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Sonic Megamix

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Stealth, Jan 27, 2012.

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  1. Metal Knuckles

    Metal Knuckles

    New Hampshire, USA
    Shadow Alpha, an awesome hack of Sonic 1
    Calm down. This topic wasn't locked in the first place, and there's nothing unreasonable about asking how the project's going several years after the last update. If there's nothing to mention so far, someone from team megamix will surely come into this thread and say as much.
  2. The Game Collector

    The Game Collector

    Washington State, USA
    Being Ted Narcotic's bass player; working on Kelly Kristjanson's tape archive; collecting video games
    Am I the only one that is not on the game's staff that isn't surprised that the game is still in development? Members of the team told us a long time ago that the game will continue to be developed at whatever pace the team can possibly maintain and that the next intended release will be the final release. I trusted that information and believed in it ever since. The only thing I don't really know is who the team consists of now and who is in charge of what aspects now.
  3. RetroKoH


    S1Fixed: A successor to ReadySonic
    Didn't mean to come across as a dick... I just recall plenty of times seeing them get aggravated at the inquiries, and I feel responsible for reigniting the fires.
  4. steveswede


    Ask my hand
    Fighting against the Unitary State of Europe
    Not me. They have said many times that it's in development and take their word for it. The only reason why it's been so quiet around it is because they asked people to stop asking about it.
  5. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    Honestly I thought it was quietly canceled and never spoken about, like most fan projects. Didn't mean to tick anyone off by asking how it was doing though...
  6. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    Oh yey, this is still going. I've been wondering about if asking how the game's going would be considered necro-bumping or not, but I'm glad to see it's still kicking. I can't wait to write it to a CD-Rom and play it on my Mega CD.
  7. Dr. Mustache

    Dr. Mustache

    Likes Sloths Member
    I honestly thought that the leak Cinossu mentioned was the one from years ago :| I had to go back and read the date of his post to realize it was only recent.
    Well I'm pleased to see it's still in development, I have the last proper release on the wiki and really had fun with it!
  8. AkumaYin


    Yeah, I was getting worried when I saw people saying stuff like "Stealth works for SEGA; Sonic Megamix is dead". I'm glad I had at least a bit of faith.
  9. Stealth


    Tech Member
    Sonic Mania, HCGE, Sonic Megamix, SonED2, [...]
    If you use or have used this and end up regretting it, don't blame us. That's not meant to be funny, and I genuinely mean it. If you don't know why, then continue reading first and find out, and see how I was made to have to waste time doing this instead of further developing the game'5.0',_broken,_incomplete,_not_a_legitimate_release,_extreme_spoilers).rar

    The above-linked archive contains an in-progress build from mid-2011. It was never intended for release, but shortly after it was built and uploaded in private by one member to show the rest of the team, someone found an exploitable script that was installed by someone else somewhere on the webserver that we use, which was in a place that actually had absolutely nothing to do with us yet made us vulnerable anyway. While exploiting it, they invaded our private folders, saw and downloaded this build, and then released it in an open and explicit attempt to spite "Sonic Retro" even though Megamix is not a "Sonic Retro" project, and several dev team members have little-to-nothing to do with Retro politics. When this person backed down, another person who downloaded it from the then-public links took it upon himself to do nothing more than openly and explicity defy authority and common decency by plastering his name all over it and further distributing it himself. When this left the spotlight, this build was relegated to back-water sites and eventually random youtube videos, which quickly moved up in search ranking and started becoming listed as "suggested videos" on legitimate Megamix teaser and playthrough videos. Slowly, the number of videos containing footage from and links to the leak grew, exponentially increasing the likelihood that anyone would see it, until it finally forced its way into open waters again. It's being incorrectly passed off as "Current Version", "5.0", and "Final", to name the most prominent

    We can't afford to care about this anymore, so rather than let people continue spreading misinformation and swelling their egos over doing nothing, we're making it available ourselves with this statement. This is not "a release" in the traditional sense, and we honestly would prefer that you do not download and play it. Do not call it "a release" because the implication is thoroughly misleading. It's unstable in general, it probably doesn't work very well on hardware, and the majority of the new content is unfinished and unpolished, even in cases where it might appear otherwise (Ex: COZ3 appears "complete" because I intended to use it in a private demonstration), yet there are still extreme spoilers. If we intended a release, it would have been polished and stable, so, if for some reason you decide to subject yourself to this build in any way, then it is you who have made the choice to both frustrate yourself and diminish the impact that the final product will have on you by means of spoiling newer content either through extended unofficial viewing materials or especially by experiencing gameplay, some of which will not change much, if at all. This was not our intent, we did not make the decision, we are trying to warn you, and we can not be held responsible

    This has become so rampant that we apparently have no choice but to forego calling the next version "5.0" because we do not want this causing confusion with the in-progress build and the future release. Do not call it "Final"; it is far from "Final". If you see any variation of "5.0", it is this build. If you see "Final", check,, and If it does not appear in all three locations, you are being lied to. If you see it being called "Beta", then that's just plain ignorant, because "Beta" does not occur until after the main gameplay mode is playable from start to finish and its content is considered almost final, thus placing this build firmly in early "Alpha" stage. If you absolutely must call this anything other than "2011 leak", call it "5.0a", and include both the build date of June 28th, 2011 and the fact that it is not a true release somewhere prominent

    This is extremely outdated and, again, was never intended for actual release. We are not looking for comments; it is not in a presentable state, nor is anything finished. We are not looking for bug reports; we were in the middle of things and already knew about most issues when this build was taken from us, and current builds are much more stable. We are not looking for suggestions; this is unfinished, unstable, and outdated. We want to make our own decisions and not be told to do what we've already done or would probably have done anyway

