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Sonic Mania Plus (Consoles Physical; PC Digital) - Non-Leaks Thread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Chris Highwind, Mar 16, 2018.

  1. McAleeCh


    In terms of level design and how the characters handle it's nothing like Chaotix - it feels pretty accurate to the latter three Mega Drive games physics-wise.
  2. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    It's got more Colours like Chaotix, but that's the absolute extent of it. If the game played anything like Chaotix with its level design and physics, it wouldn't be getting anything like the praise its gotten.
  3. Zephyr


    If you're talking specifically about Encore Mode, I believe that's partially the intention.

    If you're talking about Mania in general, that doesn't really apply. 2/3 of the Zones in the game are from past non-Chaotix games, and Mirage Saloon is based on a scrapped Sonic 2 level. That means at bare minimum, 9 out of the 12 Zones are not pulling from Chaotix's aesthetics. I don't know how you feel about Studiopolis, Press Garden, and Titanic Monarch, but I don't really get Chaotix visual vibes from them.

    Plus you can just get a refund on Steam if you immediately hate it.
  4. Lapper


    Lappering Tech Member
    Sonic Studio, Sonic Physics Guide, Kyle & Lucy, Freedom Planet 2
    Is that just because the characters are brightly shaded?
  5. Creature SH

    Creature SH

    I've known Chaotix.
    I've played Chaotix.
    This, sir, is no Chaotix.

    It's a lot like Sonic3&Knuckles, though.
  6. biggestsonicfan


    Tech Member
    Hmm... well, I suppose it's a little hard to explain this but I feel whoever added this line to Wikipedia's Mania article helps me out a bit here:

    To me, this sets off internal warning flags from an era where Sega didn't really know how to handle the Sonic franchise. And yes, the additional details in the sprites are a personal turn-off to me but that one is just my opinion.

    If I'm being completely honest with myself too, I am not great at the mega drive era Sonic games, having only beaten Sonic 1 and CD without emeralds. Wanting to play a game where advanced Sonic players have full control of development is highly intimidating. The addition of leaderboards to see how fast people can beat levels I struggle with isn't my idea of a good time.

    I realize Sonic wasn't designed to be an exploration platformer, but I have difficulty with even staple level layouts. I feel that because I can't pass Zones like Chemical Plant, Mania will be too difficult for me to enjoy what everyone else enjoys about the game.
  7. Sparks


    Sondro Gomez / Kyle & Lucy
    The longer you think about the semantics of the game, the longer you put off actually trying it. If you end up not liking it, you can easily return it.
  8. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    Leaderboards are exclusive to time trials. I don't touch the bloody things, and you won't see them unless you seek them out. The times you get playing through the stories aren't recorded. Sonic games are fun to sandbox with their multi-layered levels and different routes with secrets aplenty. Sod the idea of time trials and leaderboards.

    The levels in Mania push you the way you're supposed to go. If you you're running along and hit a spring, just go with the flow. You don't have to fight against the level design at all. It is constantly telling you which way you can go. If you fall off of a platform and end up lower down, you can just keep going in that route instead.

    Honestly, you're being kind of silly. You've decided that the game is too hard or unfocused for you to enjoy. It's designed by advanced players, yes, but it's designed to be played by anyone.
  9. biggestsonicfan


    Tech Member
    I've been thinking about this since development of original Mania, and there is no way to try before I buy. I have a personal policy of not returning things that aren't broken, and prefer if Denuvo never touches my system if it doesn't have to.

    I'm being very silly and over critical, but I believe that's how I've evolved over the years. I wish I could simply hold the right direction and jump, but my head no longer works that way.

    Perhaps it would be best for me to skip Mania so I have nothing bad to say about it.
  10. Plorpus


    Hog Blue So What Member
    It reads like you're just trying to find reasons not to play it. If you want to play something that looks and feels like a sequel to Sonic 3 and Knuckles go ahead and buy it. If that's not your thing then skip it. If difficulty is a factor, just know it's easier than the classics.
  11. biggestsonicfan


    Tech Member
    I have my reasons not to play it, but I came into this thread finally to give it a chance. Knowing it doesn't feel like Chaotix and is easier than the classics is more reassuring to me. And to be honest, if I wanted to play without paying, piracy would do it, but I find that would be a bigger slap in the face to everyone than outright buying and returning it.

