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Sonic Mania (Switch, PS4, Xbox One, PC...Netflix?)

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by TimmiT, Jul 23, 2016.

  1. XCubed


    Will Someday Own a Rent-A-Center Oldbie
    Wouldn't it be hilarious if we were trolled and each level ended up being 3 acts or a mix? I mean, I flipped out when I passed the sign post in Metropolis Act 2 and realized there was an act 3 the first time I saw it. Similar to the Scrap Brain Zone act 3 event. Sonic 3&K didn't really do this but Lava Reef zone plus Hidden Palace zone made up for it.
  2. Chaud


    I sure hope that in the PC version, this game will be (somehow-a-bit-even-if-not-a-lot) moddable. Then, we sure will have some "corrections" around here and on the internet. Everyone is happy in the end, since the game already looks great.

    Like how the Sonic 4 Episode 2 Classic Sonic Mod made the game 200% better to me. Such a simple thing, but it made me enjoy the game so much more.

  3. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    I really did enjoy that mod. Shame classic metal and robotnik weren't added to the mod but it was brilliant.

    Someone should port the Ep 2 levels to Generations Classic Sonic.
  4. Mastered Realm

    Mastered Realm

    Actually I find S4E2 physics a bit better than generations. Specially because the levels aren't so oversized.
  5. JcFerggy


    Do you want to taco 'bout it? Member
    So I might be reading between the lines a bit here, but what are the chances that Knuckles Chaotix is represented in Mania? It is a 2D game that was released before Sonic 3D Blast after all. The levels overall are uniquely more vertical compared to the Genesis games, plus the levels have some of the best music in the Genesis era (Doors Into Summer anyone?). They have already taken the Combine Ring from the game after all.

    After thinking about Knuckles Chaotix, I realized that the game has a full cast of characters with their own moves and mechanics. What are the chances that Mania could either have some hidden unlockable characters, or more likely (and profitable) DLC characters? Vector, Espio, and Charmy all have unique abilities, though their mileage may vary if they got into Knuckles or Tails exclusive paths. Amy would be a great choice too, especially how capable she was in the Sonic Mega Drive comics. While she does not have a 2D moveset from a Genesis era game, her Advance moveset would work well (Or something similar to the Amy in Sonic # hacks). If you wanted to go full fan service, you could pull a reverse Generations and have Moden Sonic with his boost, homing attack, stomp, and just generally being overpowered. Regardless, I think DLC could be something that wouldn't take too much effort to implement, while providing an interesting change of pace for those still playing months after launch.
  6. rebelcheese


    I'm suspicious after seeing that random Shadow sprite on the Sonic Twitter feed that Shadow could be an unlockable or DLC character for Sonic Mania too.

    I wouldn't rule Blaze out either considering she'd translate well to the Genesis-era style.
  7. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    You mean the one they used on the "May the 4th" meme involving the emerald? I wouldn't hold your breath on that, that's an existing sprite from Sonic Battle.
  8. Yash


    CHOCOLATE! Member
    Had a dream where this entire game was leaked online somehow.

    Man, really hoping we get some news soon.
  9. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Like I'd still pay for it when the time came, butttttttttttttt I would play said leak.
  10. rebelcheese


    Ah gotcha! I never played Sonic Battle so :specialed:
  11. Beltway


    The most grateful Sonic fan of all time this week Member
    Sega of Darkest Peru
    Artwork and looking for post-grad work...
    If that happened, that would mean Sonic Mania really is the real Sonic 4 (Episode III) as we truly imagined it. :v:/>

    From the tags added to the Flying Battery snippet, posted by the Sonic social media tumblr blog last week.

    Kinda expecting another delay announcement by this point, and if that happens the question will be if Mania will even make a 2017 release.
  12. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member
    Why? I haven't seen anything indicating that the game would be delayed again.
  13. Beltway


    The most grateful Sonic fan of all time this week Member
    Sega of Darkest Peru
    Artwork and looking for post-grad work...
    If this translation is accurate, Iizuka mentioned that more staff was being brought in due to production of the game (which was initially just a small group of five-six people) taking too long. I know that naturally means one would expect the game to speed up production and make its intended date, but the above quip about the game still lacking a release date --despite intended to be released within the summer season (that typically meaning the next three months)-- leaves me doubtful.

    On the other hand, the new Flying Battery Zone footage does reveal the game has been rated by the ESRB (E for Everyone, for those curious), which IIRC is usually an indicator the game is either complete or is at least nearing completion. So anything could go.
  14. Drex


    Lazy perfectionist Member
    I noticed while attempting to do some smooth animation on Vector that the shading style of Chaotix is not too far off from Mania's. They definately could and SHOULD pull this off. If they do that then I also hope that they redo Espio's sprites to be designed and proportioned more like the modern Espio (minus the Ninja attire). Classic Espio is a bit chunky and modern's tail look better/more unique.

