I've used plenty of applications designed for people with mouse wheels. Especially 3D modelling apps. I got used to it. So, Sonica. What is the mouse wheel/middle button used for?
For objects and tiles: To scroll through the list of them. For collision: To scroll through the 3 shape types. Basically the same thing all round.
well how about, once you've placed a collision object, if you select it again and use the mouse wheel, you can scroll through the layers, and left click again to confirm. While you're at it, do the same for rectangle collision boxes, to scroll through jump-through and non jump-through.
I just fucking pissed myself. IT IS BEAUTIFUL AND DOESN'T MAKE THE SOUND OF A orchestral masterpiece!
Does “360 rotation mode” refer to Advance-style rotation? That is: rotated sprites are computed from normal ones, not pre-made a la MD.
Which smoothing algorithm are you using, btw? I know this one is very good, though I don't think that the algorithm Xenowhirl uses is actually available...
I didn't actually mean that =S. I meant the rotaion is interpolated... or smoothly rotates instead of snaps, like Sonic 4 should - mainly for fangames that want decent smooth graphics, or for extreme angle changes. Sorry, but I don't think GM supports/has a way of producing RotSprites output anyways. It looks fine anyways...
The only reason I suggest these things is because, more often than not, once you finish a level, you want to go back and tweak some things. You may add new sections of a level, and require a previously solid rectangle to now be jump-through. It'd be a pain in the ass to have to redraw it when you could just switch it on the fly.
I can't wait for this! :D I just hope you could implement some kind of sprite loader so you can put your own custom Sonic sprites into it :D
That's probably something more reserved for the actual Sonic Maker Player made in Game Maker. You know, Sonica...maybe you should edit the first post so people understand that this is only a level editor, not a full game maker.
At the moment, it doesn't seem like you can select a collision object at all. It would be useful to make the collision objects selectable, and when selected they would be movable and resizeable by making handles appear around it. In the video you had to delete collision objects quite a few times because they were just a bit too small or too large.
Actually, at the moment you can hold CTRL and click on the shape to resize it, the actual click+drag to select routine has been invented, though.