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Sonic Mania Plus SPOILER THREAD with UNMARKED spoilers!

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Harmony Friends, Apr 25, 2018.

  1. foXcollr


    Resident Dolphin Member
    That's not a mistake. If you bounce up on one of the very first conveyor belts you can hit a bubble shield item box hidden in the ceiling. Took me a long time to find it lol but I was confused about the same thing
  2. TheOcelot


    Scooty Puff Jr sucks! Member
    Well there is a hidden bubble-shield near the start. It's not too hard to collect and then backtrack, even though it's a tad cumbersome.

    Oh and Mickey Mouse & Donald Duck in PG looks hilarious and very cool.

    Can't wait to see the visual changes for Press Garden in act1 for Encore mode, because I don't like the visuals in the original version which clash horribly.
  3. Drex


    Lazy perfectionist Member
    There is still so much for me to discover in this game. Thanks fo the tip.
  4. jubbalub


    #1 Sonic Superstars defender Member
    There's a bubble shield hidden in the ceiling a little ways afterward.
  5. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    I didn't even know the bubble shield broke those boxes...

  6. MastaSys


    So Angel Island will probably be like the Isolated Island from Chaotix as a tutorial for the tag-team mechanics and as a mythology gag for the same 32x game.

    I can dig that...
  7. TheOcelot


    Scooty Puff Jr sucks! Member
    Yeah, it's a shame it's not a full zone, but it's still cool. There's a section in AI (shown in one of the screenshots) where you can smash through the ground with Mighty. So this version of AI in Mania Plus obviously has some meat to it.

    As a reply to someone in the same tweet Aaron also confirmed again that:

  8. RikohZX


    And with the meat comes assets for modders! //
  9. Ashram


    Nice to know Senoue is still kicking around at Sega despite not having done anything Sonic-related in years.
  10. CollectiveWater


    Ah, damn. Better for them to come out and confirm it's just a one-Act tutorial now, though--many people, myself included, would've assumed it was going to be a full zone and been slightly letdown. Hopefully we still get to hear a glorious full Act 1 by Tee (already have 14 seconds, just need roughly the remaining 51 seconds). Would've loved to hear his take on Act 2... oh well.

    Ha, looks like you were absolutely spot-on. Guessing it also teaches you how to perform Mighty and Ray's abilities (hence why it has a section that Mighty can break down through).

    Hopefully it takes a couple minutes to get through just like Isolated Island, too.

    Maybe they'll have a condensed version of the same trailer at launch--that'd be fine/do the job. But yeah hope they advertise it as much as they need to at release--like someone else said Switch has some fairly high-profile releases coming out the week before and after "Plus." I'm sure they'll at least do another special stream day of release showing a bit of it. Speedrunners likely gonna have a field day with Mighty and Ray, as well--that should be fun to see.
  11. All I wanted to hear. I love Mania, but I'm never touching Blue Spheres again.
  12. foXcollr


    Resident Dolphin Member
    If the Angel Island tutorial level plays “Door Into Summer” I'm going to scream. That would be the perfect Chaotix reference and a nice way to open up the game and give the player a feel for Encore Mode. Someone mentioned that Tee isn't mentioned in the credits at all, but im still keeping my fingers crossed.
  13. Ugh, now I want that too. Ideally, I'd love to hear the Angel Island theme get swapped after you rescue Mighty and Ray.

    At the very least I'm sure they'll stick in another Chaotix sound effect or two for that sequence.
  14. Drex


    Lazy perfectionist Member
    Better yet, a remix of "Door Into Summer" using Angel Island's instruments *drools blissfully*
  15. Harmony Friends

    Harmony Friends

    it's the whole gang Oldbie
    There is a bubble shield. It's hidden in the ceiling a bit to the right, above the bouncy conveyor belt.
  16. Pengi


    With all the easter eggs in Sonic Mania, maybe Ray/Mighty will fly the weird plane from Sonic Spinball, instead of the Tornado.

    I hope there's more to Encore Mode than just palette swaps. It's a cool effect, just as it was in Chaotix, but I want notable gameplay changes too. I like that it appears to be a new story, set after the main game. Just like Knuckles' campaign in S3&K took place after Sonic's. Maybe Eggman will sit this one out too, with the Hard Boiled Heavies as the main villains?
  17. Harmony Friends

    Harmony Friends

    it's the whole gang Oldbie
    I sincerely doubt that it's only going to be palette swaps. Brad Flick is listed as a level designer in the Sonic Mania Plus section of the credits, even though some other names are missing. There wouldn't need to be a level designer at all if the level design was unchanged. I believe in our boy Slingerland to bring the goods.
  18. Drex


    Lazy perfectionist Member
    I've gotten the answer 4 times now, thanks.

    I've said before that I'm a little let down that Mighty's extra move is basically a bubble sheild without the extra bounce height, but I just thought of a way to make it slightly cooler. What if it made the ground shake destroying all grounded badnicks on screen? That could be useful against some enemies that aren't easily hit-table like some of the enemies in MMZ or the bull from MSZ. It still wouldn't be amazing and the likelihood of this being true is low, but I'm holding out hope that this move has some real usefulness to it aside from temporary invulnerability and accessing extra pathways.
  19. RikohZX


    Well some rings in the Chemical Plant Act 2 footage seem to be displaced or missing, and I feel like there's more enemies. Plus Slingerland may have been brought on for the presumed tutorial section.
  20. Two things.

    First off, that one screenshot shows wreckage from all of the defeated Hard Boiled Heavies, including Heavy King. So, Encore Mode is a post-story setup like Knuckles in S3+K? Does this mean that the overall plot is "Sonic goes on an adventure to beat Eggman and the Phantom Ruby", "Phantom Ruby goes haywire and sends itself and Sonic to Forces", "Sonic returns from Forces back to Angel Island", "The Ruby came back too, and the last remaining HBH picks it up?" This seems a bit convoluted, but it does still leave the opportunity for anybody declaring Forces non-canon to just say that the good ending for the main game is just the Ruby zapping Sonic back to Angel Island, or just dumping everybody off back in time where Eggman first found it. Either way, since Heavy King is still a pile of scrap, does this mean that completing Encore Mode with Super Sonic results in an entirely new Super/Hyper Sonic battle against a new final boss?

    Second, and this is really minor, but we already had 8 save files. We could fill them out with...

    Sonic + Tails, All Emeralds
    Sonic Alone, All Emeralds
    Tails Alone, All Emeralds
    Knuckles, All Emeralds
    Sonic + Tails, No Emeralds
    Sonic Alone, No Emeralds,
    Tails Alone, No Emeralds,
    Knuckles, No Emeralds

    ...But with Mighty and Ray, are we going to get additional save slots to compensate? I know that the new Tag Team mechanic means a large number more possibilities, but I'd be fine if we just got four extra slots, for both characters to get their own No Emerald and All Emerald runs.