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Sonic Mania (Switch, PS4, Xbox One, PC...Netflix?)

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by TimmiT, Jul 23, 2016.

  1. IrnBru


    Totally agree, a man can dream though eh? Hopefully some mad bastard at Sega glances at it and pushes the right buttons.

    They would need to be inventive with a physical release, even for me at this point, if it came out in some kind of retro case or with a usb Megadrive pad or something that they can charge fans out the arse for but not be totally ripping the piss out of us then I can see a physical release.

    We need this game marketed more towards the general public, there was a big wave of hype when it was announced and I get that, but outside of the sonicretro bubble if Sega isn't pushing it in everyones faces, the hype will die down when it comes to launch.

    And I know it sounds like a total school yard threat and I'm not trying to be edgy, but if Sega fucks this up I am never supporting another product they try to sell me. This is ya moment Sega don't piss it up a wall now...
  2. TheOcelot


    Scooty Puff Jr sucks! Member
    I'm not a fan of dlc. It's just an excuse to squeeze more money out of us and makes the original game feel unfinished. I'd much rather the full game release with all content and then get a sequel years later. I wouldn't expect dlc anyway as Mania is being made by a small team with (presumably) a small budget.

    Besides, Taxman said Mania is bigger than Gens. Isn't that enough :v:

    I agree we don't need a Saturn-esque trilogy of 2d games. If Mania gets a good reception and sells well enough (which it probably will) then I'm hoping SEGA would ask StealthTax to make another game. This time with a bigger budget (and perhaps a bigger team) and to aim for a more modern look visually, perhaps (and this may sound stupid) a Dreamcast-esque inspired 2d Sonic game? Even if it means they would have to use a different game engine.
  3. Flygon


    Dreamcast-esque? How does that even work?
  4. Beltway


    The most grateful Sonic fan of all time this week Member
    Sega of Darkest Peru
    Artwork and looking for post-grad work...
    Gonna be honest, a combined "grass city" level trope would be pretty rad. Buildings made of grass and flowers, roads/platforms/overpass made of dirt, and you could have Eggman badniks (without animals trapped in them) acting as vehicles, styled after insects. Just a few ideas I rattled off the top of my head, but I bet something really neat could come out of it if fleshed out a bit more.

    I don't want DLC. I think Mania should be a complete release, with all intended content for it to be intact in the final product. I think the only updates that it should get would be bugfixes; any new or returning content and ideas should be held off for a new project.

    That said, I also don't want iterative mission pack sequels, like S&K was to Sonic 3 (though in fairness, they weren't intended to be two individual games). Viewing Mania as the Megaman 9 retraux angle of a belated sequel, I think the next step Sega and co. should take would be the Nintendo/Rayman treatment: classic gameplay with modern presentation (2.5D graphics, HD sprites, a mix of the two, whatever), as a major retail project.

    Speaking under the assumption that everyone on board with Mania would be returning for a new Genesis Sonic project, I'll also say that I entrust them (and even encourage them to) to evolve classic gameplay or be able to put a new spin on it (a la Sonic CD, or Chaotix to an extent; or Mario World / Zelda: MM [to OoT] concerning non-Sonic titles). Save for the aforementioned two titles, there's arguably a lot of experimentation and ideas that can be done with Genesis Sonic gameplay that Sonic Team never even sniffed at ever since the series switched gears to the post-Genesis/Saturn era.

    Last but not least, I think its worth emphasizing that Sega and co. should take their time and space new entries out (though given what the new CEOs have said since the restructure, I assume I don't have to worry about this too much). Follow the Nintendo approach and have a new Genesis Sonic show up once or twice a generation; and not churned out every one-two years like recent policy for Sonic games were (and if each new title can speak for itself in terms of quality, that testament will also be reflected in its sales...ideally speaking, anyway). When a new classic Sonic appears, they should feel like an event, in the same way a 3D Mario or 3D Zelda does. That not only allows developers to make the game the best they can in content and polish, but also allow developers to spend their time on other projects in the interim. I know I'm probably stating the obvious here and have said this before, but I do think its important if Genesis Sonic, and everything that's part and parcel with it, is definitely here to stay.

    tl;dr Virtually everything OcelotBot said, and then some.
  5. nineko


    I am the Holy Cat Tech Member
    To be honest, if a "Sonic Mania 2" will ever come to life, I wouldn't mind to see a "lock-on" technology of sorts which allows people to play through both games at once (I'm sure you all know about S3&K so I don't know why I'm even detailing this). I'm not saying that they should release a "Sonic Mania 2" without Tails and with some other playable character (e.g. Amy or Big) so one has to play "Sonic Mania 1 & 2 & Knuckles" to access the whole experience, though that would be neat in my opinion, especially if "Sonic Mania 2" is built on the same engine as the first one, but with improvements (think reverse gravity in S&K). There are so many ways to make it right, there is potential all over the place.
  6. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    Get over yourself. Some people are just disappointed with the loss of the insta-shield, and aren't enamored with the drop dash. Some other people don't like Sonic CD that much, and are disappointed that Mania seems more derivative of that than it is of S3&K.

    People are allowed to be disappointed without that meaning that they think that Mania is a piece of shit that's crapping all over the legacy of S3&K.
  7. Felik


    I like how you have no idea what I actually am referring to but don't waste a chance to act like an entitled douchebag nevertheless.
  8. ElectricSparx


    United States
    Temporal Shift: Flow of Eternity
    The loss of the insta-shield disappoints me considering that's IMHO the best move for Sonic in a 2D game, but the drop dash at least seems interesting.

