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Sonic Mania Plus (Consoles Physical; PC Digital) - Non-Leaks Thread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Chris Highwind, Mar 16, 2018.

  1. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Will this be patched at any point you all think? There are a couple of new glitches present, some of the new transitions are kinda buggy (if you hold right after the hang glider scene in Press garden you start pushing for some reason, if you fly up and stand on top of the capsule in Hydrocity Act 2 as Tails you get some strange movements as a result, although the movement throughout that whole scene is strange), there are still music bugs, Mighty's Super Palette is broken (one of his skin tones turns dark brown when going Super for some reason. A PC mod has already fixed this but that shouldn't have to be the case) and his Mean Bean machine sprites are just weird looking, your partner's movements through the Oil Ocean cannon things are kinda weird (they can drift off to the side occasionally or just be launched on a totally different trajectory), and of course we can't forget the plethora of broken things on the PC version thanks to the DRM they insisted on slapping on the game. Not that I'd ever time trial this game on the PC though, the leaderboards can be easily manipulated and I'm assuming it's just cheating galore.

    I mean overall it's fine and every Sonic game has it's share of bugs, most games worse than this one even (Lest we forget Lost World's 2 mouthed and screwed up spined broken Super Sonic that was never fixed despite the game actually being patched like twice and rereleased on the PC, also of course Boom and Sonic 06 but those are easy targets. Oh yea and "Robotnik's Traps" in Sonic 3). But for a game with such care put into it it'd be a shame if these things remained.
  2. CollectiveWater


    Are you sure your Switch's internet connection hadn't dropped? I'd imagine you wouldn't be able to save a replay or of course be able to watch one if the game thinks you're offline. Maybe even a weak Wi-Fi connection would make the game temporarily disable that functionality. Try a wired ethernet connection (if you aren't using one already). If the issue has nothing to do with internet connectivity, then I dunno what the cause is. Maybe it's a server side issue on their end and replays are down for everyone on all versions. I wouldn't be able to check until much later today. (Haven't used Time Trial much yet, though yeah the new replay functionality is cool.)

    I expect at least one big patch. Kind of doubting we get more beyond that, though. Hopefully they manage to fix most of the worst issues (the music cutting out in Encore seems like the biggest deal to me).

    Sega Europe really should do more to try to make the PC version have parity with the console versions, though; the current state it's in is pretty atrocious (and it seems to be their fault it's in that state in the first place). A majority of people shouldn't have to go into the game's Settings ini file and make a change in order for their game to function properly, like it did before 1.04/1.05. There shouldn't be massive game slowdown after going to a specific section in Time Trial mode because an updated version of Denuvo was poorly implemented. Those are both major issues that need to be fixed.

    (There should also be native DirectInput controller support so that Saturn/Genesis and other third-party controllers that use DirectInput just work natively with the game, so that users don't have to go through Steam's clunky process of converting a DirectInput controller into Xinput. This isn't as major of an issue since you can get DirectInput controllers working by using Steam's controller settings process, but it'd sure be nice to not have to do that at all.)

    Will be interesting to see how it does in America. When it comes to new releases "Octopath Traveler," "Mega Man X Legacy Collection," and "Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker" seem like the only other big releases for July. Of course there's also the perennial high-selling games to contend with, but I certainly hope "Mania Plus" makes the top 10 for July (and it'd be nice to see it make the top 5).

    I imagine it'll drop off the top 10 monthly NPD list pretty quickly, though. Has a decent shot of staying on for August ("Dead Cells," "Overcooked 2," "Madden NFL 19," and "Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate" seem like the biggest new releases that month), but it seems unlikely it makes it in September (of course I'd love to be wrong). September is stacked with high-profile new releases, and October and November even more so.

    But yeah, hope it does real well in July and August and makes it on the NPD top 10 both months! (Would be nice to see it sneak back on there in the future, too.)
  3. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Did anybody else get a moonwalking Ray in the transition between Press Garden 1 and 2? Because it was quite funny and I'm not sure if I want it patched. :v:
  4. kyasarintsu


    Go as far right as possible and face left during the transition. It's a lovely bug they never fixed.
  5. Montblanc


    So I got a physical copy for the Switch even if I already had it in digital. As a kid the only thing I cared about videogames was my Game Boy and never considered a console until the N64/PSX, so this was the first time I had the opportunity to buy a classic Sonic game from a store.

    Still thinking about getting the digital DLC though, to avoid carrying the cart everywhere.

    I didn't like Ray too much at first but after watching the shorts and using him in game (and seeing his animations) it has become one of my favorite classic characters. With Mighty I had trouble at first since I kept trying to use it as Sonic (by habit) but in the end the hammer drop ability has been very useful to land in small plataforms or to kill enemies that could hurt me (after landing).

    As for the aspects I didn't like... the palette swaps from the Encore mode aren't that great for some levels and I thought that the different object placement was going to be more challenging.

