This is poor advice Steam supports all these controllers natively, and without a third party program. By it's nature, every controller is supported in Steam, and steam is supposed to take care of the back end stuff for you. It's a little complicated if you've never used Steam's fantastic controller configuration support, but it's much more recommended than using dodgy 3rd party programs like Joy2Key. I'm actually in the process of making a tutorial to show people how to enable all controllers natively through steam, I'll update this post when finished. For those who can't wait -- the steps are that you first need to enable the controller through steam (go to steam -> settings -> controller support -> then check "enable generic gamepad support.) Playstation and Xbox controller users should check "enable playstation/xbox controller" instead, and then they are essentially done. If you're using a non-xbox or non-playstation controller, after you do that, steam will ask you to define the controller in terms of an xbox controller, as sort of an intermediary language for the game to communicate with. Just map your gamepad buttons to this menu, and click save. After which, you can then use the gamepad in every single steam game, period. And that includes non-steam games launched through steam.
Weird, the Steam Controller API doesn't support the up and down axis on my d-pad. I'll just stick to Joy2Key, as it works just as well, and on non-steam games.
Good to see they're going to try and do something about offline play. But after reading about Denuvo being "malware" and damaging hard drives, I'm still seriously worried about this. I hope they can just outright remove it.
Thanks, that sorta-kinda worked, but the D-pad refused to cooperate. Hitting any direction would hit all directions at once, and the Steam config tool wouldn't let me set it up any differently. I'll just stick with Joy2Key! Also, since I didn't directly respond to this on the last page: Yes, but at least on the Switch, it never actually showed up. Neo, I know you get awfully sick of everyone in the community wanting everything JUST SO, fit to their specific preferences, and I understand why. But insulting individuals over their opinions is only going to lead to hurt feelings. If I was framing this as something that RUINS the game, or demanding the dev team fix it immediately, then calling me out for overreacting would be more warranted. But I said it wasn't a big deal, and that I understood why they did it. Plus, this is the first time I've ever had a real negative thing to say about Mania, so you're painting me in broad strokes. I have a lot of respect for what you do, I love your blog, and that's probably why it got under my skin that you'd knock me down a peg like that.
I'll include some trouble shooting as well in my write up, there are some things you can try to see if it'll make it work. It might not come till much later tonight, though. I'm in Houston and just got a call that I need to help someone out, so try and hold on.
WHOA I'm a Trial Member as you can see but I haven't posted at all in quite some time, you might be wondering why...You see, before posting ANYTHING again, I had the brilliant idea of reading this entire thread from the first post to the last post, that way I could... ...I have no idea why actually, I think it was because I hoped to find some good posts or something? The best I could find is an user whose name I forgot and jesus I don't wanna read through all of those pages again trying to find him, who guessed... Spoiler Silver Sonic from the Game Gear and Master System Sonic 2, which he guessed even though the only info we had at that point was the first trailer. I remember he made a "Fixed" version of the trailer that added in Silver Sonic. So uh yeah I'm never reading a 580+ page thread from start to finish ever again, that seriously took me like a week, the colours of the Sonic Retro forum are now engraved into my brain. ...Oh yeah, Sonic Mania! I'm not in a position to be able to buy the game, as I live in a pretty URGH country with an even more URGH economy so buying the game is certainly out of the question for me, but as someone who grew up with the classics and loved the work of Taxman and Stealth, Mania looks really awesome and that just fills me with joy. Tee Lopes' remix of... Spoiler Lava Reef Act 1always gets me smiling from ear to ear since that was my favourite Sonic song of all time, can't say much about Act 2 of Lava Reef but that's an unpopular opinion and a half sooo ((Spoilered since the PC version is still quite recent, y'know, just in case)). But man do I feel bad for PC users, first they have to suffer a delay (at least they got Sonic 1! ...not the Taxman version, just ol' Sonic 1), and now they have to put up with this DRM bullshit and apparently this DRM is also...a virus? Can somebody fill me in on this whole "Denuvo" debacle? I'm assuming Denuvo is what makes the DRM for the game or something. Anyhow, I hope that gets sorted out and the DRM gets removed, because I hear that also blocks out mod support and if that's true then that would be quite sad. ...Huh, now that I think about it, this post was pretty basic, makes me wonder why I thought that I had to read every single page of this thread from back to front before making it. Good job, me.
Thanks for the new advice, but JoyToKey is just a quick workaround without all the hassle of setting up the controller in Steam beforehand. All it takes to get JoyToKey to work is just to set up a few button assignments - it does, however, have it's own problems which would be sorted out if you set up the controller for Steam. For example, since JoyToKey works with keyboard keys, there is no way to input analog signals from a joystick, therefore making it rather awkward to control some games - however it's still better than just using a keyboard. I look forward to seeing your tutorial!
I'm most of the way through this game playing as Tails alone and after that I've just got Sonic and Tails, and I have to say it is fantastic. One of the best Sonic titles out there. My only gripes are the number of glitches, that fourth emerald level and that Metal Sonic boss with the annoying random ball chances. One thing I'm not sure if anyone's mentioned is that Angel Island is back in the sea again. Particularly jarring if you've marathoner all the games and gone from S3&K to Mania. That's my plot hole for this game :v:
Really awesome YouTuber with less than 350 subs, right here: [youtube][/youtube] I especially enjoyed his comparison between Mania and S3&K. And he got me thinking, the Phantom Ruby really DOES look like a Time Stone, doesn't it? That, combined with Little Planet's presence kind of makes me wonder if it wasn't changed late in development to tie in with Forces. (Which, by the way, I'm not frazzled by the Forces tie-in. It just makes the ending a little weaker than the old games.)
I can't buy this if it has Denuvo, I just can't. I won't support this practice and I won't let it run on any of my computers. I encourage others to hold onto their money until if and when SEGA decides to remove this garbage. This can't keep happening.
Is internet access the only bad thing about this drm? They said they are looking into it working offline.
Merely getting it to work offline is not good enough. It has a host of security and performance issues as well. I don't need Mania so bad that I'll put up with this unacceptable crap. If SEGA's new corporate identity is to be "amazing", then please amaze me by treating your customers better and removing Denuvo.
I really didn't mean anything by it, nor was I bashing you in particular. I was just venting for Team Mania by proxy. Sorry you had to be the victim of my thermonuclear social skills. Besides, if I really was "awfully sick" of it then you wouldn't hear from me on a regular basis.
Aw, no worries, man! I too have moments of thermonuclear social skills, and I figured you didn't mean anything by it. I just let a friend borrow a USB gamepad for the express purpose of playing Mania, and I'm dangerously tempted to throw a few gift copies to my closest friends. I need to decide whether I care more about Mania's success than I care about my wallet, haha. Happy to hear that they're nuking the always-online thing, though I _really_ don't think it was an accident. I think Sega is just trying to avoid a backlash.
Denuvo damaged my last HDD; It has the potential to literally destroy some PCs. SEGA is promoting what is essentially malware. Too bad I bought it before Steam started showing the DRM notice.