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Sonic Lost World (Wii U, 3DS, PC) Megathread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by TimmiT, May 17, 2013.

  1. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member
    The rest of the demo starts at around 3:31:08, but they only show levels we've already seen. There is a bit more info though: the name of the zone does change with each act. Like with the candy level the name Desert Ruins changes into Dessert Ruins.
  2. Erinaceus


    I'm Hamilton Member
    Luke Plunkett exists on that site expressly to piss off Sonic fans. He and Fahey revel in every opportunity to either troll us by posting the cycle; or piss us off by getting facts deliberately wrong (they have a running gag of calling Tails "Miles Prowler", and attributed Sonic 1 & 2s soundtrack to Koshiro instead of Nakamura). Or just badmouth the fans directly (I remember one article ranking us on the lowest rung of the "Geek Heirarchy", below XBox Live 10-year-olds) All for clicks and comments. They're just assholes. Paid trolls. It's best to ignore them and not link to their click bait.
  3. GeneHF


    SEGA-ier than you'll potentially ever be. Site Staff
    Scenic Studiopolis
    Complete Global Conquest
    I just point and laugh at anyone who says SA2 is what a Sonic game should be.

    Especially when they use SA2B.


    >giving Kotaku any sort of attention ever

    Why have none of you simply deleted them from your Twitter feeds? There's a reason people are flocking away from them in droves. Mainly because Stephen Tostinos-Pizza-Rolls would rather piss into the wind and call it "journalism."
  4. Namo


    take a screenshot of your heart Member
    The Sonic Cycle is going to be a thing among non-fans for the rest of Sonic's existence. Sonic could have 3 more good games in a row and every article about a new Sonic game is still going to have a comment that says "Finally, a GOOD Sonic game?!" You're better off getting used to it.
  5. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    It's diminishing really. But you're right it does exist still... sadly

    Why did anyone give Sonic 06 a chance?
  6. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member
    Hey guys, how about we discuss the game instead of a Shitaku article?
  7. GeneHF


    SEGA-ier than you'll potentially ever be. Site Staff
    Scenic Studiopolis
    Complete Global Conquest
    Capital idea.

    I overdubbed the jungle level video with Foliage Furnace music from ATS. It was beautiful.

    Give those men jobs, Sega.
  8. Indigo Rush

    Indigo Rush

    Where are you finding that Jungle Zone footage? I can't seem to find it in that stream.
  9. ItsBrieDude


    my brain is the spinning seal gif Member
    Is it just me, or did it looks like in the 3DS footage and the Casino world footage he was using the Bounce Attack? Obviously he didn't have the Bounce Bracelet return, but did anyone else notice that?
  10. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    So is this casino footage up on youtube yet?
  11. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member

    You can also see updated versions of Windy Hill and the candy zone from Desert Ruins. Frozen Factory/Casino part starts at 11:08.
  12. Tiller


    HDK & World Runner
    Kotaku is mostly sensationalist bullshit that isn't journalism. Best not to ever talk about them.

    Anyway this Casino level was a lot more self contained than I was expecting. Small, confined, and short, probably due to the nature of the alternate act structure and being a one off level. Liked the bouncing around and coin finding, but the parkour wasn't really put to use and the speed boosters are just filling the longer corridors. Nothing to really get excited about other than nostalgia pandering...which they said they were abandoning. Hell half of the appeal so far with this game is still taking a lot of older stuff and giving it a new coat of paint.

    Also the pinball table was entirely underwhelming.
  13. ashthedragon


    Sonic Paradise Researcher
    Sonic Paradise & Sonic Ages
    Where can I find the Jungle level footage? cannot find it anywhere...
  14. GeneHF


    SEGA-ier than you'll potentially ever be. Site Staff
    Scenic Studiopolis
    Complete Global Conquest
    Let me clarify here.

    I'm using that jungle level footage from E3's demo. The "mach speed zone" one? That plus Mantra = :)
  15. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member
    What Jungle level footage? The only new level they demo'd was the Casino one. The only Jungle footage we have is from the trailer.
  16. ashthedragon


    Sonic Paradise Researcher
    Sonic Paradise & Sonic Ages
    I was talking about the Jungle level Gene said, thinking about the Silent Jungle level revealed a few days ago with screenshots, but looks like he was talking about Windy Hills, isn't it? Then, all settled.
  17. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    Even when Kotaku was half decent, anything with the name Luke Plunkett on it was always worthless crap. The man hates Sonic, just ignore him.

