway I'm on the Sonic subreddit a lot, but not because it's good. Reddit is kind of a circlejerk in general, and so is Sonic fandom among people in their 20s, so a lot of the popular_opinion.jpg shows up there, or even stems from there in some cases (youtube dudebros definitely spread the most, though). Lots of love for Adventure and the 2000s, lots of "wah Pontaff Meta Era Boom", et cetera. I don't even totally disagree, it's just that I've seen the argument hundreds of times. The most I can say is that it does have moderators, so it's better than twitter. ...But mild, surface-level discussion is the best you're getting. It's the nature of reddit, even Sonic fans there aren't going to be the kind of fans to make profiles on dedicated forums...because otherwise, they would. That's not to say it's worthless, I mean I like Sonic fanart, and obviously I post new DDZ episodes there, but I don't really treat reddit as a repository for stuff like that. As for the cheesecake art...I dunno, I'm honestly not that bothered, it's what I expect from a fandom full of furries. It's the comment sections, full of people with overexaggerated reaction gifs and "you're a porn addict" and "delet this" responses that make me feel like I'm walking through a middle school lunchroom where some kid just said "boobs". It's completely juvenile and embarrassing. Most of my time there is honestly just spent trying to help out new fans asking about where to start, correcting myths and rumors about canon/SEGA/Penders, and...getting DMed because apparently me saying "I can link you to a digital collection" is google's top result when for looking for the Archie comics. They're just on internet archive! But now for some reason I've become the de-facto Penders peddler. Oh well.
This definitely does not apply to all of reddit. For example, r/oculus was for a time by far the best source of VR developer information on the planet, the single best resource for it even beyond hardcore enthusiast forums like MTBS3D. It was absolutely filled with leading industry professionals, like michael abrash and john carmack and alan yates and so forth had accounts where they'd post multiple times a day, every day, for years. Reddit doesn't have to be surface. It very honestly depends on the subject and community. Sometimes Reddit can be the single best, most hardcore discussion board on a topic.
I didn't know about this, but there's apparently a TCRF subreddit. Probably the closest match to what you're looking for, that I can think of.
rsonicthehedgehog - literally just took a look to check, and the first post I see is Amy and Sonic in bed together, a couple of posts down - another character in tight jeans with an arse shot.... futher down, Sonic proposing to Amy etc etc. I get it - I'm 40 now, in the minority and it seems most of the community likes this kinda stuff. Just looking for a place to discuss in a more serious nature, like truezelda Thanks for this Billy and have joined
Yeah, I never go on r/sonicthehedgehog anymore either. They did a survey a while ago, and the average age was about 16. That fully explained why I'd been feeling more and more weird about hanging around there.
Thanks Shaddy, I think you are right, and I'm looking for something that doesn't exist on Reddit. I've just added Retro to my bookmarks bar so I remember to come here more, I've been reading Retro for like 20 years (damn was it even called retro then?), but have dropped off the last few. I really enjoyed my time reading through people's posts and I'd like to keep up with it again Yeah I love reddit, I mostly hang in the Art & Photography based subs - but wanted to see if there was anything Sonic related that's more like this place. I guess retro is still unique in that respect huh