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Sonic Mania Plus SPOILER THREAD with UNMARKED spoilers!

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Harmony Friends, Apr 25, 2018.

  1. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    So I've reached the new Metal Sonic boss and it does look very cool (if we ignore the silly "OOOOOH!" mouth), but... damn, from a gameplay perspective the battle is once again pretty unfair, with the spindash charge being the only safe way of attacking without suffering terrible consequences (the collision with the different Metal Sonic parts and the chance of bouncing back to safety feel strangely random).

    Next 2D Sonic Sonic game needs the same team back, but also seriously needs to add somebody more experienced with fair boss battle design.

    EDIT: I really like how they made the Silver Sonics area more intuitive to beat.
  2. big smile

    big smile

    Does the tap Y button to beat special stages trick work on consoles?

    Yes, I just noticed, it only happens when farming emeralds.

    Ugh, I really don't like those special stages. Just way too hard and repetitive.
  3. SuperSnoopy


    I like Sonic Advance Member
    Lyon, France
    Slice of life visual novel, coming soon...?
    It doesn't. Not on Xbox One, at least.
  4. qwertysonic


    creating the biggest sonic collection
    That worked like a charm, thanks.
  5. Axanery


    I think that this animation is unused for Super Sonic. It's a second balance animation. The first one is used when facing both directions.
  6. big smile

    big smile

    Anyone got any tips for the 5th Special Stage? I've been playing it for three days now and just can't beat it. Getting to Mach 3 speed is easy enough, but it just becomes too uncontrollable leading to a course out.
    None of the other stages were this bad.
  7. McAleeCh


    Unable to check at the mo, but if it's the one I'm thinking of, cut every corner you possibly can - there's some major time-savers you can make by jumping corners etc. at Mach 2 and 3.
  8. Mach 3 is generally hard to work with, so I usually just ignore it. I prefer to run a couple of extra laps if it means I can get closer and closer to the UFO.
    I also ignore rings and blue spheres unless they're in the way (though I'll go for any boxes that can help me cut corners). I'll pick up just a small amount of rings when the stage starts so I'll have more time, but after that I try to stay as close to the UFO as possible, jumping around corners and over terrain whenever possible.

    It might help to get used to the Mach 2 controls and practice jump-drifting in easier stages first. Keep trying and eventually you'll get it down. Good luck!
  9. Gestalt


    Sphinx in Chains Member
    I liked Encore's Special Stages a lot and thought that the higher difficulty made them more interesting. But finding the ring locations was stressful and knowing that they disappear once you flew off the track only makes it worse. Actually I'd recommend you not to hold back. Grab some rings, get to Mach 3 and run past everything until you reach the UFO. And most importantly: don't feel bad if you can't make it.
  10. big smile

    big smile

    @McAleeCh @HP Zoner Thanks, your tips were really helpful! I did stage 5 on my second go and stage 6 on my third! Just gotta finish stage 7 now: There doesn't seem to be many corners to cut here so I guess this one relies more on speed?
  11. McAleeCh


    No problem - glad that helped! = )

    Re: Special Stage 7, maintaining your speed is a key part, but effective knowledge of the stage layout is the other. From memory, there's two points where the path forks - at both of these, there's one fork which is a lot faster route than the other. If I remember correctly, I think I'm right in saying there are more spheres on the slower routes and more rings on the quicker ones - pretty sure I took the slow forks first to get up to Mach 3 and then took only the fastest routes on each subsequent lap.
  12. Endgame


    Formerly The Growler Member
    I REALLY need help with this guys!

    Again, when I open up Mania Plus, my anti-virus (McAfee LiveSafe) kept quarantining SonicMania.exe (and every time it does this, I try to whitelist the program, but it's not there the next time I boot up) - except this time, the file is no-where to be found! It's not even in quarantine any more //

    I don't want to have to create an entire new thread just to ask for help on this (which obviously will be deleted). Shall I assume this is just a case of contacting McAfee to sort the problem out?

    Now that the file is completely gone, it looks like I'll have to re-install Mania again -__-
  13. Covarr


    Sentient Cash Register Member
    Trapped in my own thoughts.
    Two stageplays, a screenplay, and an album
    1. From your Steam Library, right-click on the game and select Properties from the menu.
    2. Select the Local files tab and click the Verify integrity of game files... button.
    3. Steam will verify the game's files - this process may take several minutes.
    This should fix a borked install of any Steam game without having to fully reinstall the game. Whether damaged by mods, antivirus software, or good old fashioned bit rot1, this'll do the trick.

