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Sonic Mania Plus (Consoles Physical; PC Digital) - Non-Leaks Thread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Chris Highwind, Mar 16, 2018.

  1. biggestsonicfan


    Tech Member
    Blitworks was also involved in the process, so I do not find it all that strange that new ideas were rejected. What I find strange is why Sega has not come back to them (ala Jet Set Radio) for Sega Forever.
  2. Xiao Hayes

    Xiao Hayes

    Classic Eggman art Member
    I don't see the problem here: if you want to play it, play it; if you don't want to, don't play it. If the problem is a lack of self-confidence as a classic Sonic player, take the Sonic attitude and play again the classics to check if you can do it better than before and ask for help with your weak points to improve your playstyle. If you just get bad vibes, or think you won't like the game, you'll end up not liking it thanks to the power of self-suggestion more than anything else. I found Sonic 1 to be harder than Sonic 2 save for the death egg boss, yet you say you've beaten the first but not the second. Are you sure you really lack the skills needed?

    What you're searching for here are not reasons to play or not play Mania, it's just that you're running in circles because you're mixing up things that aren't really related and want someone else to take you out from that loop. I understand it's hard to rely on this franchise after all these years, but this game was made by people who know the classics well, and veterans doing this means they put a lot of good stuff in the game, not that they made some elitist game where only expert classic Sonic players could have a good experience.

    Sorry if I've been rude, but I hate to see people in doubt because of foggy thoughts, or because they find hard to be honest to themselves with their wishes and intentions. I hope you ease your mind soon.
  3. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Huh? It looks like the Steam release ignores the Y button at the Options screen when changing the filter?

    Also, it just crashed when I changed the Window option...

    And got that weird slowdown in the main menu after a session of Time Attack.

    ...And yeah, it really takes a while to start from Steam.
  4. Beltway


    The most grateful Sonic fan of all time this week Member
    Sega of Darkest Peru
    Artwork and looking for post-grad work...
    Media Create Sales (which cover game sales in Japan) for last week were posted earlier this week, and Mania Plus' debut results are pretty much what you'd expect [re: Sonic game sales in Japan].

    Out of a Top 50 list....

    ...well, it's something I guess. The MCS source also provides another reference of the Switch version of Mania Plus selling being more popular than the PS4 version.

    On the flipside, Mania actually went up a few slots on the general/US Nintendo eShop charts this week. Mania placed #19 on the All Games list (whereas it was #23 last week) and placed #9 on the Download-Only Games list (#11 last week).

    The really big story on Mania Plus' sales on the retail market is this coming Monday, however. Next week's PAL Charts will tell us how Mania Plus debuted throughout the rest of Europe (as well as see its second week performance in the UK, of course).
  5. Lapper


    Lappering Tech Member
    Sonic Studio, Sonic Physics Guide, Kyle & Lucy, Freedom Planet 2
    My steam version is a bit mess it just goes blurry when in full screen or attempting to apply any filter, so it's windowed mode and no filters for me. Also I swear it used to go up to 4x scale but I could be imagining it. :v:
  6. Ell678


    Am I Annoying You? Member
    Barrow, England
    Sonic Incursion
    On Steam, since the update, the game doesn't like booting up fullscreen. I use a 4K TV connected to my PC and boot the game using Steam Big Picture while playing Mania. Every single time, it is windowed upon launch. Just a bit irritating.
  7. CollectiveWater


    Go to Computer>C:>Program Files (x86)>Steam>steamapps>common>Sonic Mania>Settings, and double-click/open the Settings file. That will open the file in Notepad and have a bunch of text related to your "Sonic Mania" configuration settings. At the top under [Video] the thirteenth or so line will say "shaderSupport=n." Just change the n to a y, and click save when you exit the window.

    Then your PC copy of "Sonic Mania" will mostly go back to behaving normally--full-screen visuals will be normal again, you can change filters, animated cutscenes will be in color with their old 10-20 fps sluggish playback, etc. The only issue y'all listed that won't be resolved by doing what I just said is the slowdown after using Time Trial--that's an issue caused by the latest PC build using a poorly implemented updated version of Denuvo. That should hopefully be resolved soon in a patch; until then just avoid using Time Trial mode altogether.

    I wrote about all the issues the newest build of "Sonic Mania" on PC brings, as well as the issues the PC version has always had since launch, here. Even after modifying the Settings ini file and fixing most of the major issues the new update brings to "Mania" on PC, that version is still clearly inferior to all the console versions, and I would recommend playing the game on console instead if you can. The only advantages the PC version has over the console ones is the ability to play with a Saturn/Genesis controller (which requires you to futz around with Steam's controller settings since "Mania" on PC doesn't have native DirectInput compatibility), and the ability to load mods. Other than those two advantages, though, the PC version is inferior to all the console versions. Which is sad because the PC version only has a handful of issues (sluggish animated cutscene playback, no native DirectInput support for Saturn controllers, etc.) which if resolved would make it the best version. And someday, once the PS4/Switch/Xbox One versions are no longer backward compatible with future iterations of consoles made by the console manufacturers, the PC version will be the only easy way to play the game. It'd be a damn shame if the minor issues with the PC version still have not been resolved by then. I hope they are sometime soon.

