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Sonic Lost World (Wii U, 3DS, PC) Megathread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by TimmiT, May 17, 2013.

  1. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Ya my guy was a bit surprised that I got both versions. Like, hey, don't hate. We all love vidya here.
  2. 1stKirbyever


    So I finally finished the game (not 100% but just reached the credits)

    It was... okay. I knew it would have been this seeing everyone saying it was sub-par but there were bits I enjoyed. Frozen Factory was probably my least favorite at least for the Snowball level.

    The bosses were a bit on the lacking but not too bad I guess. I kinda expect the Final Boss to be some giant-mech that you would have to utilize the parkour system to climb akin to Shadow of the Colossus really. Other than that, it felt way too much like I was playing Sonic in a Mario game, not that it's a bad thing, it's really kinda hard to explain. Maybe it's just me.
  3. My apologies for taking so long to upload the tracks from the Bonus CD. It's been a really long time since I made an attempt to rip a CD to FLAC (well) and do scans. I did a MP3 (320Kbps) rip for those who don't want FLAC. I forgot to include the scans of the insert (which is just the front and back of the cover) so that has its own link. The CD artwork is the exact same image that's floating around so I didn't scan the CD. I can if anyone wants me to. Without further ado:

    FLAC Rip

    MP3 Rip

    Insert Scans

    Apologies if there was an easier way to do this. Hope everyone enjoys!
  4. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    Thanks man, swell work!! :D

    I would scan the CD just for the consistancy's sake, the wiki kind of has all CD's scanned redundant or not.


    Melpontro gave his try on a speedrun of WHZ, 1:27!

    But he doesn't like the game.
  5. muteKi


    Fuck it Member
    Still no eShop demos????
  6. Tiller


    HDK & World Runner
    Why is the zone melody missing nearly a half of the songs? :v:
  7. I just beat it. I'll keep this brief.

    I really wanted to like Lost World. I did! But it's almost impossible to because of that second half. I know plenty of people have made the comparison to Mario Galaxy and I say it's definitely warranted. Lost Worlds just feels like a mishmash of ideas that never really fully pans out like it could (or should) and thus just comes off as a mediocre experience overall. Like I said, keep it brief so:
    - Presentation is great
    - So is the music
    - When it's fun, it's really quite fun
    - Controls work better than expected (so I guess that's a pro)
    -The first half
    - Camera
    - Wisps, even when you can control them with the analog stick and buttons, there are still the ones you can't and they're awful
    - When it's not fun, it's because it's ball bustingly frustrating. Either by having terrible design or incredibly vague tells
    - Just because they work better than expected, doesn't mean they're not without issues (like jumping in 2D sections, fickle lock-on, and getting use to changing directions while running)
    - The last half
    So yeah. Basically another mirror of what everybody else thinks. It's not awful, but Lost World is at that level of mediocrity that's rough to describe at times. It's just... alright.
  8. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    The music in this game is freaking great.

    Is Desert Ruins Zone Act 2 a remix of Skyscraper Scamper?
  9. Arique


    SHUWATCH! Member
    Who cares? Go buy the damn game!

    Speaking of which, I got the 3DS version at launch. Not bad! There are a few levels that make me want to throw my 3DS against a wall due to Dimps' crazy-ass physics and the Parkour going terribly wrong sometimes, but other than that I'm thoroughly happy with this purchase I made. Now I just need to get my hands on a Wii U and the ACTUAL version of the game that I should be playing. :v:
  10. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    He may be hesitant to buy the game after the mixed reactions.

    On Frozen Factory (I'd be farther but I insist on getting all the red rings before I move on). That snowball level and that second pinball table in Casino Night can go fuck themselves.

    The rhythm wisp seems inoffensive but rather pointless btw.
  11. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    The snowball level caused me countless game overs when I first played it, but now I know how it works and how to deal with the giant yeti effectively, it's not too bad at all.
  12. Faseeh


    It's a similar big-band esque style but not a remix. It actually shares more in common with Windmill Isle composition-wise than Skyscraper Scamper.
  13. Ravenfreak


    Booyah! Tech Member
    O'Fallon Mo
    Hacking Sonic Drift
    Soo... I got the 3DS version of the game last night. I sort of written a review, but it's not that great of a review. You can read it bellow if you want but meh, I'm also on Desert Ruin Zone 3 btw.
    Sonic Lost World (3DS) RF's Review
    With the release of Sonic Lost World yesterday I finally picked up a copy around 9 something at night since my gf and I had a few issues we needed to
    resolve first before going shopping. After reading all the horrible reviews online I didn't care about their view on the game because I enjoyed playing
    Frozen Factory during Sonic Boom this year. I haven't finished the game yet, but I'll go ahead and share my views on the game bellow. This is my first
    review so let me know if it sucks or whatever. xP

    Alright so I booted up the game and was greeted with the title screen of course. I press A to start my adventure, and the first cutscene plays. Let me tell
    you about the quality of the cutscenes, they are pretty bad even with the 3D fully on. They are grainy and are pretty difficult to watch due to the quality.
    The dubbing is fine though, it's just too bad they messed this part up while if I remember correctly Sonic Colors for the DS was fine. (Granted I guess you
    couldn't really call them cutscenes though since they were still images...) This is bad Sega, though it could have something to do with how the 3DS handles
    certain video codecs, I really don't know the specs of a 3DS...

