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Sonic Mania (Switch, PS4, Xbox One, PC...Netflix?)

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by TimmiT, Jul 23, 2016.

  1. KingOfBunnies


    So I just got off the phone with amazon. The guy I was speaking to told me that with the amount of pre-orders they have, it's hard to get all the orders to all the customers on the same day. Which doesn't make a lot of sense, but maybe it's a weird warehouse thing. So, that's why even though the guy on the chat support told me I would get it day of, the guy on the phone says that was weird, since there's no option or way for amazon to do that. So I'm more confused, but I'm just not gonna bother. I'll just wait the extra day.
  2. Biofrost


    Environment artist at Sony Bend Member
    Env artist on Days Gone for ps4
    Hahaha just replied to you on neogaf I think. Ill repost what i said here.
    "I know for Injustice 2, I had that preordered digitally on ps4 and it unlocked 9pm PST which is midnight east coast."

    Its been my experience that steam unlocks on the day of and PSN does it a bit eariler.
  3. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
    lol, yeah I think you did! I'm Ghost_Messiah on there and I just read your post. Okay cool, so at some point on August 15 with PSN being the earliest then.

    Hopefully as we get closer to release we can eventually discern something more definitive.
  4. [​IMG]

    I did the update shipping trick and it's getting dispatched on the 12th now lolll
  5. KingOfBunnies


    I mean, I tried the update trick before I contacted amazon, and it didn't work. So I doubt it'll work now if I tried. Rip my chances of getting this on release day.
  6. Ravenfreak


    Booyah! Tech Member
    O'Fallon Mo
    Hacking Sonic Drift
    Yeah that shipping trick didn't work for me. :\ Though earlier I just went ahead and pre ordered it from Microsoft's store, so regardless of when my CE comes in I'm getting the game on Tuesday and according to their website it's being released at 10:00 AM CST. (Or I assume it's CST, since that's the time zone I live in. :v:/> ) I'll have a extra code to give away, since my CE is for the Xbox One version once it comes in. I do have a idea of how I'm giving it away, I just don't want to reveal it yet. :P On that note, it does seem that the PC and Xbox One versions of the CE are the ones that are being delayed. Wonder why that is? Neo Hazard's is coming in two days after the release date and he ordered it for the Switch, my friend in real life that I mentioned before ordered it for the PS4 and he's getting it the same day. With the amount of pre orders the CE got, it's no wonder why they're not all getting shipped on time.
  7. Tried the update shipping trick on my PC collector's edition, but mine still doesn't show a delivery or dispatch date.


    Preordered it on PS4 (digitally) as well though, so I'll be set just fine. Looking forward to playing it on my Vita!
  8. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
    Ah here we go. Someone on the Sonic Mania Steam discussion forums seems to know and says Mania unlocks 1pm EST on August 15 which converts to 6pm BST here in the UK. Damn, was hoping it'd be midnight on August 14. Looks like I'm waiting until 6pm the day of August 15 then.

    Was just about to email Steam/Valve myself and ask them but looks like this guy already did.
  9. KingOfBunnies


    That makes no sense. Why does steam do that? Waiting til 1PM the day of makes no sense, and Steam should know that.
  10. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
    Yeah I'm not happy about it either. By the looks of it this unlocking time is Steam's default protocol (you Google it and you get the same info) but a publisher can specifically request an earlier release time. Yooka-Laylee for example unlocked at midnight and the developer specifically promoted that before release.

    So looks like Sega didn't bother and just went with Steam's default protocol.
  11. LukyHRE


    The only one who has a Portal-themed avatar Member
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
    Bitching and complaining about my country -.-'
    I find it consistent with another release I stalked like this, Homeworld Remastered. I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out to be the correct release time.
  12. Just your daily reminder that unless you bought the collector's edition, there's no point in pre-ordering a digital game. I don't know how most of you are getting your codes, whether it be email or postal service, but if you preordered this game and you're actually being punished for that by having to wait another couple of days- hopefully a valuable lesson will be learned. Let me stress once again- I'm not talking about the collectors edition- at least with that you're getting the gold ring and other collectibles- but the way I see it there is no good reason to be preordering a digitally exclusive game.
  13. You get some (currently) exclusive Sonic Mania avatars and themes from preordering the PS4 digital edition of the game. Additionally, it also pre-downloads the game so when it goes live, you can play immediately.
  14. Sid Starkiller

    Sid Starkiller

    Virginia, USA
    Paying off student loans
    Having the same issue, lady on the phone couldn't give me an estimate but did give me free 1-day shipping.

    Fortunately I bought the Steam version already. The CE I got is also Steam, but I'm giving that download key to my roommate. And will also buy the Switch one so I can play with my sister (she refuses to play on a keyboard, and I don't have any USB controllers).
  15. Okay...I suppose that's a minor benefit if you're a Sony customer, but for everyone else, then what? I can't recall the expected file size but I know it can't be more than one gigabyte, and if that's the case the whole preloading thing doesn't add any appeal since barring extreme circumstances, the install can't take more than 10 minutes anyway.

    If this was some massive game like GTA V or Witcher 3, I'd totally understand that. But this game? There's just no need IMO.
  16. Hmm 10 am CST for Xbone? And if I am remembering how the eShop works, it'll be the morning/afternoon for the Switch. Damn I wish I owned the PS4. :p
  17. minichapman


    I'd like to think I'll be imparting words of wisdo Member
    United Kingdom
    Staying sane.
    Currently a little worried. Got the U.K CE pre ordered but I don't have the money in my bank right now but I get paid on the Friday. Does anyone know if it will be enough time on payday and dispatch day for it to go through?
  18. What exactly is the detriment of pre-purchasing the game on Steam? I got my code immediately upon purchase so its just sitting there in my library waiting to be auto-downloaded when the time comes. I have the benefit of knowing that it is there and paid for, and the added benefit of knowing Sega/Sonic Team has gotten 15k purchases on Steam prior to release.

    But also, has no zone list leaked yet?
  19. I completely agree - outside of the collector's edition and PS4 versions, there's no big benefit to preordering. But there's also not really any detriment to preordering either when we're pretty certain that Mania will be a great game and plenty of people are hyped to play it ASAP without any waits.

    Amazon usually ships like 2 days before the day of arrival (which is the 15th), and that's when it charges you, so you should be fine.
  20. Isn't there a preorder discount for Sonic Mania on Steam for 17.99? There was even Bundle Stars who have it at 15.99 for PC, plus the above mentioned preorder bonus for PS4. Are people so anal retentive to try to dissect someone's decision to preorder a digital game, and declare it pointless in absolute terms? Goodness.