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Sonic Movie 3 - Spoiler Thread (Open spoilers within, beware)

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by MykonosFan, Dec 10, 2024.

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  1. Technically Inept

    Technically Inept

    Least Jaded Sonic Fan Member
    I somewhat dislike the character outside certain portrayals but it would honestly not even be a problem if it was Rouge or something. You can kind of argue that is what she is.
  2. Burst


    Still Alive Member
    Sonic 1: Terra Night Reawakened
    I'd say I'd wait until Sonic 4 to make a proper judgement on how Amy can easily beat Metal Sonic. For all we know, they could be mere Metal Sonic drones, nowhere as strong as the OG.

    Metal Sonic being in this though makes me hopeful for Metal Overlord as a big villain for Movie 4 - and considering there's a Heroes remake rumored that probably won't be out before 2026 (which I assume is when Sonic 4 drops), they could easily time it, as they did with Sonic X Shadow and movie 3.

    One thing I wonder though is why there are many Metal Sonic drones, instead of just one normal Metal Sonic. Is this gonna be a Brotherhood of Metallix situation? That'd be wild if so.


    I'm kind of surprised how few spoilers from actual screenings have come out so far. The merch leaks and one single scene is all I've seen discussed anywhere.

    And really, the only thing I take from it is the high chance of a 4th movie.

    I'll be seeing the movie with friends on thursday. Might just duck back out and wait for the rest, it's not as if the plot is ever going to be all that deep given it's based so closely on the games anyway...
  4. Yash


    CHOCOLATE! Member
    Just went to an early screening of this and it was amazing. Easily the best of the three and the Sonic movie I’ve dreamt of since I was a kid.

    I’m kind of curious to see how the unwashed masses react because my wife didn’t like it as much as the first two, and she’s very much a “played the Genesis games as a kid and then moved on like a normal person” kind of fan. However she also was super tired (long day at work, nodded off a few times, also missed the first few minutes due to AMC shockingly starting the movie early and not even showing any previews), which may have impacted her enjoyment.

    Few thoughts:

    - I think the tone whiplash is going to hurt its reviews a bit. It never felt this hard in the other movies, but I think with the weight of the Shadow story, it sticks out a bit more when the characters stop to mug or crack jokes. I personally don’t mind it, I think it’s kind of a shonen hallmark, but I know that’s an issue for people, so whatever.

    - legitimately choked up a bit at the Shadow/Maria scenes. The friendship is so pure and I thought they did a way better job at showing them actually like, being friends and teaching Shadow humanity. The Sonic games aren’t really cinematic in this way so I’m not necessarily knocking them for not showcasing this, but Maria always comes off like a precious porcelain doll/walking plot device even in stuff like Sonic X, it was great seeing her be an actual kid.

    - movie goes a bit harder PG than the other two. There’s a bit more cursing, a lot of characters just straight-up die, like it actually has an appreciable body count. Shadow, Maria, Gerald AND Ivo Robotnik (ensuring Jim isn’t coming back for a sequel), even the GUN Commander (the Olive Garden guy - btw, breaking with tradition there are no Olive Garden references, or really any corporate plugs, though there’s quite a few specific movie references, like a flashback of STK watching the Casper movie from 1995 of all things). Sonic also spends a decent amount of the movie thinking Shadow murdered Tom, but he gets better. Which speaking of…

    - Robotnik kills Gerald by doing the Naruto thing where he finger guns his butt, except with one of the Sonic quills, and it projects Gerald into the energy ring powering the ARK and Gerald blips out of existence like a bug flying into a bug zapper and it fucking rules

    - Super Sonic and Super Shadow is everything you’d want it to be. In fact I’d say this is about as perfect an adaptation of SA2 as you could reasonably expect from the movie canon. Keanu does a great job but I actually think it’s Ben who truly shines in this movie, I think Movie!Sonic was tested more than he ever has been here and he delivered.

    - movie did a way better job handling the human characters than the previous two, which is to say, it mostly keeps them out of the way unless they’re actually helping the plot in some way. No wedding subplot, no Tom arc about wanting to join SFPD, no Bulgarian dance-off, although Carrey of course does a double dance-off keeping in tradition for these things. In fact I’d actually say the pace felt a little too abrupt if anything?

    - Easter Egg stuff: Sonic says the “talk about a low budget flight, no food or movies” line word for word from the game and it’s pretty cool. He also tells Shadow “gotta go fast” before they go to stop the ARK and Shadow asks if it’s his catch phrase. Sonic: “yes, and everyone loves it.” Sonic also says “follow me” quite a few times which makes me wonder if they ever had the temptation to follow it up with “set me free,” alas. I also liked there was a little moment where Tails is running a simulation of their heist on GUN’s headquarters, and the S/T/K trio is represented by their Sonic Mania character select sprites.