    One addendum that applies to all three of my posts about the issues with the PC version: if the opening and ending animated cutscenes play back at a sluggish 10-20 fps for you (either prior to the most recent update or after you change shaderSupport=n to shaderSupport=y and your cutscenes go back to being in color but run sluggishly again), I think that issue may be restricted to Windows 7 users only (meaning they should playback fine if you're on Windows 10). Need to do some testing before I can definitively say whether this is true or not, though.
  8. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Oh no, no way! I need to play it! :(

    Thanks for the fix for the other things. In my case, the filter was stuck at the CRT shader, which was what I had active when the update was applied.

    Never had the intro to play sluggishly or in black and white, by the way. It's always looked fine to me.
  9. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
    The Steam release regrettably has issues (and I do hope a rapid-fire patch is coming soon to address all this) but vanilla Mania sold over a million units of which only ~115K were on Steam - if SteamSpy is to be believed before it shut down. Point is you're looking at the vast majority of sales being dominated by consoles (particularly Switch) so I guess those ports are being prioritised over Steam it seems - given that's where the game's sales and popularity is. Sega really need to abandon Denuvo though - it's causing them far more trouble than it's worth and having such a negative impact.

    I mean, it was cracked pretty much from day one correct? So it isn't circumventing piracy whatsoever. It's just causing issues for the genuine owners.
  10. Rika Chou

    Rika Chou

    Tech Member
    According to another post, the number was 168,633 as of July 1st.
  11. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
    Ah right I stand corrected then. ~170K is way better than I thought. Must be well north of ~200K now then with Plus' release inevitably giving the game a boost. It's decent sales but it's not a mega-success (Valkyria Chronicles hit the 500K mark at light speed for comparison) so it still does seem like the bulk of Mania's sales are on consoles.
  12. kyasarintsu


    The only new problem I've encountered is the apparent loss of DS4 compatibility.
  13. CollectiveWater


    There was also 4 more days (July 2nd-5th) of the Steam summer sale (in which "Mania" was 25% off, the most discounted it's been on any platform so far) not reported in that July 1st 168,633 number, and like you said 360 a likely bump from Encore being released. So yeah it's probably over 200,000 Steam sales currently.

    The console versions will probably always be higher than Steam in terms of overall sales (well, except maybe the Xbox One version), but keep in mind "Mania" will be part of many if not all the biannual Steam sales (there's a summer and winter one that happens every year at the same time--late June to early July for the summer sale and late December to early January for the winter sale), and it will receive a bump each time one of those happens. The total amount of Steam "Mania" players is just going to increase over time, and like I said, at some point in the distant future when it's no longer backward compatible on future console hardware, the PC version will be the only version people can easily play. Having it work well for most users is definitely in Sega's best interest. And the issues the PC version has seem pretty minor compared to issues other PC releases that are poorly supported have; they should be eminently fixable if Sega allocated enough resources to doing so. Let's hope they do.
  14. Beltway


    The most grateful Sonic fan of all time this week Member
    Sega of Darkest Peru
    Artwork and looking for post-grad work...
    More chart numbers are in from PAL this week, and Mania Plus is continuing its encore lap:

    Opened at #3 overall in Australia across all units; and was respectively #3 in Switch charts, #5 in PS4 charts, and #7 in XBO charts.

    In Germany, Mania Plus opened within the top ten spots for all three platforms, debuting at #5 on Xbox One, #6 on PS4, and #7 on Switch.

    Opened at #4 overall in New Zealand across all units; and was #7 in the PS4 charts.

    Opened at #9 overall in the Switzerland charts across all units.

    Finally, back in the UK charts, Mania Plus only slid down a few spots, dropping from #5 last week to #8 this week. (Still not quite able to catch up to the bandicoot, who is still ruling the charts at number one.)

    toot toot sonic warrior~
  15. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    I'm glad this game is doing so well considering it's a rerelease of a game that came out last year on the same consoles :v: But no the more people that buy/play this game the better.

    On another note though, how the fuck is Crash doing so well? I mean, I knew it would do well but it just won't die. Hasn't everyone bought it yet? Either way Activision is probably enjoying swimming in their cash pool from that game.


    Good numbers considering what Plus essentially is (repackaged game w/DLC bonus).

    Is there any info on US sales? I've seen European and JPN sales, but nothing from the Americas yet.
  17. Beltway


    The most grateful Sonic fan of all time this week Member
    Sega of Darkest Peru
    Artwork and looking for post-grad work...
    In other news, positive reviews keep trickling in--and like well-baked yeast, Mania Plus's metascores are still slowly rising. Mania Plus now has an 89 on Opencritic (37 scored reviews, 39 reviews in total), and the Switch version now stands at 91 on Metacritic (18 reviews) and 91.50% on GameRankings (10 reviews). Across all three critic aggregate scores, Mania Plus is currently within the all-time top ten highest-scoring games on the Switch games (#5 GR, #7 MC, #9 OC).

    Unfortunately, NPD (who usually covers US sales) doesn't give weekly numbers like other tracking companies/other territories, they only do monthly numbers. We'll just have to wait until sometime in August to see how Mania Plus did in July.
  18. I have this bug that nobody seems to have mentioned anywhere online. Has anyone else been incapable of saving replays or viewing leaderboard replays in time trial mode? If I try to save one the game says I have insufficient space for replays despite having none and loads of free space. The clapper icon to watch other people's runs on the leaderboard is simply not there on my version. Playing on switch. Hoping some of you have encountered this because I'm worried I'm going to need to delete my save data at this point!
  19. McAleeCh


    ...Wait, it's possible to watch other people's replays from the leaderboards? That's functionality I wasn't aware of. Is it possible to challenge replays you view from the leaderboards, too?
  20. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Oh, I got the intro in black and white for the first time. Oops.