This is like the modern equivalent of speculating over blurry Sonic 2 screenshots in gaming mags in the 90s. I love it.
I wouldn't rule out that they made it look like an old school mockup on purpose, seeing how Sonic's animation frame is even the same that was used for Sonic 2's. =P
I like that we are looking at a a blury stretched image. Makes me feel like the good old days of magazine scans.
Do you think they put the new zone in the poster on purpose to make us speculate like this? Taxman and Stealth know how this place is. I think they knew we would do this kind of thing.
I hope we get a better view of the graphics soon. From a distance, I kind of got a Rush vibe from the graphics. Definitely wondering what's going on in this zone, what gimmicks it'll provide, etc.
Now THAT is some wonderful work. Kudos to you! It's beautiful. There are what appears to be red petals on the railings, certainly coming from those white giant pots. That lampost on the far left has a Launch Base Zone-vibe, hard to explain.
Welp, it's official. This zone will be cut before the game's release then, enjoy your next 20 years of mysteries.
Not what I was expecting to see. I'm digging it! Looks like there are little dog or Chaos heads on the fence posts. And that graphic at the start of the ramp looks vaguely fish-like. This may actually wind up being a water stage- I hope not, since that's conceptually bringing us way too close to Hydrocity, but I wouldn't complain too hard. A remake is preferable to a rehash, and it's a great choice of zone for that.
Not everybody likes mystery. Guess we'll never agree on how much of the game should or shouldn't be revealed. I for one really want to see this new Zone as soon as possible.