    EDIT: How the fuck did I miss the next page >_> Yeah, the Casino level looks pretty boss - nice to see Crawls in full 3D, after getting sort-of-there in Generations 3DS.
  18. Indigo Rush

    Indigo Rush

    OH, I see where the disconnect was.

    That mach speed level is actually from "Desert Ruins," as weird as it sounds. I'm partial to calling it "Honeycomb Highway" to eliminate confusion. :P
  19. Linkabel


    I managed to play Lost World yesterday at the Sega Arcade and Nintendo Lounge and here are my thoughts on it:

    While playing the Wii U version the first thing that came to my mind is how Sonic Team took a step back to the Dreamcast days. It sounds weird,trust me I know, but I think this game feels like something we should've gotten after SA2 instead of what we got in Heroes and the games after it (though obviously with some of the flavor of the "modern" games).

    Something that I would like to get out of the way is that Sonic does indeed feel slow even at his top speed and with the spin dash. This includes the gameplay we see in Windy Hill, the 2D section and surprisingly the "mach section" but he is a little bit faster in that particular part. When he does indeed go fast is because of the boosters/automated sections.

    While playing it, I didn't really have trouble controlling Sonic, BUT sometimes the controls feel a little bit...twitchy and for some reason or another sometimes he is not as responsive as I would've liked.

    The homing attack can be used like in past Sonic games by targeting on to enemies or targeting many enemies at once which results in Sonic performing a faster homing attack. The kick works the same way (but with a different button)...and here's my first nitpick with this game.
    It's not so much the actual attack but how Sonic performs it. Both the homing attack and the kick have a long range, but Sonic looks kind of dumb kicking for like a mile a way in the same position almost like a cardboard cutout.

    The "parkour" moves to me didn't feel new at all since they sort of feel like an "upgrade" on Sonic's already existing moves such as wall running/jumping. I can tell you that they give you the opportunity to tackle the stage in different ways...but sometimes many of those ways kind of feel more like a setback rather than helping you. At the end I guess it will depend if you want to finish the stage faster or if you want to make the stage your playground (in the areas that it lets you....which brings me to my next point.)

    There's a been sort of a message going around that Lost World is going to give you more "freedom" on how you progress the level, and well, I really did not see it....well it kind of does but it doesn't at the same time. Like the freedom is there. but it wasn't as liberating or fun, at least for me. Yes you can run up a tree and get a red ring or those 10 ring coins and instead of jumping over pikes now you can run next to them, but that's kind of it (at least in the demo.) Some of the shortcuts or other routes didn't really feel like shortcuts at all.

    If you hated classic Sonic's gameplay in Generation then you'll probably hate the 2D sections in this game as well. It's pretty much the same except that the spin dash is not as powerful and you have your parkour moves and wisps. It was pretty uneventful but I guess the truffle gimmick was nice and it did felt good pulling what Aaron couldn't do in that IGN preview from a while back.

    I don't know if the final version of the game is going to do this, but I kind of hated it how the enemies seem to freeze in time sometimes so you can have the time to attack them. This only happened in Windy Hill and Desert Ruins 2.

    The game to me was pretty easy but damn it I could not get that goddamn laser wisp to work properly, well I did once but I just got lucky. It tells you to "draw" the line of where you want Sonic to go, but no matter what I did it always went somewhere else. I'm going to add this one to my fault though, but I didn't see no one pulled that one off while I was there.

    I really don't know why Desert Ruins 2 is considered the "hard mode" of the demo since it practically plays itself. I noticed that the more people tried to control Sonic the more they failed. It felt like the mach speed sections of 06 but better.

    I think this is all I got say about the Wii U version for now unless I remember something or you guys have any questions.


    I didn't play the 3DS version as much but Sonic is a little bit more hard to control in this version and the level is more linear and makes you stop more often. When you use the wisp here it's cool that you can control it like you do Sonic so I felt the wisp here were more enjoyable I guess.

    Like the handheld versions of Colors and Generations though it does feel like a watered down version of the console one.

    Overall though, even with the Dreamcast analogy in the beginning, they could've honestly named this game Sonic Colors 2 cause it has sort of the same feel as that game. Right now it seems like it's going to be a decent game but it still feels like they played it a little bit too safe and could have pushed the envelope a little bit more (the other parts of the game might but I'm not too hopeful.)
  20. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member