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Sonic Movie 3 - Spoiler Thread (Open spoilers within, beware)

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by MykonosFan, Dec 10, 2024.

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  1. DustArma


    Santiago, Chile
    Learning Python.
    I don't see how Jim's Eggman could possibly have created not just one, but an entire army of Metal Sonics in between movies 2 and 3?
  2. sayonararobocop


    He couldn't have. They're from the future.
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  3. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    Aside from just building a production line: Build one. It builds another one, making two. They build another one each, that's four. Each one builds another one twenty seven times and you've got a million Metal Sonics and G.U.N. all over your ass.
  4. Kilo


    Starting new projects every week Tech Member
    Changes with the weather
    Now that I think about it, taking the plotline of GUN mistaking Shadow for Sonic and instead doing that with Metal Sonic would be interesting, seeing as we didn't get a resolution to everything with Rockwell.
  5. sayonararobocop


    He had nowhere near the available technology or resources to build even the first one. If he had a robotic duplicate of Sonic, it would have really come in handy during the events of S3. The energy requirements alone would take something akin to the complex generator inside the Space Colony Ark, so the logical conclusion is that Metal Sonic is from the future.

    On top of it, the supporting army of Metal Sonics and Amy appearing to rescue Sonic are very clear homages to Terminator (1984) - Amy (Kyle Reese), a person Sonic (Sarah Conner) has never met before suddenly arrives at the scene to protect him. I would not be surprised if Amy in S4 says something very similar to "come with me if you want to live" and for Sonic to hang a lampshade on it by referencing the obvious similarity to Terminator.

    I had that thought last night too! Although if they were going in that direction I'm not sure why Metal Sonic would reveal itself in the fashion we saw.
  6. Ravenfreak


    Booyah! Tech Member
    O'Fallon Mo
    Hacking Sonic Drift
    I finally went and seen the movie on Saturday! My wife and I both loved it! There really wasn't much to complain about, it didn't have weird product placement like the first film did and wasn't focused too much on the humans like the second movie. It was more serious than the previous two films and had it's funny moments.
    As for those post credit scenes, I don't know why I thought we'd get to see the better Sonic clone, Mecha. I was a bit disappointed to see Metal yet again, but it makes sense because Amy will be in the fourth film and Sega doesn't use the superior character anymore sadly...
    I hope in one of the future films, we'll get to find out which planet each character is from. Maybe they're from little planet in the movies and we'll find that out in the next film. :P
  7. Londinium


    People actually read these? Member
    General audiences have no idea who Mecha Sonic is. Metal is the obvious choice.
  8. Kilo


    Starting new projects every week Tech Member
    Changes with the weather
    If they ever resorted to Mecha we'd be scraping the bottom of the barrel. I'd expect him in like Sonic movie 16 lol
  9. BigTigerM


    "Bottom of the barrel", they literally referenced Bean Machine chooms. It being a niche puzzle spin-off to a series is comparatively way past non-relevant than a main boss for a critically acclaimed Genesis title, a boss that essentially got their own dedicated mini-series in the current run of Sonic comics, a medium of which tends to get way more eyes on it than any other. Additionally, regardless of the importance of my example being inherently referential, general audiences don't know a lot about Sonic to begin with; The movie team could get away with just about anything since they're starting with a relatively blank slate. Not to mention Mecha Sonic is a part of the general 'metallic rival' lineage, adding it as history and/or narrative priority in relation to Metal wouldn't be wholly out of place depending on the approach for the storyline.
  10. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    Mean Bean is the name of a coffee shop. It's a cute, small reference that that's inconsequential to the film's plot and characters. It's not even in the same league as leading characters for a sequel. They could totally do some Mecha Sonic references, maybe even have him show up in some cameo capacity like Biolizard did, but he's certainly never gonna be a major factor.
  11. BigTigerM


    :V /lh (I've no ill will)

    Snark aside, it's still sort've a shame. Would like to see Sonic media have a willingness to branch out, attempt to put some faith in lesser known characters to provide significant roles.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2025
  12. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    They could have the Brotherhood of Metallix build a 'superior' Metal Sonic, that of Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles for the 'final boss'.
  13. BigTigerM


    That's what I was imagining, yeah! The Brotherhood would end up configuring a superior variant for their ultimate goal defined by the plot of the movie - I'd personally like to see them perhaps chucking different models out, improving upon the last in different ways a-la the Omnidroid to gradually perfect the "one true Sonic".
    I sort of think that's what's being implied by the post-credits, with the crazy amount of Metals attacking at once just to get demolished - Maybe they really just are mindless (enough) cannon-fodder being sent out, whilst a bigger player is lurking behind the scenes? Maybe being controlled by, like, an overlord or something? Ho-hum. :P

    Generally, we've seen a lot of speculation for Heroes representation on the horizon -- the fourth movie obviously with Shadow set to return (at least in something, vague hopes for Shadow solo movie) plus Amy and Metal as a perfect set-up for an all-rounder CD & Heroes experience, the rumoured inclusion of The Chaotix in a Paramount show that'd support my point further, hintings of a remake by Sonic Team to test UE5, and heck I'm even gonna throw Sonic X acknowledgement in here since despite it not including Metal since it really feels like a Heroes-y show... I dunno, s'just interesting! Audible shrug!

