Aha. Ok then, I will change that... I'd be happy if more people said if they were unhappy with a peice of art (either the title or icon).
I have uploaded a short video, showing off how much easier it is to edit a level! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mj38QtWJ-c4 It's the first video of this build of v3. *Gridless object placement will be possible
I like what you got there, I really do. However, the fact that the objects are being placed using a grid is cool, but it would be cool if you could also place them grid-less, like if you are holding down Shift or something.
FUCK! I absolutely love how it looks right now But yeah, a feature that might be nice is changing the grid size, and maybe just turning off a "Snap to Grid" option instead of removing the all-so-useful grid.
Once this sonic maker gets tied to a decent engine my life will be over with forever, you realise this? I simply cannot let this happen!
I have a problem. This time it is somthing about the runner: Sonic's mask is a rectangle, right? Well this causes a problem with the sprites. If (in the engines point of view) you are standing on a slope, but really only the bottom right corner of the mask is touching the ground, well that makes this happen: It is still noticable on 8-direction mode too. There has to me something automatic, or somthing that won't take up loads of GML. EDIT: Damn, I found the awnser straight after this post. Oh well, I'll just use this post to say everything is tip-top.
New video, showing off every editor mode, including collision. You also get to check out thr zoom. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9c0xgzJFwU + - Give in to your cravings people! )
When you did the rings at 1:10, I was wondering if you could also do click-and-draw? Or do I need to place each ring with one click?
are collision tiles supported? As in, you can draw a bunch of masks and then select them all and define them as a tile? I'd hate to have to do curvy ground and loops over and over again by hand. Also, can I change the layer of collision tiles after I've placed them?
Yes. Dang, it is all done with keyboard and mouse, I'll try and find some suitable mouse/keyboard combination for this.