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Sonic Movie 3 - Spoiler Thread (Open spoilers within, beware)

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by MykonosFan, Dec 10, 2024.

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  1. Boxer Hockey

    Boxer Hockey

    The Metals are different colors. There are a lot of details in the scene that were all done with intent.
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  2. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    I expect a large red one controlling all the Metal Sonics :eng99:

  3. Antheraea


    Bug Hunter Member
    so remember when I said this

    I never thought I'd feel it so strongly as Walter The Guy Who Gives Out Olive Garden Cards actually being a proper fucking character in this movie now. really think about it. he shows up to be a stingy fuck at the end of the first movie, shows up to name drop GUN in the second, and then actually has some pathos as The One Sane Guy Who Was There in Shadow's backstory in the third. that is insane to me.

    Similarly, no long overwrought human subplot. it is kind of nuts how kinda divorced it is from the first two films for that reason. (I thought a few of the eggman scenes went on long but carrey's fun to watch so it didn't bother me all that much.)

    • the sound design near the end was pretty amusing to me personally because it made it seem like Live & Learn is just part of the Super Sonic/Shadow powers. the Seven Chaos Emeralds grants kickass background music as part of the overall package.
    • I think it speaks, honestly, to how good they nailed all of the Shadow backstory scenes because Maria's death really works? I never thought they'd actually shoot her (instant PG-13 I'd think, even with the laser guns), but the soldiers being very clearly trying to I think sold it, in a way that I can't really imagine anyone outside of contrarian edgelords "cheering" about it like how people were joking earlier this year. sue me, it worked. I am the biggest mark for "girl befriends scary/cute alien creature" stories on the planet. Shadow somehow managed to both scary and "awh I need to pinch your angsty lil cheeks" cute.
    • I knew there was no way they'd kill off Shadow because the games themselves weren't ballsy enough to manage it, but that last scene with him taking his limiters off to push the colony away still got me in the feels
    • I thought keanu was alright as Shadow. mind you I've never had any personal attachment to any of Shadow's EN voices because I always thought they were never anything to write home about at best and completely flat at worst? Shadow's EN voice acting is easy to parody - and often hard to tell from parody - for a reason.
    • The fight scenes are really good. it didn't really feel like we got very many of those in prior movies, so it's a big upgrade in my book :thumbsup:
    • the last couple shots of the giant laser sweeping past the sky is a fucking cool A+ 10/10 visual shot and idea
    • I caught that nightmare Toxic Caves eggman-scorpion boss reference. don't think you got that past me.
    • similarly, Eggman's meant to be one of those infuriating Metropolis Zone/Collision Chaos mantis badniks right?
    • when Stone first showed up to bail out Sonic and co, my immediate reaction was KAMEN RIDER???????????????????
    • upload_2024-12-21_22-30-15.jpeg
    • just when I thought they couldn't get gayer, you have that haircut scene, a teary-eyed Stone saying that he can't lose [him] again, and then that whole farewell scene at the end of the movie
    • which, eggman using his swag for good, however brief, was surprisingly cathartic for me personally
    • also it was a pleasant surprise seeing Marza in the anim credits for this
    • AMY????????????????????????? AND SHE'S FUCKING COOL???????????
    • upload_2024-12-21_22-30-15.jpeg
    • (the audible boiling-kettle noise I made after she showed up with that cool-ass hood getup got some laughs from the people around me)
    • and they made Metal Sonic look fully game-accurate??????????????
    • if Sega doesn't open an actual Chao Garden I will cry
    it's not High Art or anything but I found it infinitely more enjoyable than the first two movies, and I think those first two movies actually have things worth defending in them (and even enjoyed them!), so I'm not just some hater lol :V it's finally a Sonic movie that actually feels like a Sonic movie adaptation as opposed to "a kids movie that happens to have Sonic and some Sonic theming in it". also outside of a few items (namely some shots in the Super Sonic/Super Shadow stuff), the little references to the games are cute but brief enough that it doesn't feel like it leaves out someone who wouldn't get it - like, for instance, how Tails slows Sonic and & Knuckles' fall into shibuya using the exact Sonic Heroes flight team formation. the soundtrack is surprisingly killer too - through the loud sound mix I immediately (mentally) went "I need to go hunt down this Live & Learn rearrange".
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2024
  4. Antheraea


    Bug Hunter Member
    he said something along the lines of "for my freedom, I made the strongest weapon GUN had ever seen" I believe.

    I actually don't believe he's dead? if he was dead, the director's reaction to seeing him in the hall asking for the launch key would've been much different I'd think
  5. Linkabel


    You know, I did notice that the Chaos Emeralds were back again, but I assumed they had been collected offscreen to keep them hidden. That way, the characters wouldn't need to worry about gathering them again in this story, avoiding a waste of production resources.