    1It won't work miracles. If your drive is suffering from data corruption caused by failing hardware, you straight up need a new drive.
  14. Jeiku


    Not sure how McAfee works, but in Avast I was able to whitelist the directory itself (not just the .exe) to prevent it from being quarantined. Though the following day Steam updated the game and it no longer sets off my anti-virus, so it was just that first day when Plus came out that I had problems.
  15. Glad to hear it you've done it! From memory, the last Special Stage has a lot of bumpers floating over pits. Make sure not to overshoot them if you go for Mach 3 (there's a section where you need to bounce off two or three bumpers in quick succession, but I think with Mach 3 you only need one to get to the other side). If you prioritize speed over time, McAleeCh's suggestion is the way to go. By now you should be used to how it all works, so it's mostly a matter of persistence. Just one more to go!
  16. FlackoWeasel


    Blue cheese lover! Member
    I really love how Ray is playing in Sonic Mania. He prob became my 2nd fav character thanks to Sonic Mania. I also found it surprising that Ray, having a big tail, but he has no tail after a ball like Tails does (Sphere and tails left of the sphere) Some reason I expected Ray to have same technique like Tails. Flying with Ray is so enjoyable.

    Encore mode is interesting. My fav combo is Tails+Ray so far :D.
  17. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Well Tails' tails following his jump sprite have never made any sense lol, but I think they probably modeled Ray's jumping sprite after his SegaSonic Arcade jump sprite which didn't do the tail thing.

    I think Mighty might be my favorite character in the game now, if only because I love his sprite work and design. In Encore mode Tails is very useful for ring hunting but once that's out of the way I try to avoid him more than anyone. I just don't really like Tails that much I guess. Even before Plus came out whenever I played the game on my PC I used the mod loader to make either Sonic follow Knuckles or Knuckles follow Sonic. I think my favorite Encore combos are Mighty and Knuckles and Mighty and Ray. It's a shame they didn't do a Mighty and Ray mode in Mania mode though. They've been shown as a pair since basically around the time of Generations, kind of disappointing they didn't pair them up in game.
  18. McAleeCh


    I thought this too at first, but unlike with Tails' flying where there's a direct benefit to it and a logical way of activating it with only one player, I don't see what benefit a Mighty/Ray pairing would have for a solo player. For starters, Ray's Air Glide doesn't lend itself to easy remote activation in the same manner, as it's at its most useful when travelling at speed before gliding. Plus, unless they gave Mighty the ability to 'surf' on Ray's back when gliding, it wouldn't have any tangible benefit without the ability to switch characters as in Encore Mode - and even if that were added, trying to remote-activate a glide with the required forward momentum for it to be useful, then successfully land Mighty on Ray's back while he's moving, then deal with the controls suddenly switching to Ray's Air Glide controls... yeah, I can kinda see why they didn't implement anything like that in the end.

    So yeah, it would have been cool from a lore perspective, but from a gameplay perspective it'd basically be pretty much the same as playing as Mighty alone... or more like playing with Mighty in "& Knuckles" mode, I guess, since Knuckles doesn't add any significant functional difference in a one-player run either. That I can forgive more, though, given that it's basically an unlockable cheat rather than a standard mode - though it would have been cool to be able to surf on Knuckles' back while he glides, and hang on while he climbs... I guess back during the original development cycle they didn't want people accessing any Knuckles-only routes with other characters, hence him also losing his ability to smash Knuckles-only walls when he's an AI partner.
  19. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Oh a practical reason? There's none really, unless a second player wants to play as Ray while you play as Mighty. But it's not like Tails as a partner was always useful either. In Sonic 2 he added nothing and in Sonic 3 he was only useful if you had a second player to help you. It wasn't until the iOS ports and Sonic 3 Complete came around that Tails as a partner was actually useful for one player. Mighty and Ray mode would really only be for fun/lore.

    Also minor gripe but I really wish Mighty and Ray got a modified version of the Encore Mirage Saloon act 1 for their Mania version of that level instead of the Sky Chase level. Also would have liked to have seen a different intro for those 2. I know that'd of taken more time and they'd of needed more lore to explain that but idk. Them flying in on the Tornado seems weird. They of course have no relevance to Mania's original plot and I know it's more like a Knuckles in Sonic 2 situation but still, one can dream.
  20. Endgame


    Formerly The Growler Member
    Ah, excellent, it's doing it! Thanks a lot :)