If I hadn't just moved, I'd rewrite the page, but I still have furniture to set up and more things to get out of storage. If no one does it by next Wednesday, I'll hit it.
The fact I had Debug Mode enabled aside (unless it is absolutely relevant), can anyone try explaining this physics hiccup I experienced in MCZ/DHZ? https://www.twitch.tv/danknderpygamer/clip/ZealousDaintyPieRickroll
The glitch that you've had, @Travelsonic, seems to resemble the gravity wheel glitch from Carnival Night Zone. It appearing in Sonic 2 would be new to my knowledge, though. EDIT: Apon reviewing your footage, I wonder If it's related to Sonic dying and then being revived by Debug...
To think Sonic2 ended up being a half-baked final product... Nowadays, any such game is quickly caught on it and grilled. Back then, most people wouldn't even mind it and enjoy it. SEGA & ST managed to get away with it and make tons of money out of it xD
It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to denominate the Aug 21 one the alpha when we have several other alphas though, even if that's what it was originally labeled. It's probably best to stick to dates and resort to nicknames only where the dates are unknown.
A great thing about date referencing rather than definite naming is that if other prototypes are discovered between what's currently known, it won't feel like you have to renaming something and try to communicate that to others. Like it's too late to rename the "Simon Wai" beta the "Simon Wai" Alpha 1, or something like that. So maybe it should be the "Simon Wai" prototype from 2019/Aug/??. Prototype being more general, and dating being more universal.
One of the points I was making was that the level select and title cards weren't changed at the same time. The title cards are finished in the CENSOR prototype and the new level select is added in Beta 7. The title cards in the September 14th build were placeholders.
I'd wager it's because Sonic 2 was worked on by a lot of people, while Sonic 1 and 3 had comparatively smaller teams. I'll bet money that we'll find builds of them eventually. We do know the 1990 Sonic 1 proto exists somewhere, and I have a feeling it'll pop up sooner rather than later.
Track 10 being assigned to Hidden Palace seems to be based on the final game, if you access it through Game Genie to view the garbled leftover mess.
There's certainly one more build left. The one represented by this image. https://info.sonicretro.org/File:GD_Sonic2_CPZ_2.png The page it is on says it is consistent with the Simon Wai Prototype, but the Simon Wai Prototype doesn't have that style of CPZ slope - instead using the final's CPZ slopes. https://info.sonicretro.org/File:Ss.s2cpzlh.PNG It's more consistent with Nick Arcade's design for them. https://info.sonicretro.org/File:Z_dcp02.png (The images might not display, sorry! Added links to them for now.)
And if there's another build still out there, there's the one shown in the Mean Machines Sega VHS. Based on what we saw in the Aug 21st build, this one is newer as it has Tails' AI fixed, the Spin Dash sounds fixed, the EHZ boss music fixed and the drowning theme added in (timecodes for Sonic 2 footage are 0:40, 10:53 and 16:34:
this was what I was thinking too. The Rexons in Hill Top now make more sense to me than it did before.
Ah damn, I missed the stream again. But this is still some really cool stuff. Seeing these protos come to light is always fascinating, bit I'm particularly interested in trying them out. Thanks again, drx!
Oh my god it's 1999 all over again. Looking forward to all the deep work done by the tech people here for hacks and such
It's not really 1999 though! We're lacking the crazy theories. Still, this is the closest I've experienced to Sonic 2 proto excitement on this site in a long while. It sure is something.
On the subject of music being assigned to seemingly empty slots such as Hidden Palace in the later versions, keep in mind that all those levels might have been actually present (more or less complete) in their development stations, even those that were being excluded from the actual builds.
I'm going to presume that stuff from their development stations will be the next big thing to look for. Also: 1. TCRF, on the topic of the August 14th prototype says that OOZ's chunks are incorrect because they are being shifted around - which doesn't make sense to me. Based on the fact that August 14ths OOZ is a work-in-progress version of the final OOZ, it makes more sense that the chunks are incorrect because their definitions haven't been updated yet. 2. I'm thinking that, on the MCZ page over on retro, it should say that MCZ survived the time travel concept and, at some point, became a cave level, resulting in its re-name from Dust Hill to Mystic Cave.