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Sonic Lost World (Wii U, 3DS, PC) Megathread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by TimmiT, May 17, 2013.

  1. At risk of being the typical unpleasable Sonic fanboy, I probably shouldn't criticize this (yet at least). But, I relent. For me this will most likely be a disappointment, yet another alien, ghost, boogyman, etc storyline. Would prefer a slightly more mature storyline. This looks like pokemon, thank you Nintendo exclusive. Nawt.
  2. Nothing was more painfully short than Generations. I'll take Colors's mini-acts over Generations's terrible challenges (although some of them were okay, most of them were filler garbage). I beat Colors in 9 hours the first time I played it, then I beat it again in 4 hours, but Generations I was able to beat in 4 hours the first time and 2 the second.
  3. Mike Arcade

    Mike Arcade

    Free Scriber of Mobius Member
    Well, it'll be nice to see more new characters that are created and then forgotten right after the game is released, never to mentioned again...

    Joking aside, nothing to really talk about until their full designs are revealed, although is it just me or am I getting a bomberman feel from this, you know how in bomberman you always had several different Guardian bosses (The Five Dastardly Bombers for example), I'm getting a very similar feeling from this. Which I don't mind, it's a good feeling! Though one has to wonder if Sega is gonna do more of this in the future, making Characters that Sonic will have to face for one reason or another, I wouldn't mind, besides considering how many one note characters we've gotten in the series it wouldn't surprise me, they might as well do wait let me correct myself, they basically already do that (Sonic 06, Unleashed, Secret Rings, Black Knight, Colors, etc.), and I though Bomberman had a lot of one note characters.
  4. What I liked most about Colors was that Eggman was doing his own dirty work. He built the Nega-Wisp Armor and it put up a fight as the final boss. True, it wasn't much of a fight, but it still ended up having the final battle being a climactic clash between Sonic and Eggman in some sort of machine. That felt good.

    I'm getting kind of tired of the biggest fights in the game being Sonic versus some random giant monster-of-the-week. The thing that's bugging me the most is that if these guys are villains, that's most likely going to mean that all the boss fights in this game are going to be assorted-monster flavor. I want to smash up Eggman's ships and mechs again. I was sitting here, just praying that the increased power behind the new consoles meant that we'd be fighting Eggman's latest machine, and seeing HD screws, nuts, and scrap flying off of his vehicle as we whale away on it. I've been waiting forever to see a fight where Eggman's machines took visible damage during the fight, and it actually incorporated into the battle somehow, such as the sparking wires and sharp broken metal being used as a crude weapon where he starts charging at us to attack us with it, or the damaged parts of the vehicle being jettisoned off at us and additional weapons being hidden underneath.

    If anything, these guys look too "kid-friendly" for lack of a better word. I mean, Sonic games typically get "E" ratings, so if we're fighting a living creature as a boss instead of a machine, you know that any attack we make isn't going to make a satisfying crunchy impact. Sonic's probably just going to bounce off like the thing's made of rubber, it's going to shake its head back and forth a couple times or rub the assaulted area for a moment, and then go on with the fight. Machines and robots make those explosions that are so nice to see after a difficult battle. These guys will just flop over, and fade away at the most.

    Here's hoping that the actual levels are concentrated awesome to make up for it, if I'm right.
  5. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    They're never going to do a "mature" storyline again. Why? Because it's a game about a blue hedgehog running around beating up a fat guy who typically tries to manipulate some kind of creature. They tried to go mature in SA2, they tried to go mature in Sonic 06, and what do you get? Terrible story lines. How can you take a mature story seriously when the final boss is a lizard using a space station as a sex toy, or when a human has to kiss Sonic to make him come back to life? Also Shadow's messed up plot. If anything, plot should be minimal in Sonic games since they're all bad anyway. But if they have to go one route, I'd rather it be the Colors one.
  6. The KKM

    The KKM

    Welcome to the nExt level Member
    IDW's Sonic the Hedgehog comic books
    >Complain for years modern Sonic games are generic
    >They do something different, oh now they're Pokémon

    Come on guys, really? Is applying basic "Make each silhouette distinguishable and different while all related to one another" something bad, now? I mean, sure, let's have an army of Sonic recolours instead.
  7. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    My guess for the plot is that Robotnik some how manipulates these guys, they go crazy and fight you, and then they're free and grateful. Then all 6 are freed and they help you fight Robotnik in someway. I imagine robots will still exist in some form, for what's a Sonic game (besides the storybook games) without robots?
  8. When can we have Knuckles back. Seriously. Sonic Team hasn't cared about him guarding the Master Emerald since Sonic Advance 3. Just stick him somewhere.
  9. Hukos


    The only way to do a dark story remotely well in any kind of cartoony franchise is something like Majora's Mask. That is, make the world dark (Impending doom in 3 days, etc.), not the characters. Making cartoony characters dark is just asking for trouble.

