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Sonic Mania (Switch, PS4, Xbox One, PC...Netflix?)

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by TimmiT, Jul 23, 2016.

  1. makoeyes


    The trick behind being able to jump and reach Crimson Eye is all about utilizing the momentum and gravity.

    The boss fight takes place when you step onto the elevator and Crimson Eye locks you inside with it.

    The elevator then accelerates up and down throughout the fight, so basically... When the elevator begins to drop, your jump height is increased due to gravity. Then you can jump up and reach him.

    Likewise when the elevator is accelerating upward, your jumping ability is diminished due to the force of the elevator careening upward.
  2. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Yeah, this is also the main gripe I've had with those games. Bosses that forced you to wait were the frowned upon exceptions in the classics, and all of them were definitely doable by any average-skilled players without abusing ring invincibility.

    I think it would help testing any future bosses to play against them without any rings, and by people who don't know what's going to happen beforehand. If they just get killed right away or get too bored and/or frustrated, something probably needs to be changed.

    EDIT: Also, I don't think that abusing ring invincibility should be encouraged even for speedruns as happens with Green Hill Act 1's boss, for example. If a boss is supposed to be invincible at one point, it should stay invincible even if Sonic has just been hit, I think.
  3. Beltway


    The most grateful Sonic fan of all time this week Member
    Sega of Darkest Peru
    Artwork and looking for post-grad work...
    The bosses are a mixed point for me as while I do agree that it's bad that many of them can't be attacked directly at nearly anytime (compared to most bosses in prior classic Sonic games); I do think Mania's bosses also do a better job at matching the level theme or reusing zone-specific level mechanics compared to a handful of bosses from the past classic games. I also think that if you're going to go the S3&K route of having some sort of boss at the end of every level/act, you would need to have bosses that require some more insight or strategy to defeat them as opposed to constantly jumping into or bouncing on top of them, otherwise most the bosses would risk coming off as monotonously easy to defeat. That last bit does make me wonder how people would feel if a Mania sequel went back to the Sonic 1/2/CD format of having one boss per zone (outside of maybe some rare circumstances).
  4. Sir_mihael


    This only happens during the second phase of the battle though, right?
    The first part of the fight where the Eye is being protected by the spinning balls is where it seems very hard to hit it without taking damage (again, only as Knuckles with his lower jump height. This isn't an issue with Sonic or Tails)
    The second phase of the fight is no problem when you're using the intended mechanics, as you mentioned.
  5. XCubed


    Will Someday Own a Rent-A-Center Oldbie
    I never had a problem with Phase 2 and thought it was pure genius!

    Something that I haven't yet seen discussed within these almost 700 pages are game mechanics of the classics, but with new behavior. The very FIRST time I saw the frost gun (spicket?) in Press Garden Act 2, I freaked out. We all remember Icecap Zone. The mechanic of freezing Sonic into a block of ice was the same, however, once you got out, you either loss rings or died (w/ no rings). I didn't know what to do (I hadn't spoiled that part of the game). Taking what I remembered, I made an attempt to see if I could spindash past it, but to no avail. I was a block of ice. However, when I broke free, I wasn't hurt! How could this be?? It was a pleasant surprise that I learned to be a cleaver and original level-wide gimmick.
  6. Felik


    I guess they just wanted to reuse the single good design choice from wacky workbench.
  7. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    I feel like Chemical Plant's bouncy goo mechanic is Wacky Workbench's floor done right. Plus there's the electricity things in Flying Battery 2 which can now be both destroyed one-by-one or deactivated entirely.

    Mania takes a lot of elements from old levels and repurposes them rather cleverly.
  8. Felik


    Stop ruining meticulously engineered my joke, sheesh!
  9. kyasarintsu


    You know what I hate about those electric things in Flying Battery? The recoil after throwing Sonic off the spinning poles will usually send you right through the poles and can waste time. At one point, it happens over a pit and is potentially lethal.
  10. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    I don't know why they need to have such strong recoil, or why where's a limited period in which you can't grab on to poles. I've had the exact same issue and it's not really very fair.
  11. Ell678


    Am I Annoying You? Member
    Barrow, England
    Sonic Incursion
    So, this is the second time it's happened to me, and I have no idea why - I've gotten a life in PGZ2, followed by another (I heard the jingle, but I don't know if it was earned or not) and then the music stops. All SFX remain, but no music.
  12. kyasarintsu


    If I ever get a music bug, it's always in that level or SSZ2.
  13. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    It's a pretty common bug in PGZ2. I got it recently, and also on the very first time that I ever played the stage. No idea what causes it specifically. There's also a big where the speed shoes of invincibility music will loop continuously instead of going back to the main level theme. I've had it happen on GHZ2 a few times, but I'm fairly sure it can happen anywhere.
  14. TheOcelot


    Scooty Puff Jr sucks! Member
    This also always happens in act2 of Flying Battery when the speed shoes music continuously plays after hitting a speed-shoes item box near the end of the stage. Listening to the speed shoes music looping constantly is extremely annoying.

    These music glitches should have been patched ages ago and by the looks of things Mania won't be getting anymore patches.
  15. Antheraea


    Bug Hunter Member
    Odd, I thought they said they patched them?

    The music glitches I had come across in the past were oddly enough always in Green Hill Zone, generally of the "music never shows back up" variety or "endless invincibility music" flavor.
  16. DigitalDuck


    Arriving four years late. Member
    Lincs, UK
    TurBoa, S1RL
    I thought it'd been patched too; certainly the PGZ2 one. There was a reliable way of triggering it (breaking a large number of blocks of ice while the extra life jingle is playing causes the act clear jingle to play too, after which the music stays off until another track is played) and this no longer works.
  17. Glaber


    Has Beaten Sonic Genesis for GBA Oldbie
    well if we're not going to get any more patches for mania, then I think we can blame the mods here for preventing us from reporting the bugs under the false belief that's we would get more than one.

    sorry mods, but if we were allowed to have our bug reporting topic, it's possible we could have gotten even more bugs squashed with that first patch.
  18. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    Given that posts were made ANYWAY, I doubt that very much.

    It's also been noted elsewhere that they knew most of what was being reported anyway.
  19. big smile

    big smile

    Out of interest, is releasing updates for mobiles different than consoles?

    With the mobile remakes they seemed to have a bigger budget for doing updates. They even fixed some obscure bugs that were reported in the bug fixing thread, such as the walking frames being loaded in the wrong order.
    But for Mania, at least for now, it seems they don't have the same resources. Is that because it's more costly to do? Or does it just take longer (and so we could see some more fixes in the future)?

    This isn't a criticism, I am genuinely interested.
  20. Beltway


    The most grateful Sonic fan of all time this week Member
    Sega of Darkest Peru
    Artwork and looking for post-grad work...
    From IGN's Best of 2017 Awards:

    Best Platformer:
    - A Hat in Time
    - Cuphead
    - The End Is Nigh
    - Hollow Knight
    - Little Nightmares
    - Rain World
    - Slime-san
    - Sonic Mania
    - Sundered
    - Super Mario Odyssey

    Best Original Music
    - Cuphead
    - Destiny 2
    - Gravity Rush 2
    - The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
    - Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle
    - Nier Automata
    - Night in the Woods
    - Persona 5
    - Sonic Mania
    - Super Mario Odyssey

    The Sonic social media handles advise the mania to go and vote for the mania (via the People's Choice Award variant for those categories)! Voting ends November 19th.