    Musical stuff: Eggman’s ringtone is I Am the Eggman. The piano Green Hill song they love from the first one is used again. The Sonic 3 clear jingle shows up early on. I think I heard Eggman’s theme from Sonic 06 at one point? Live & Learn is DEFINITELY there, with full vocals, though it’s not the full song unfortunately. However the orchestral version of it is rad as hell. The music from SA2’s ending cinematic is also worked into the scene immediately following Shadow’s death, which kind of surprised me, felt like a fairly deep cut for these soundtracks which have otherwise been very surface level in their pulls.

    Also when they visit the Chao Garden (which is what they call the Chuck E. Cheese-type place), they play a Japanese cover of ABC by the Jackson 5, which is pretty funny considering all the drama with the *other* Sonic 3 and a certain Jackson’s involvement with it.

    - Theater went fucking raucous when Amy showed up. Really curious what they’ll do now with a fourth movie, seems like Robotnik’s dead for real this time and I feel like something has to be working with Metal Sonic.

    all in all: pretty damn good! And I think if you have any fondness for these movies at all as a Sonic fan, you’ll dig this one.

    Now, let me leave you all with the photo I took with this gentleman inside the theater:

    Last edited: Dec 18, 2024
  5. Technically Inept

    Technically Inept

    Least Jaded Sonic Fan Member
    That’s a shonen hallmark? I didn’t know.

    what shonen you been watching bro?
  6. Yash


    CHOCOLATE! Member
    One Piece?

    Do I really have to defend my honor over the assessment that shonen often goes out of its way to defuse its serious moments with random gags

    I wasn’t even criticizing it for that, just observing. Shonen and I are good, fam

    And to be clear I only made the shonen allusion because I’ve read a ton of people compare this movie to Dragon Ball which I would argue often does the same thing (especially earlier in its run when it was more gag-driven)
  7. Technically Inept

    Technically Inept

    Least Jaded Sonic Fan Member
    It was a jab, but not one to take seriously my guy. I didn’t. I just said it because I noticed it and I tend to just talk.

    And let’s just say if someone is going to be critcizing the movies, I’m probably not the first person who is going to jump up and defend them. I thought the previous two were mediocre children’s films with a Sonic skin.

    It is just from my (admittedly limited) experience anime doesn’t do that crap. The stuff anime actually wants you to take seriously and be emotionally invested in, it tends to take serious and let you stay emotionally invested in. If anything it has the opposite problem. It takes thins too seriously in some (most) cases, making it to so overdramatic to where it wraps around to being ironically and unintentionally funny due to its absurdity.

    It does have gags and stuff, but when it’s a subversion type gag it’s usually pretty obvious from the start. Or at least I find it to be
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2024
  8. MrMechanic


    So I've always wanted to say this...

    My review of the movie is out of embargo and now live! lol.

    The long and short.

    It's a VERY enjoyable and fun movie, but it does unfortunately have some bad habits which have been brought over from the previous films. I'll go into more details later/join in more of the proper conversation/justify some of my review later, been rushing for the last 16 hours to make this before the deadline lol.
  9. Yash


    CHOCOLATE! Member
    No sweat, I was just taken aback because that felt like a pretty banal observation? I've heard for a long time, decades even, from people who are put off by shows like One Piece or Full Metal Alchemist or Dragon Ball for undercutting their drama by inserting dumb pervert jokes or goofy anime faces or what-have-you in the middle of heavier scenes. This never bothered me personally outside of some egregious examples (Dragon Ball is really bad about this when it transitions into something more serious, as Toriyama's inclination is still towards it being a gag comic), I just know that's a common criticism I've heard and felt this movie probably would irritate those same people with, e.g. the Robotniks making dumb quips about Comic-Con or the 2011 Green Lantern movie during their showdown.
  10. Boxer Hockey

    Boxer Hockey

    Undercutting a serious moment with some quick boke/tsukkomi gag and then continuing on as if nothing happened is like page one in the Shounen Jump rulebook.
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  11. muteKi


    Fuck it Member
    Still haven't seen it. But I need to know. Did they recreate SA2's iconic JO crystals scene?
  12. serpx


    I just finished the movie. Overall I'll give it a 7/10. Just waaay too much comedy for me. Anytime it starts to get dark or intense, they let up and make another joke. I loooved the tension between Sonic and Knuckles with the Master Emerald and REALLY wish they didn't make the joke they did which just took away the potential power in that moment.

    Honestly, that particular scene is exactly what kept happening over and over and left me feeling "That was cool but..." afterwards.

