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Sonic Mania (Switch, PS4, Xbox One, PC...Netflix?)

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by TimmiT, Jul 23, 2016.

  1. Felik


    Am I the only one who has always been bothered by how you can bounce that signpost indefinitely? What's the point of highscore if you can fish for points at your leisure. I would understand if at least timer kept going up but that's not the case. You can up your score until you get bored.
  2. Since when was score important in a Sonic game :v:
  3. Felik


    Great counterpoint. You clearly have put a lot of thought into it.
    It's not like, you know, you can actually make score a meaningful mechanic like, for example, give ranks based on it (would probably not work for a classic sonic game aesthetically) or give some sort of reward depending on your highscore at the end of the game/level such as unlockables and/or achievements (would totally work for a classic game).
    Lets better just leave a meaningless counter on top of your screen at all time. A completely solid design choice and totally not a outdated concept.
  4. steveswede


    Ask my hand
    Fighting against the Unitary State of Europe
    Lives and continues. I don't think competitive high scores was ever meant to be a thing, I mean the classic Sonic games do not have a arcade score table.
  5. Felik


    Oh no I'm short on lives! Better jump on a single screen for the following 20 minutes to get me some!

    I'm not against the concept of highscore. I just think that this particular case depreciates the meaning of this mechanic and makes it even more arbitrary/pointless than it already is.
    In modern games you at least got ranks based on it.
  6. steveswede


    Ask my hand
    Fighting against the Unitary State of Europe
    You know you asked and I gave you a valid answer. Also people have a variety of skill so to say that is ignoring those that actually might need them.
  7. Felik


    No you didn't. You are explaining why score exists but you gave no answer to why highscore exists.
    Also lives and continues haven't meant jackshit ever since save file system was introduced.
    Sure you would have to start from the beginning of the level rather than from last signpost but that nothing compared to starting the game all over again (Except for maybe labyrinth zone. Every signpost counts in labyrinth zone)
  8. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member
    Unless the game has leaderboards or something (which tbh I hope it does) I don't imagine that the high score will really be that important here. It's not like you are ranked like in most modern Sonic games. (Though, again, I wouldn't mind it if you are :v:)
  9. D.A. Garden

    D.A. Garden

    Sonic CD's Sound Test Member
    While I appreciate you trying to be helpful, you weren't. I already alluded to the fact that I was aware Taxman had said that. I even mentioned in my post that I knew it wasn't finished. That's not why I said what I did. My primary reason for saying that was to see if anyone else agreed with my thoughts on the issue, and to also bring to light my current thoughts on the footage/gameplay so far so Taxman/Stealth are aware of it, and may take it away as feedback. I'm sure they already are aware of these things anyway (and have indicated as such), but I didn't think it would hurt to at least put it out there.

    Also, Taxman, Stealth and the entire team working on this: I'm sorry if I'm coming across as 'that guy' who is giving feedback on a purely unfinished product (which, I guess, I am, but I digress), I just want to see this be as great as everyone else wants it to be. I don't see too much harm in at least voicing my opinion, though.
  10. Felik


    So let me get this straight. I'm expressing my concern about this particular instance of possible (and very easy) way to abuse score system which can easily be fixed by simply not allowing you to bounce that sign indefinitely and all you guys say is "who cares? no one plays Sonic games for score"

    Well OK then. I guess I am the only one who thinks that highscore mechanic could potentially be improved upon and given actual meaning to it rather than leaving this rudimentary echo of the past as is.

    I guess I was right. God forbid changing/exploring ANY mechanic that came from Sonic 3&K. That game is PERFECT. I really wish Mania dev team would bring the double jump activation for Super Sonic/Super Knuckles back because everyone loved that.
  11. As I said before in which you decided to just act like a complete ass in response, since when was score important in a Sonic game?
    TimmiT mentioned leader boards and I mean if that stuff is in game then fine, you have a bit of a point but generally speaking no score in any sonic game has ever mattered, so quit with your nonsensical whining about things that do not matter.
  12. Felik


    So I acted like an ass because I pointed out how you responded with "who cares?" to my completely reasonable assessment?
    These things do not matter to you because they were never explored/given attention to. Because "it's always been like that". Because you've never even wondered that a certain thing can actually be explored rather than thrown in there "cause everyone did that before me". Because you're not thinking outside of the box.
    And frankly I made my point clear and I feel no need to further respond to "I don't care so you shouldn't too" nonargument.
  13. Beltway


    The most grateful Sonic fan of all time this week Member
    Sega of Darkest Peru
    Artwork and looking for post-grad work...
    It's not really indefinite. The signposts increases in speed the more you bounce it, the faster it moves; so even the most experienced players can't keep it in the air forever. Personally, I don't really see it as a major issue. It comes off to me as just a neat end-of-level mechanic, like the hidden additional points you can get by jumping over the signpost back in Sonic 1. It can be used for raking up your score, but I doubt using it extensively to do so was the intended purpose.

    If anything, I'd like to see more stuff like that, albeit in the actual levels themselves. Level gimmicks and objects that move or are affected by the player Sonic running and jumping into them.
  14. Sappharad


    Pretty sure that is not official and someone else is profiting from Sega's shirt. It should probably get taken down. It's just some random user whose only work uploaded is that one shirt.
  15. Ch1pper


    Fighting the Battle of Who Could Care Less Member
    One nitpick that jumps out at me is the snare drum in GHZ's arrangement. It sounds very mono and tin can-y compared to the rest of the instruments. All it needs is some reverb or EQing to fill out the whole sound a bit more and it'll be golden.
  16. Felik


    Quick search gave me this video:

    A guy bounces the signpost for three and a half minutes until he accidentally screws it up ranking up his score from 3600 to 18100 points. I've seen no signs of it increasing in falling speed.
    My point is that this is an example of a cool mechanic that was not properly thought through and left as is. Tax and co have the opportunity to fix it rather than simply copying it from Sonic 3 as is. By doing so they would return at least some meaning to highscore system, a mechanic that could really be explored.

  17. + - Score only served as a means to get extra lives (which the game throws at you constantly) and continues (which means nothing unless you're terrible at playing the game). If you care that much about bragging rights in terms of score within this game come back when they confirm leader boards where your argument of score exploitation would actually have merit.  
  18. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
    So you'll be removing Green Hill Zone before the final release????
  19. I laughed way too hard at this.
  20. JcFerggy


    Do you want to taco 'bout it? Member
    I think the simple solution would be to have a cap on how many times you can receive points from juggling the sign, similar to how bumpers handle it.