    They could take a page from the old Dragon Ball movies, where quick scenes show the characters collecting the dragon balls. Of course, that's easy to say when budget constraints aren't an issue.

    I also get the impression that many in Hollywood are hesitant to make it seem like they're copying the MCU. There's likely concern about comparisons to the Infinity Stones arc.

    That said, if they ever decide to do a two-parter, they might as well go for it. Comparisons aside, they could have the characters hunting for the Chaos Emeralds.

    As for the Tom contradictions, maybe they just raided another hedgehog's cave—or perhaps he made Maddie do it.

    I agree about Walters being a cool character. With all the humor in the movie, one final Olive Garden joke—like him sending a gift card as a Christmas present before his death—could've been both funny and a fitting send-off.
  6. Kilo


    Starting new projects every week Tech Member
    Changes with the weather
    Speaking of the Chaos Emeralds, I appreciate that they were sized up a little from 2 where they looked like pebbles. Still could be a little larger but beggars can't be choosers.
  7. Antheraea


    Bug Hunter Member
    also I just wanna add that Sonic was getting his ass kicked six ways to Sunday in 99% of all the scenes in which he threw down with another hedgehog in this movie. acting like he's martially competent in these films to begin with is a stretch.
  8. Lambda


    So, those capsules full of Chaos Energy GUN harvested from Shadow... those are Chaos Drives, right? They used them to power their guns when shooting at Shadow, Gerald, and Maria as well.
  9. Boxer Hockey

    Boxer Hockey

    He took one hit in Tokyo, and one hit in the lab. Ran circles around Shadow during the Tokyo chase and obliterated his ass in the super fight. And then at the end he dodged Metal's blast and cold-cocked him. ????
  10. Antheraea


    Bug Hunter Member
    ah I felt that super sonic aside, he tended to get put down pretty quick when blows were actually involved. which I mean, is not something I had a problem with (see post above where I thought having more fights was great), just that I felt that someone framing him as some overly competent superhero being shown up By A Girl in one scene was a bit of a stretch. Sonic is vulnerable, he's not Captain America, so acting like being ambushed by a bunch of Metal Sonics is suddenly wimpfying him to prop up a girl was ridiculous to me.
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  11. Kilo


    Starting new projects every week Tech Member
    Changes with the weather
    Gerald does describe Shadow's energy as Chaos Energy when Ivo asks what Shadow's doin in the hampter wheel, so that's possible, yeah, but I do believe I saw decoration in the Chao Garden that looked like game accurate Chaos Drives? Although I guess that doesn't stop them from both being Chaos Drives, especially if the latter's just decor.
  12. Cooljerk


    Professional Electromancer Oldbie
    Speaking of which, it's kind of crazy that Shadow's Inhibitors have been a thing in the series going all the way back to Sonic X and even technically prior in the games, but has never actually been explained or called out directly until Shadow Generations, and even then it's as a missable piece of bonus material. Like, we've been seeing shadow "Power up" by taking off his rings since Sonic 06, and somehow everyone knew what they were and what he was doing, but it's only just a few months ago that it was ever actually explained in a sonic game.
  13. MrMechanic


    Someone at the London Premiere screamed "It's the brotherhood of Metallix!"

    ... ... ... you can't prove it was me!
  14. Cooljerk


    Professional Electromancer Oldbie
    I like how at the very end, after 3 movies, Jim Carrey is finally in the full on Sonic Adventure Dr. Robotnik look. He went from looking nothing like Dr. Robotnik in Sonic 1, to finally being every bit of him. He's fat, he's wearing the actual Robotnik Clothes, he's bald, he's got the head gear. It was really cool to see him slowly transform into the video game Dr. Robotnik over the course of these movies. I also like how his Gerald Robotnik actually looked like Gerald from the games, including the more pudgy, stockier face.

    I really have to say as a kid who grew up alongside both Sonic and Jim Carrey, having Carrey play Dr. Robotnik was a dream come true for me. I never would have expected him to play Robotnik and he would have never been my first choice, but during the period when Sonic was the biggest gaming series on the planet, Jim Carrey was BY FAR my favorite actor. I fell in love with him on In Living Color, then watched him blow up in the Ace Ventura movies, and then Dumb and Dumber, and the Mask, and so forth. There was a big stretch as a kid where my two favorite things were Sonic the Hedgehog and Jim Carrey. Jim Carrey is just as much an integral part of the 90's for me as Sonic the Hedgehog was, he's this very distinct part of the culture of that decade in my mind. They go together like Peanut Butter and Jelly. I absolutely loved every second of him being his goofy, awesome self in all 3 of these movies. And if Sonic 3 really does wind up being the swan song for one of my favorite actors ever, he went out in tip top form IMO.

    Only way these movies could have been more 90's is if the Nickelodeon Splat had shown up and they were on MTV.