    That and what makes Majora's Mask great is it's atmosphere, not it's plot.

    I'm not exactly sure Sega can pull off a dark atmosphere in a Sonic game, at least not right now, so I think the bright and cartoony route is for the best for the series. That is, unless you want another Sonic 06 on our hands.
  10. SpaceyBat


    United States
    Freedom Planet 2
    I'm in the same camp I think; Sonic tried the Darker and Edgier thing and it's been painfully obvious over the years that Sonic Team doesn't know how to pull it off effectively. Their lighter and softer titles have gained much more critical praise. Besides, it's a smart move anyway, with children and tweens being one of their key demographics.

    I've been wondering this as well. I'd like to think that one of the reasons for this is that Knuckles simply wouldn't have motivation to get involved in the story unless it involved the Master Emerald. As long as nobody's going after it specifically, he has no reason to care about what happens in the outside world and would simply stick to his guardian duties.

    Also, something else: Do you think this partnership with Nintendo would have any chance of making Sonic have regular appearances in future Smash Bros games?
  11. Mr Lange

    Mr Lange

    A wise guy eh. I know how to DEAL with wise guys. Member
    The Land of Waldos
    Sonic Utopia, Sonic Overture
    Exactly. Knuckles isn't like Tails. He's got his own thing going on. He doesn't just hang out with Sonic and THE GANG (parade of pointless unwanted characters) all the time. The big involvements with Knuckles were only because they happened to be on Angel Island or something had to do with the master emerald.

    This considered I don't see how the hell they can't include Sonic in SSB4. Very strong rumor is that Sonic will also be in the next Mario Kart. Seems very possible at this point.
  12. Paradigm


    Primrose Hill
    An original story entitled "Obscured into Hubris"
    Frankly, they don't look any more weirder than the ghosts from Night of the Werehog. And that actually worked.

    Come to think of it, I wouldn't mind seeing them return in a future game.
  13. DustArma


    Santiago, Chile
    Learning Python.
  14. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness

    Yeah, these guys turned out to be terrible, am I right?

    Also, why is everyone going on about "WAAAAH ROBOTNIK IS NEVER THE MAIN VILLAIN IT'S ALWAYS SOME MONSTER HE LOST CONTROL OF THAT YOU HAVE TO FINISH OFF AS SUPER SONIC"? That hasn't been done since Unleashed in 2008! Colours was a straight on Sonic vs Robotnik fight and while I'll grant Sonic was Super at the end of Generations, the final boss was most certainly being directly controlled by the 2 Robotniks, not a separate entity at all.
  15. synchronizer


    I think they did, but that's an anti-Sonic Colo(u)rs argument.

    Anyway, we know almost nothing important about the game yet, so the discussion is just speculation at this point.
  16. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    The wisps weren't even characters. They were power-ups. Only Yakker was really a character...
  17. You're absolutely right with that, and hopefully if the writers from Sonic Colors return these characters will be written really well.

    What I'm really hoping for is a Sonic 3 situation where Eggman finds the Lost World and convinces them that Sonic is a dangerous threat to their world, but instead of them just cheering on Sonic at the end like past games I want them to be instrumental to Eggman's defeat. Like the big strong guys hold down the robot for a time while you wail on him. Or the Mushu looking one breathing fire or something of that sort to weaken the metal of the machine to where you can damage it more effectively. It would really make this final boss stand out against all the others.
  18. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    Random note- back in January Sonic Stadium found out that Ken Pontac had written the script for an upcoming Sonic game. So that's obviously Lost World, and I expect Warren Graff will be joining him too. Gotta say I think they're fantastic writers for the series. SEGA has been very intent on Westernising Sonic games moreso than ever before since Unleashed, and turned it up another notch with the introduction of new writers in Colours. These new characters in Lost World are more evidence of it. Sans the lack of Knuckles and the dramatic reduction of the cast as a whole (they've been culled instead of better utilised), I must say I love this new approach. It feels so right. It's almost like they want the series to be like a Saturday morning cartoon.
  19. synchronizer


    Why do people think that the writing from Sonic Colors is good? I find that it's overly juvenile and bland.
  20. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    This just in: Sonic the Hedgehog is aimed at young people.

    I mean, do people complain about the storylines in Mario platformers?