    (IIRC I even remember the colours of the models themselves supposedly being teased as of some significance by those who worked of the film, or something to that extent? Dunno what that's about, or if I'm even remembering it right, but I'm writing it down here anyways to not forget it.)
  14. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
    That was Tyson, in this very thread, clarifying that the "main" Metal Sonic that attacks Sonic and the army Amy destroys are different colors, and that they did this on purpose.
  15. Pipoza


    General audience familiarity is one of the reasons why I'm unsure about more recent and "less popular" inclusions.

    I still think the "base 7" (Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Eggman, Amy, Metal, Shadow) actually have a decent amount of recognizability beyond their games and so it's a given for them to be a key focus in the movies.

    But characters like Rouge, Cream, the Chaotix, Silver and Blaze absolutely are less recognizable because they kind of disappear beyond their introductions and are in the less popular era of the games.

    I don't like Silver and I don't think he ever had any kind of interesting potential as a character, but his most prominent role is still only in arguably the worst Sonic game ever made and he just gets nothing after it.

    In contrast I really like Cream and Blaze, but they're spinoff characters. They have big roles in their games and then in mainline stories Cream gets a small role in Heroes (truth is, Cream kind of only had Sonic Advance 2) and Blaze is an object that gets deleted to make Silver sad in 06.

    I like Rouge as part of Team Dark and the Chaotix is kind of a neat deep cut brought back for Heroes, but both also just get nothing beyond their biggest games (SA2, Heroes). Rouge gets more than the Chaotix and Silver do, but not by much.

    My personal movie adaption wish is for a Rush movie, but how safe would it be from a business perspective?

    I guess the question really is how much of the general audience goes to these movies for the characters. How many go just for Jim Carrey?

    As discussed above, do general audiences really just know nothing? As I said, I personally don't think so and feel like there is at least some cursory familiarity with all of the characters so far.

    But who knows, maybe a Silver movie would be extremely successful just on the base of these movies being successful, with word of mouth possibly being able to do a lot of work?

    But at the same time, even a lot of Sonic fans don't know about Silver.
  16. shilz


    getting my daily allowance of vitamin kk
    I don't really see why we "need" Metal Sonic "starpower" any more than just another generic Robot Sonic. Amy alone is probably enough to get people in if they really need something recognizable, but then obviously they don't if their biggest existing names in the Knuckles series were Chief Pachacamac and Iblis Fire Demon.
  17. Pipoza


    Oh yeah, right, the Knuckles series happened. That could be an alright metric to look at.

    Was the series financially successful despite (apparently, haven't seen it) barely having the characters in it?
  18. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
    That's a different story, though. Why would they waste something really important on Wade's bowling show?

    And yes, it being a robot Sonic is what gives Metal Sonic his appeal, but that doesn't make him completely replaceable.
  19. shilz


    getting my daily allowance of vitamin kk
    I mean, for the same reason they would waste Shadow on the Double Jim Carrey Slapstick and Queerbait hour... Not that this franchise even truly wants to take from Sonic stories, they're too afraid Sonic fans will riot when the lizards kill Sonic's owl mom and hastily apply an Echidna filter over them and then they just stay on earth anyways so they don't have to come up with anything new in their brand new world either.

    Anyways, the point being, Metal Sonic isn't really a huge upgrade from any other Robot Sonic, so saying that he's gonna put asses in seats doesn't really seem to be accurate when those asses seem to be in seats anyways.
    It was Paramount+'s most watched original, from what I remember. not sure how that calculates to financials or how well the series box sets sold, though.
  20. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
    I mean, I guess when you deliberately misrepresent the movie for a cheap gotcha, but that still misses my point. The Knuckles show was literally designed to be lower-budget and unimportant. It's the same reason they don't do Sonic Adventure 3 as a comic book. The big stuff is saved for the bigger productions.

    ...For Metal Sonic, the robot Sonic. I guess you can say that if it were an army of other Sonic Robots that aren't Metal Sonic, most people would still be on-board...but why would they do that? That just dilutes things for no reason, and makes it less recognizable. I'm not sure anyone is arguing that Metal's own specific identity is so well-developed and unique that only specifically he could do it...but there's no reason to do something else. He's the robot Sonic. What is even being debated here?
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