    Something like this would be nice:
  15. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    That's a pretty good sprite. Well, judging from Knuckles' sprites alone, they're imitating the shading but not the sprite style, which is good because stylistically they were kind of crummy, and also inconsistent with each other (Knuckles, Espio, and Vector worked together, but Charmy was too small to get any real detail out of. Then Mighty looked like he'd belong in Sonic 2 but didn't match the other sprites. Oddly, Might's sprites would work pretty well in Mania).

    Something about Chaotix's sprites always rubbed me the wrong way. It seems like the goal is beefed up Sonic 1/2 style sprites though, so thankfully that wouldn't be an issue (although I did love Chaotix's Metal Sonic sprites).

    I'd definitely pay for character DLC btw. Metal Sonic please, thanks :specialed:
  16. I'll post the entire translation for everyone, since trying to use Twitter makes me feel like I have the flu. The interview was in a fairly standard format of question/topic followed by Iizuka quote, but the translation switches between first and third person quotes a lot so bear with it. I'm surprised it escaped this thread, since it's nearly a month old already.

    There are a few things in this interview that bother me.

    The proposal in the first paragraph seems like it could be referring to the TaxStealth S3&K remake (If so, fuck you Iizuka) and we learn that Mania's nostalgia pandering level selection was his idea (I swear, he has no idea what he's doing). It also sounds like he has a lot more influence in designing the levels than I realised.

    Iizuka implies that the hard boiled heavies will 'usurp' Eggman, as if that isn't a plot twist we're sick of already. If Eggman isn't the final boss I'll riot. S3K-style cutscenes seem to be confirmed, but the implication is that there are no CD-style animations. Hopefully that's wrong.

    As mentioned, Iizuka confirms that the game was given additional staff. Honestly, I'm surprised that SEGA didn't provide a small army of code and art monkeys to begin with so the devs we know and love could focus on being creative. Oh well, since this was a month ago I don't think it implies there will be another delay. Hopefully we get a real release date soon.

    Finally: "Creating 2D Sonic's map requires a lot of skills, but to my surprise, they create good maps since they know the past games so well." YOU WERE HEAD OF SONIC TEAM WHEN SONIC 4: EPISODE I WAS MADE :argh:/>:argh:/>:argh:/>:argh:/>:argh:/>:argh:/>:argh:/>
  17. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Well, ok wouldn't you rather have this than S3K iOS? Go play Sonic 3 Complete lol. And of course nostalgia pandering was his idea. But at least he seems to trust Taxman and Co. That could lead to good things if Mania does well.
  18. Chimera


    I'm not a furry. Tech Member
    Castlevania prettyness
    It's very strange, does the executive of SEGA, perhaps, not understand what his audience wants? :v: :v: :v: :v: :v: :v:

    I do have to wonder if that proposal, being the S3 remake that it likely was, legitimately did not interest Iizuka initially. I do wonder if the reason we haven't seen Sonic 3 get ported is simply because Iizuka or Sonic Team just... don't like the game. Which is amazing; that's the best thing they've ever made. If legal issues with the music really are the problem, then this just sounds like an out-of-touch case of corporate hand-waving.

    I get a company has full right to not make what they don't want to, and it even makes logistical sense if there's no signs of something turning a profit. For a small project like this though, with people literally ASKING TO DO THE PORT JOB THEMSELVES, I really, really don't understand how a company can see obvious demand that will at worst guarantee a small form of profit (it's Sonic so by small I mean a few thousand dollars over probably a $200 port job(exaggerating)), and at best some of the best sales of a game they've ever made. It. makes. no. sense.
  19. Beltway


    The most grateful Sonic fan of all time this week Member
    Sega of Darkest Peru
    Artwork and looking for post-grad work...
    After how Sonic 4 turned out, I can't help but be really questioning on whether Iizuka really was responsible for Mania coming into existence, or if it was at the call of someone else at Sega. The way Sonic 4 Episode II was handled, coming off the heels of Episode I, seemed as if Iizuka and co. just wanted to get the game out the door and just drop the Sonic 4 project altogether, despite their PR trumpeting of Episode I's sales success (by their standards, anyway). All talk of a third episode or another attempt at a new Genesis-styled Sonic up and died after Episode II's release.

    I've said it before, but I think it's really telling discussion over another attempt at a new classic-styled Sonic game only seemingly sparked again after their attempt to launch a new face of Sonic through the Boom spinoff series crashed and burned at the stake ingloriously. Taxman and Stealth even revealed they had a pitch for a remastered S3&K rejected, shortly before the launch of the Boom games and TV show (though given the situation over the game's music, it's a bit understandable). Had Boom (and to a lesser extent, the Nintendo-exclusive partnership) fared better, I really don't believe we would even have Mania as it is.

    Needless to say, if Mania succeeds, it will be in spite of Iizuka and not because of him as far as I'm concerned. >.>
  20. Ayu Tsukimiya

    Ayu Tsukimiya

    UGUU~ Member
    A lot of this stuff is really telling when it comes to Iizuka. There's already enough 2D games, people want more levels from previous games, implying that the boys Fang, Bark, Bean are there only because the dev team likes them and not because they're actually popular with a lot of fans, being surprised that there are fans out there that actually remember the level designs for the Genesis titles, etc.

    Why the fuck does he seem so out-of-touch?