Sounds good. I'm wondering if at some point you can add some kind of functionality whereby other people can make their own custom tilesets and use them in Sonic Maker, by the way, so that it takes some of the slack off you personally to provide a vast array of level components. Of course, that's something to worry about after you get the basic design program working... I'm wondering, though—hypothetically, suppose someone constructed a better engine that could read text files for design and it were made to be compatible with Sonic Maker, would it be especially easy or especially hard for you to provide support for that engine?
If I post, will there be a new download?! Wait... Anyway, We cant help you test stuff or give improvements without being able to mess with it ourselves! I would love a built-in text editor for title cards!
A choice between title card styles (Sonic 1, Sonic 2, Sonic 3... possibly Sonic 4 and Sonic Adventure 2...) would be an awesome feature, as well.
Right then: They would have to make the support, the support is in the engine, it needs to read the files and maker the level accordingly. There is, On the level tab at the side, it says title, the title card will be set to that. :D Well, Sonic Maker is Sonic 1 style at the moment, but with gameplay elements of others (Tails and Knuckles). =D Nice suggestions, see, thats the way to do it! More are gladly accepted.
In regards to special stages, will you have Sonic 1 special stages as default, but then have the facility for users to maybe code their own, original special stage concepts in? + - Suggestion - make the boss maker export bosses to ASM :v: Just kidding :P
This looks and sounds incredible. I love the interface that keeps things simple, yet seems to be flexible for more advanced users. Great work, hope to see more soon!
I hope I'm not using up my only post, because I usually wait..... and then double post to get things going. :S Mmm, tasty Idea! This is the way this project will work: Thanks, I need a lot of this to keep me going!
"Joint"? Any who, about the bosses. I'd like to suggest you'd be able to have some type of scripting language to make your boss, or some advanced point and create methods. Maybe an event system like Constructs or MMF2's.
Personally I think it would be great if later on down the road if you added sprite editing functionality for making custom character sprites for both Sonic (so you can either change his looks or make him look like somebody else without really changing gameplay) and enemy robots. Example - change Sonic to Mario, change Moto Bug to Goomba, and change Robotnik into Bowser... I'd be interested to make Somari without bad physics.
Expect a new release soon, just getting the GM runner polished and fixing a few errors in the maker. I nearly did somthing that could have destroyed the maker, by changing the entire interface, but I revived it and its back to normal. Keep watching. Also, I'll treat you to a quick preview. Small interface changes:
EDIT: Double posted again! I didnt even mean to, I swear someone had posted... It's out, its out, it's out, IT'S OUT! Sonic Maker v1.5 is out! -Play your levels -Insert gimmicks (Like bridges) -Tunnels -Play as Tails To play a game, open up the GM runner, click load, then select the data file you exported in Sonic Maker (it won't just load the sml files you save normally).
Can you code your own gimmicks? "Add gimmicks" is a bit vague. If so how do you code them in GML? I guess I don't understand the benefit of this other than promoting extreme laziness. I haven't even tried it out though so don't take what I say as a judgment just the impression I get from the posts, it just seems kinda like a game maker program for a... well game maker program.
Well, It would depend on what engine you use... I could build in a gimick maker thing. And it wont just be Game Maker engines available.
So, is it not up on the wiki yet or something? I downloaded the one that's there just now, and, it's the same one I downloaded last time. >_>
It would be great if you could turn this into its own engine more compatible and accurate than that of MMF and GM and with its own with a built in scripting language. Otherwise I'll stick with Game Maker. But it looks neat all the same.
Damn mediafire, any time now... FAIL, trying Fail.... If this was less than 5mb I could upload it to Sonic Retro