    The only differences between this distribution and others are the inclusion of this text file both in the package and on the iso image, and the use of the soundtrack that we were using in-development as opposed to broken and/or completely random sets. Tracks 5, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 24, and 25 are placeholders and are not intended for the final game. Track 5 was a WIP track borrowed from Dioxaz's "ArmEggeddon Project", and 25 is an OCRemix by analoq. If you must hear the soundtrack that accompanies the most prominent illegitimate distribution, get it here, but know that it is not sanctioned by us and we are not responsible for its content. The initial leak was not accompanied by a CD soundtrack, and many people posting videos have been filling it in with whatever random thing they wanted

    If you have to distribute this build, distribute this complete package, unmodified. If you have to showcase this build or any portion of it, include this complete text, unmodified. If you have to cross-post any of the music tracks, include this complete text, unmodified

    Do not assume that Megamix has been "cancelled". After the multitude of times that we've said that it won't be, you must think very poorly of us to believe that we rank among the people who make those claims and then silently give up without admitting to it. Having to constantly say this is getting to be too much


    edit-broken link
  10. Willie


    Each day the world turns Laugh 'til it all burns Member
    Wow, that teaser trailer was really impressive. I'm looking forward to when the rom hack is finally complete. As for the leak, I'll admit I downloaded and tried both the first level and the first special stage out of curiosity of how the game has changed. I was impressed with a lot of the changes but damn, that teaser trailer really showcases much that has changed way better than the little taste I got with that leak. That should shut up a lot of people who thought the project was cancelled.
  11. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    That video must be the build Stealth let me play at Sonic Boom 2011.
  12. Stealth


    Tech Member
    Sonic Mania, HCGE, Sonic Megamix, SonED2, [...]
    Not unless I'm about to send this morning's build back in time over three years :P
  13. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    I guess it was an older build on that PSP at Boom then. :V
  14. Glaber


    Has Beaten Sonic Genesis for GBA Oldbie
    I hate to say this, but unless it's suppose to be this way, the download link is broken for the official leak.
  15. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    Jeez I feel like I was called out their in that last little sentence. I never put you guys in any sort of "rank" when I said that your not lower or higher then anyone. just that the years of internet conditioning have taught me that even the best fan projects fall wither its their own doing internally or some outside force and projects of this magnitude have a high rate of failure, since 2002 I've only seen a few projects actually survive and make it to the end. all I was saying is that I wouldn't be surprised if thats what did possibly happen to Megamix, because its happened before like some kind of bad Sonic Cycle but I'm glad its not.

    That being said, I have zero clue who is working on this project now a days too (Stealth still being apart of the project is surprising considering) or that you had an official site for the project thats still functional. its been 2 and a half years since I last checked in on this and it was completely silent this whole time, I had seriously forgotten and honestly the last version of Megamix I ever tried was when you guys were still working with Genesis hardware, and it didn't help that I suffered a HDD crash around that time and lost nearly everything this project went into the way back burner.

    I really do like what I saw in that teaser and its crazy to think that this whole project is nearing 10 years of development now (Team Megamix was unofficially made a group in 2004 if I recall). I'm hopeful that we can see an official release someday soon and not these leaks that keep happening every few years.
  16. Harmony Friends

    Harmony Friends

    it's the whole gang Oldbie
    Sorry about all this nonsense about the leak, Stealth, and thanks for your well-thought-out and elegant response. I continue to look forward to the time when you do feel ready to allow people to preview a more polished build.
  17. Sparks


    Sondro Gomez / Kyle & Lucy
    Honestly, that teaser is good enough for me. I didn't really pay attention to the whole drama that just went on, but hearing you guys are still going strong with the game and are proudly doing so restored my faith in this project. Can't wait to see what surprises are truly hidden in the game. :)
  18. Stealth


    Tech Member
    Sonic Mania, HCGE, Sonic Megamix, SonED2, [...]
    Even the leak is newer than the build I had at Sonic Boom, by at least 19 days, and it doesn't have several of the things present in the video. I think that's what W.A.C. was making note of

    Not anymore

    If you want to take it personally, I can't stop you, but your comment was like one in a million. Most people don't say it in so many words, but you know what they're thinking, and I've seen the same accusation made much more aggressively

    Enough of us for it to work well enough :P

    So are we :P

    While I'm here, I may as well clear this up too
    "Works for SEGA" is very imprecise and misleading. I'm an independent contractor - my official relationship with SEGA lasted only as long as the duration of the project(s) for which I was contracted, and to further clarify, the contracts under which Taxman and I worked were bought with our own initiative and months of preliminary work and convincing; they weren't just given to us, and we definitely weren't "sought out", to use other words I've seen applied to our situation on more than one occasion. There's more if they want it, but if they won't take it, then there's really nothing I can do about that

    In the mean-time, I do whatever

    A couple of new posts cropped up while my last one was in limbo. To all applicable posters - Thanks for the cheers!
  19. steveswede


    Ask my hand
    Fighting against the Unitary State of Europe
    I'm so tempted to download that teaser trailer and upload it with Darth Vader breathing over it. Looks promising as always even though I think the level design looks cluttered.
  20. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    I won't take it personal so as long as you guys don't. :)

    As long as working on projects like these don't effect what you and Tax built up with SEGA then thats pretty cool you guys can dip your toes into both aspects without troubles. (I'm still looking forward to a remake by you guys to a game with a speedy animal that has a 3 in its title. ;) )

    Ahh damn you got my non-editied sentence btw, I meant to say "still being" but didn't edit fast enough.
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