    Super Sonic v Shadow was beautiful, I wish they went a bit more raw with that, add in some music. Go more full Dragonball with it all. I expect some SICK AMVs from those scenes.

    Oh, and the post credit cutscenes were the most overhyped cutscenes of all time for me. I expected Metal Sonic and Amy. It was cool when she came out but I expected something bigger based off the initial non-spoiler reviews. Metal Sonic fought like a push over in that moment but he did look badass.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2024
  13. qwertysonic


    creating the biggest sonic collection
    I saw Tyson Hesse credited as co-producer. Congrats man!
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  14. sayonararobocop


    I wanted Cumberbatch personally but Keanu was wonderful.
  15. Boxer Hockey

    Boxer Hockey

    Thanks. I did... a lot on this one.
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  16. sayonararobocop


    He's probably gathering data and will become stronger.

    My guess is, Ivo and Shadow went through a black hole and traveled through time.
  17. Rlan


    Definitely my favorite of the 3 - congrats man.
  18. Wraith



    Genuine question: How's it feel?
  19. Boxer Hockey

    Boxer Hockey

    Honestly the rating is nice because it makes the studio happy, but the tomatometer never really gives me a sense of satisfaction or failure. I do have the self-satisfaction of believing that I just think we made a really good one this time, and that's a rare feeling for me.
  20. Linkabel


    I wasn't really expecting to walk out not liking this one as much as I did 2. And it's not just my Knuckles bias showing.

    It's not a bad movie at all, but the things that I didn't like really brought the experience down for me.

    I think the main criticism is that it felt like a CliffsNotes version of the Sonic Adventure 2 plot.

    -Sonic is on a helicopter. He’s legally required to go through the Bart “say the line” moment with: “Talk about low-budget flights! No food or movies? I’m outta here.” But we’ve got 1 hour and 49 minutes, and we can’t quite fit this into the story, so bye, City Escape setpiece.

    Okay, the movie doesn’t have to be a full 20/20 experience—after all, the game takes 8-10 hours to beat—but a lot of the story beats feel oddly rushed and almost obligatory. They also feel like your SA2 experience is doing most of the heavy lifting for the movie rather than it standing on its own. I almost wish this movie could trade runtimes with Sonic 2.

    Two critical moments that suffered because of this are the past events that influenced Shadow's and especially Gerald’s motivations, and the ending.

    The Maria flashback was great—she had more spunk, and her friendship with Shadow felt more natural and organic. Legit cried a little.

    Your mileage may vary on her not being as fragile as the game version or the story being set on Earth instead of in space. Personally, I think setting it on Earth weakens the escape since Shadow could just use his speed and powers to find a safe place, unlike being trapped in space.

    Still, the flashback was wonderful. You just needed more of it, especially a few moments from Gerald’s perspective. The cynic in me suspects they held back on showing more to save it for a Shadow spinoff, but in my opinion, this movie really needed those moments.

    Super Sonic vs. Super Shadow was great, but by that point, the movie had already lost steam. The Eclipse Cannon and the GUN mechs being the big bad didn’t help either. I didn’t see them as a threat that warranted a transformation. In the previous movie, Super Sonic took down a giant mech in seconds, so it felt off that they didn’t just destroy the mechs quickly and deal with the cannon sooner.

    It’s kind of like Batman v Superman, where the movie pulled from a lot of iconic comic arcs but lacked the weight of the original stories.

    The reconciliation between Sonic and Shadow also felt like a copy-and-paste of the Sonic and Knuckles dynamic from the last movie.

    I have to say, these movies (and show) always fall into the trap of deflating drama with humor. It’s not just a Sonic thing—it feels like writers assume audiences can’t handle uncomfortable moments.

    It’s a shame because Carrey is great with drama. Gerald, however, fell flat. Same with the tension in Sonic vs. Knuckles being undercut by Wade immediately. Showing him play with the emerald earlier when Knuckles first mentioned hiding it would’ve been funnier.

    That said, I’ve got to hand it to them—some moments were genuinely hilarious.

    Hopefully, the Amy movie is better and sticks to original plots moving forward. Really did like how a lot of little kids were excited to see her even though she's the Ringo of the core four. (JK Amy fans)

    If they do a Shadow spinoff (and I assume the Black Arms are involved based on the meteorite), I hope they trust that Shadow’s full story can carry the project without relying so heavily on humor.

    Some more game was great, but at this point I gotta accept the direction is not for me.

    Also please give Maddie more moments please. Tom already had 3 movies to take the spotlight.

    I'm also shocked they didn't get a Christmas Olive Garden gift card from the late Commander Walters at the end.

    Also this movie had a lot of Easter eggs.
    Who knew Tyson was part of GUN?
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