Full disclosure that I have been in contact with one of the founders. Kinda fitting that Reno, Nevada is going to be home to a Sonic fan convention given its appearance in the Knuckles miniseries. It's looking quite promising, with Lee Majoub, Johnny Gieoli, Bentley Jones, Ryan Drummond, Scott Drier, David Humphery, and Tracy Yardley among the guests of honor. They are currently running a Kickstarter with 20 days to go as of now.
Oh hey, the lead artist for this was the one who helped with GameTap 32X's graphics lmao Spoiler: cw: cartoony-ish gore It's cool to see my bud land more gigs. They are a fantastic artist and deserves more love. Also, for those who care (which is most likely very little, but idc), the guy behind the idea of Ollie_Ollie_TechDeck and that hack will also be there as a staff member (and apparently is planning on getting married with Noel there, and are working to get the voice actor for fucking Silver to wed them???? That's what they told me they were planning).
Well that's a fun coincidence. Crazy how small this world can be, lol. Given that this is a Sonic convention run by furries, having a wedding at the convention doesn't seem odd to me given that they happen at furry conventions with fair frequency. But getting who I assume to be Pete Capella to officiate the ceremony is definitely something else. He's very heavily involved with the Sonic fandom, so that does more or less check out.
Damn if only I live closer, I'd be able to go. I've only been able to go to Sonic Boom when they thankfully came to St. Louis. Still this is really cool!