    I remember picking up the Sonic OVA on VHS shortly after getting Sonic Adventure. I remember thinking how insanely cool it was that Sonic was "back." Not only was he the face of this killer new launching sega system just like the Genesis days, but he had a fucking MOVIE, sold in REAL STORES. I was like flabbergasted that he had a movie and it wasn't terrible like Double Dragon or Street Fighter. It actually felt like Sonic the Hedgehog. I wish I could send this Sonic 3 movie back in time to me during that Dreamcast launch. It would have blown my fucking mind.

    Just stop and thinking about the ups and downs with this series and having been there as a sega fan since before the Genesis was even a thing, it's nice to just enjoy one of the highest highs this franchise has ever seen. It's so cool to see both Sonic and Sega firing on all cylinders again.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2024
  15. Chimpo


    Artificial Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    Hey, I was half right

  16. Trickster's Joke

    Trickster's Joke

    Hmm, as a ruminate on the film. I'm sitting here thinking, i don't know if people are gonna enjoy film shadow as the hype dies down. I think he's a fun interpretation though i prefer the game version , but he's not much of anything. It feels like a lot of his character was lobbed off for future stuff or other things that needed to be in the films. I've seen more cynical takes from folks saying it feels like shadow was a means to an end to somehow get more room to work in this franchise. I don't think that's the case, i think this is the result of "skipping steps" in terms of the introduction of these characters, but i can understand the frustration.

    There's an unfortunate amount of pacing and time issues with the film i think. I feel like we needed more time with everyone tbh.

    All that said I appreciate how gun was handled/viewed. If there's anything I wish the games took, its that. I think there is a strength in standing on that that I think the games kinda lost with multiple writers over time, i hope that gets sega to rethink GUN as an entity in universe again.

    Another critique and this is just for me. Shadow doesn't feel like a menace, he doesn't feel like much of anything. And that...kinda sucks. But again, i guess that's for futrue stuff to deal with? Idris and Keanu said they wanted a shadow and knuckles show, and if it were their game counterparts i'm here for it, but film shadow is in a weird place and i honestly don't want shadow anywhere near knuckles until shadow gets more development because his character is kinda... in flux where the film leaves off vs at least what his game version is at that time and would become later.

    I'm excited and curious as to what comes next

    This sounds kinda dour, but again really enjoyed the film. More than the first two. Especially the first film.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2024
  17. Linkabel


    In general both Shadow, Gerald, GUN and otherwise elements feel safer this time around.

    For example, some of the changes to Shadow and Maria’s backstory seem to reduce its emotional impact. Don't get me wrong, it's still there and her flashback did a great job of showing it.

    But in the original game, they lived in space, and Maria longed to see Earth.

    But Earth’s people came to them and deliberately killed her—not as part of some “tragic accident with a gun and an explosion” but in a direct and unambiguous act of violence.

    This context makes Shadow’s desire for revenge against everyone on Earth much more understandable, as the blame falls squarely on humanity’s shoulders (and especially GUN) in a much darker and more deliberate way.

    And again, this is all in the movie but just a bit sanded off.

    Which is weird because I thought Sonic 2 was more direct in its tragedy and the consequences of violence when it came to the fates of Longclaw and the echidnas.

    We know their deaths were violent and gruesome, but it wasn't necessary to show them on screen.

    But hey Knuckles is cooler than Shadow so that's probably the reason.

    I hope one day we can get more context on some of the decisions and the why's of how the story and elements of these projects came to be.

    There were a lot for Sonic 1, but not as much for 2.
  18. Fadaway


    I really dug the gravity control scene (or whatever you could call that).
  19. Kilo


    Starting new projects every week Tech Member
    Changes with the weather
    It was a pretty fun set piece, and it was cool seeing Sonic doing a proper spindash. And Robotnik squirming across the floor was a funny visual too.
  20. Papa Rafi

    Papa Rafi

    One on one, I wanna play that game toniiight ♪ Oldbie
    Detroit, Michigan, USA
    Fatherhood, husband...hood and a few mobile apps.
    Shadow definitely felt "lighte"r this time around. Not quite a "Diet Shadow" but perhaps maybe a "50% less sodium Shadow"? In this film, try as I might, I couldn't help but see him NOT such a total jackass than his previous incarnations — hell, I started to kind of like him a bit by the end (outside of liking him as another cool Sonic character, y'know).

    The other thing is, —feel free to skip this, you aren't missing anything— I couldn't help but wonder if Keanu had been watching a lot of Pinky & The Brain during the many times, Shadow would speak in that soft melancholy baritone and I halfway expected him to ask the next character "....are you pondering what I'm pondering?" or perhaps a "....same thing we do EVERYnight, [character]. Try to take over the WORLD.....and also that whole deal with Maria. We're still totally doing that" lol, I dunno.
    Alls I know is I found myself giggling at it many times, and when I pointed it out to my wife....goodness, the poor girl just about inhaled her popcorn. Sheesh!
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