    The only comparison I can draw Mania to is Archie giving power to Ian Flynn to take over the comics. A manic fan created manic plot lines and stories, and it did a lot for a lot of people, but I clashed very hard with those choices and left the Archie side of the fandom. I don't want Retro to become like Archie to me, if that makes sense.
  12. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Also the recent update added an option to eliminate time overs, so while the levels are longer you can now take all the time you need to get through them.

    And ya besides some Encore palettes, the character mechanics in Encore mode (kinda but not really), more advanced sprites, and Mighty, this game is nothing like Chaotix. It's a refined S3K.

    Given how well the team handled Mania, it's less Archie giving the wheel to Flynn and more an alternate reality where 1996 Sonic Team made a 5 year anniversary title on the Saturn.
  13. biggestsonicfan


    Tech Member
    This hypes me a LOT when you phrase it that way. I probably would have had problems if the time out option wasn't available at launch, but I'm intrigued to see if that would cause me less frustration, like it did with S3&K.
  14. Endgame


    Formerly The Growler Member
    Personally, I found Mania a pretty easy to complete, even on my fist run-through; plus the game gives you [seemingly] TONNES of extra lives, with plenty of rings everywhere. Encore Mode, I'm sure you know by now, is more or less basically a more challenging version of Mania Mode.

    Like the oft-used phrase I'm sure you've heard a million times before on here: it's a game made by fans, for the fans, with lots of nods from different Sonic games :)
  15. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
    This. Worth noting that Steam's beyond excellent refund policy allows you to get a refund on any game, within a fortnight, for any reason. There's even an option when you initiate the refund called "It's not fun" meaning you'll definitely receive a refund if you just flat-out don't like the game for whatever reason. I'd say buying it legitimately on Steam knowing your money is safe-guarded is the best option here.

    It's a brilliant Sonic game echoing the glory days of the Classics and the best Sonic game since the Megadrive-era. You should definitely give it a shot.
  16. Zephyr


    In addition to being able to disable the time limit, Mighty is more of an easy mode: he doesn't take damage from spikes or other sharp hazards when in a ball. It's incredible.
  17. Mastered Realm

    Mastered Realm

    The only complaint I've heard from people were people not liking seeing old zones. My boyfriend played almost the entirety of the game without a game over. (He stopped at Hydrocity because he doesn't like Sonic lol)
  18. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    The returning zones were annoying because there's been so much of that in games before and after Mania, but they turned out great. Chemical Plant 2 and Stardust Speedway 1 are amongst my favourites in the game, despite the fact that they're old levels (with Chemical Plant also appearing in both Generations and Forces). The standard of the level designs is just so high that I can look past the issue of returning stages. But only for Mania - if it was to happen again in a theoretical follow-up game, I'd be pissed.
  19. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    I mean they're basically out of usable levels. A Mania 2 that did the same thing would be reused gimmicks and B zones. They wouldn't be that dumb.
  20. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
    Taxman and co. have been given more and more creative control and freedom with every subsequent release. They proved themselves with the Sonic CD/Sonic 1 and 2 remasters and got to make Mania; and proved themselves with Mania so would theoretically be given the liberty to create an all-original zone game next I would have thought. Plus Iizuka outright stated that the Mania project and concept (remixed zone callbacks mixed in with original stages) is finished and complete thereby pretty much de-confirming a potential direct straight-sequel Sonic Mania 2 complete with more remixed zones.

    I'm almost certain we'll see successor of some kind given how well Mania and Plus has done both critically and commercially - but it won't be a straight Mania 2.

    EDIT: Just had a thought and wanted to add:

    Sonic CD remaster: No original zones. Original zone pitches (Final Fever and so on) rejected.
    Sonic 2 remaster: One original zone in Hidden Palace.
    Sonic Mania: Four original zones in Studiopolis, Press Garden, Mirage Saloon and Titanic Monarch.
    Sonic Mania successor: All-original zones potentially?

    There's a clear and discernible pattern here. They're gaining more and more creative control and freedom with every subsequent release as they continue to prove themselves.