    Speaking of the Encore mode difficulty, it is really easy to abuse the pinball minigame to get all the characters at once or infinite points. The ball is difficult to control, but if you hold them with the flipper until they stop rotating you can always predict where are they going to end (except for the lowest ones):

    I also found a bug that got me stuck inside a wall in FBZ2. Unfortunately, by the time I realized that I was going to need to restart the level it was already too late to catch it happeninng in video since the Switch only records up to 30 seconds. All remember is that I was using Mighty with an electric shield, did a hammer drop, and then I ended up running or bouncing into the ceiling:
  6. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    So, let's try this again...
    Is that supposed to be the Titanic Monarch? The fingers and, well, everything else looks kinda different.

    I vaguely remember somebody mentioning that this mockup was used in the pitch for Sonic Discovery, does anybody know for sure?

    EDIT: Also wondering, was it Tom Fry who made the airbrush-styled illustrations such as those in the cover, etc?
  7. CorralSummer


    Sonic 2 HD
    Tom did the ones on the main cover as well as the Hard Boiled Heavies
    the others were Kieran Gates.
  8. McAleeCh


    Doubtful - it uses the final sprite for Heavy Gunner rather than the one seen in the first screenshots released of that boss fight. The earlier screenshots were missing the sheriff-style star badge, which from what I've seen is consistent with the early sketch of Heavy Gunner seen in the Sonic Mania Plus artbook.
  9. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    With "the others" are you also including the "Eggman with emeralds" illustration as well as Ray and Mighty from the back cover?

    Also... is there any place where the authory of these illustrations is documented?

    Hmm, I see. I think I might have gotten the wrong idea from one of the "development diaries", where I believe they showed it while talking about the initial pitch.
  10. Beltway


    The most grateful Sonic fan of all time this week Member
    Sega of Darkest Peru
    Artwork and looking for post-grad work...
    Recent numbers from Italy show Mania [Plus] Switch opening at 18 in the charts last week, while Mania [Plus] PS4 debuted nine places behind it at 29.

    A brief recap of weekly debut charts we have (so far) for Mania Plus:

    Overall charts (All Formats):
    Australia: #3
    New Zealand: #4
    UK: #5
    Switzerland: #9

    Top Switch charts:
    UK: #2
    Australia: #3
    Germany: #7

    Top PS4 charts:
    UK: #4
    Germany: #5
    New Zealand: #7

    Top XBO charts:
    Australia: #7
    Germany: #8
    UK: #12

    Overall charts (individual formats):
    UK: #7 (NSW), #16 (PS4), #38 (XBO)
    Italy: #18 (NSW), #29 (PS4)
    Japan: #29 (NSW), #41 (PS4)
  11. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
    Hmm. So selling stupendously well on Switch as hardcore indie-style games like this tend to and a respectable and strongish performance on PS4 and Xbox One. So not lighting the charts on fire as the original did somewhat but still a very solid performance. Probably slightly better than my expectations in all honesty given this is essentially just modest DLC. Good to see dude. Thanks for this.
  12. Pengi


    It's mentioned in the art book that Tom Fry drew the main Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Eggman images:

    It's also been confirmed that Tom Fry drew the Ray image:
  13. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Ah, thanks for pointing those out. Can't believe the answer for one of my questions was right in front of my nose!
  14. CorralSummer


    Sonic 2 HD
    Yeah, it's been said in various places.
    You can also tell by looking at them. Tom's Illustrations tend to have way more shading, also the metal is more realistic in his.
    Another simple way to tell his how the socks are shaded. (I spend a lot of time analyzing these if you can't tell)
  15. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Now that the project is over and we've probably been given all the official info about it that we'll ever get (until Sonic Mania's anniversary re-release, anyway), do we know what the exact extent of Iizuka's involvement was, in his position of "supervisor"?

    Right now, I know that:
    • He greenlit the project.
    • He changed the title from "Sonic Discovery" to "Sonic Mania".
    • He had the idea of adding old levels.

    Not sure if anything else was said that I'm missing?

    EDIT: Also:
  16. Montblanc


    He was the one who had the idea to put the Death Egg robot in GHZ too.
  17. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Oh yeah, I had forgotten about that tidbit from the development diaries, thanks.
  18. Pengi


    The intro cut-scene:

  19. biggestsonicfan


    Tech Member
    Question: If I buy through Amazon rather than Steam, would that hurt or help sales figures?
  20. Plorpus


    Hog Blue So What Member
    I'm not sure if he came up with the actual Phantom Ruby or not, but he said in an interview that he was the one that decided to use it to link Forces and Generations. Also he didn't technically name the game Sonic Mania, at least not intentionally. “Mania” in Japanese is a loanword that means a die hard fan or enthusiast, or, well, maniac. When talking about the game being by the mania[cs] for the mania[cs] he wrote the words Sonic mania. The team decided to use it as a title and he was into the idea.
    Oh, and he also asked if they could put Flying Battery in since it's one of his levels (plus he designed the original)