    I just wanna see Launch Base and/or Death Egg make an appearance. Getting those tracks remixed for Mania would be just amazing.
  9. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member
    Dude, you're the one who says that someone criticizing something is the same as someone saying something is an "act of blasphemy".

    People can criticize a game (or any form of media) without being crazy angry about it.
  10. Felik


    A few pages ago I made a lengthy discussion of certain aspect of Sonic 3 which was reproduced in Mania which I perceived as flawed and supported my claims with solid arguments. To which I got either "it doesn't matter" or "Sonic 3 was like that so it's perfect" for a couple of pages.You fucking were there you saw that , stop making it look like I'm just sitting here and call people short-sighted for no reason.

    People also can have a civil discussion without falling to personal attacks. I'd love to see you react if someone labeled your argument as *bullshit* and tell to get over yourself.
  11. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member
    You literally said people here think that any changes to the formula are "acts of blasphemy".

    People aren't nearly as mad about stuff as you're saying they are.
  12. IrnBru


    Felik do you mean the sign post discussions?

    I think people are just protective over what they see as the last good Sonic game. It isn't that it's blasphemy, they just think fuck it that worked lets rinse and repeat, it beats Sega's constant wild cards. We're getting a classic Sonic game, just make this one good and experiment with potential sequels.
  13. VectorCNC


    CNC Sculpture/Artwork
    Honestly Felik, I have no dog in this fight, and when I read your blasphemy comment it pissed me off. I was hoping someone would jump down your throat. I get your stance on fixing the points regarding the sign, and that there is no reason to defend not fixing it (sorry for double negative), but your over the top characterization just came off as jaded. You actually come across as very jaded in 90% of your comments. Just something I've come to expect. My apologies if you were just using hyperbole for affect, but that is how it was received. I think that even the vocal majority can accept changes to the Sonic 3 formula, but given the current state of the classic franchise, and what's come before, this just isn't the time to be making any large or unexpected changes. Count me onboard with the "if Sega fucks this up I will no longer support anything they do going forward crowd". I'm not trying to be obnoxious, it's just my personal limit.
  14. Deef


    I hope we don't have to wait until June for this thing to drop.

    And yeah, ok, Sonic Mania 2. With lock on tech. :D And like, only Sonic and Metal Sonic playable, but with all the backwards/forwards compatible hijinx of character selection to the point where we can play Tails & Metal co-op. Somehow. And for the first time in like 24 years, a legitimate Hyper Sonic/Knuckles again. :D

    Totally doable.

    Basically I'd be happy if Sonic Mania was a complete reboot of all 2D Sonic gaming from here on.
  15. Felik


    Well I honestly didn't expect that my blasphemy comment would be perceived as anything but a hyperbole :v:
    I was just really saddened and surprised with how negative most (or at the very least a sizable portion of) people accepted the idea of playable Amy. Something that I personally think would be a great addition and a natural progression for the classic series. They were not even open to discussion. Their one argument was either "I don't like Amy" (though subjective) which I honestly can accept if it's the majorly held one or "Sonic 3 had 3 characters and it's perfect, maybe for Mania 2" which is the one I have a problem with.
    Add to that my signpost debate and you'll get where I'm coming from.
  16. IrnBru


    People do disagree dude, shit happens, I think looking at it logically those 3 characters are safe, they work, they are the bread and butter of classic Sonic. There is a bit of a danger when they add another character in that we haven't seen working in playable form in a classic Sonic game (in official form anyway).

    People have had 20 odd years to play S1,CD,2,3,K and the character balancing in Sonic 3K seems to be what the majority of us look for and honestly Sega never play it safe. I'd rather a well rounded experience I know I'd like rather than a reasonably good game with a tacked on character. Stealth/Tax probably only have so much say on how they can implement a character, their idea of a playable Amy and Sega's idea of a playable Amy might be totally different from what people in this forum including yourself would want.
  17. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member
    I don't have a problem with extra playable characters as long as they fit into the game. Like I wouldn't want to play as Shadow, but Metal Sonic or Mighty being playable would be neat.
  18. KingOfBunnies


    I doubt it. June is usually counted as a summer month. I'd say you could expect Mania from March to May. Whichever month Sega feels like releasing it.
  19. Ashura96


    Summer doesn't officially start until June 21st, despite the fact that June as a whole is a summer month.
  20. Beltway


    The most grateful Sonic fan of all time this week Member
    Sega of Darkest Peru
    Artwork and looking for post-grad work...
    Absolutely this. I hope Sanzaru's Boom: Fire and Ice is the last hurrah of the HA-directed speed-addicted gameplay that Dimps drove the series into, ever since it reared its head in the Advance sequels and overwrote the existing mechanics entirely with Rush. Not a fan at all on how that ended up defining "traditional 2D Sonic" gameplay in both the public and Sega's eyes. And speaking of which, to be absolutely blunt, I don't want to see Dimps make another Sonic platformer again, ever. Considering their skill on fighting games (they're responsible for the recent Street Fighter games as well as their long line of DBZ games), I assume they could probably put out a decent 2D Sonic fighter. But I think their approach to Sonic game design has, to put it lightly, gone to absolute hell over the last decade. Even when ignoring how much they missed the point of classic gameplay with Sonic 4, Generations 3DS and especially Lost World 3DS were just scraping the bottom of the barrel in both quality and creativity. Let PWG or someone else not interested in championing Dimps' caricature of what Sonic gameplay is take the reigns of making non-Sonic Team Sonic games.


    No más.

    Last edited: Oct 28, 2020