    So after sitting through the cutscene (yes I watched the entire thing since I don't want to miss out on important events...) it was time to play the tutorial
    for Windy Hill Zone. I knew about the mechanics of the game already, as I said before I was lucky enough to play the game before it was released at Sonic
    Boom this year. But it did help to get used to it again I suppose... Windy Hill Zone 1 was a breeze (no pun intended) to get through however Windy Hill Zone
    2 was a pain in the butt. I found it a bit difficult to jump at the right times to land on the side of the different walls, so I ended up having to use one
    of Tails' inventions to make it pass that section. (Oh those gimmicks in this game are... interesting. I'll go through them later on in this review.) Maybe
    I just suck at the game a tiny bit.

    After I finally made it pass Zone 2 and losing tons of lives I was able to enter the vomit inducing Special Stage. (No I didn't physically get sick while
    playing the Special Stages, I got really dizzy though!) Now this special stage is cool from a gimmick stand point but is a pain in the ass on a gameplay
    standpoint, especially for someone who has to collect the chaos emeralds to fully finish the game. I'm getting somewhat better at the Special Stage, however
    it's still a huge pain in the ass. I was expecting to use the stylus again to collect the blue balls spheres, but nope. If this made me dizzy, I could
    imagine what it could do to a little kid...

    So here I am now at Desert Ruin Zone 3, and boy it's a huge puzzle which is a pain in the ass. I really do like how different gimmicks were introduced,
    but this puzzle just sucks. But enough of complaining about the puzzles, I'm going to go over the soundtrack in the next part. The soundtrack is pretty
    hit and miss for me. There are tracks in the game that are catchy, others are just a jumbled mess. I've checked out the Wii U version's soundtrack on
    Youtube a bit already, and a few tracks grew on me I will say. Does it have one of the best soundtracks in the franchise? Not in my opinion, I think
    it's my least favorite soundtrack from any Sonic game to date. Lets take a look at Sonic Color's soundtrack shall we? The soundtrack consists of music that
    fit each level, and are very catchy. Stuff you want to continue to listen to over and over again. With Lost World's soundtrack I barely would want to listen
    to the tracks over and over again (with the exception of Frozen Factory Zone 1, Sky Road Zone 1, and Silent Forest Zone 2. It gets a rating of 5/10 for me.
    (Ironically enough as the game got that rating from many sites... xD)

    Lastly lets look at the different objects and gimmicks in the game as a whole. You gain different material to make new objects and to unlock different monitors
    as well. It's something different, and I think it's pretty cool especially since they can come in handy in any tough situation. The wisps from Sonic Colors
    return with the addition of a few new ones as well. The objects and gimmicks in this game are wonderful IMO.

    Overall the game is pretty fun, but there are plenty of rage quit moments with dizzy ones as well. Is it a decent Sonic game from the usual standards? Eh it's
    alright but doesn't really feel like a Sonic game except for during the moments when you don't have to hold down the R button to make Sonic run fast. The
    parkour system is alright as well, but again it doesn't really feel like a Sonic game. For a stand alone platform/puzzle game it's fun, I'll just try to
    pretend that it's not really a Sonic game... But the game gets a 7 out of 10 for me because the gimmicks and gameplay is still fun aside from the Special Stages.
  14. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    I'm not too crazy about this game's music. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's not bad, but it's a major step back from Generations, Colors, and Unleashed. Those games were filled with just godly songs and catchy tunes that just fit every level and boss. This game, sure the music fits the level but I don't feel the need to hum along or what not. Plus the deadly 6 theme is kinda meh, definitely a step back from those games. Where's the epicness of the Death Egg Robot theme or the Egg Dragoon theme? And Metal Sonic's song in Generations is just top tier for me, I've listened to that song 550 times according to iTunes, and I'm sure I've listened to it more in Generations and on my other computer. I do not see any song in this game ever getting on that level for me.

    In fact I kind of wish this game took more from Colors than it did, well rather it took the wrong things from Colors. The music, the art style, and the creative trope blending were all perfect for Sonic. This game kind of takes a step back in all of that, and while the game looks nice, Sonic looks a bit out of place (Classic Sonic or Sonic's Smash 4 model would work better in these sorts of environments I think).

    After playing the game up until Silent Forest act 2 (Kept getting caught by that spot light while awkwardly trying to activate the wisp so I decided to stop for a bit) my overall opinion is that I love the gameplay but am not a huge fan of the levels. First 3 worlds are pretty fun, then some BS starts to sneak in. Someone said earlier in this thread to combine this style and the boost style and I'm all for that. The 2D levels in this game are far too slow and rather linear due to the Mario Galaxy gravity. I want Classic Sonic's 2D sections combined with this game's 3D sections with no gold cannon boost sections (seriously what are the point of those), no snowballs, no bull shit pinball tables, and some better boss battles. Like Unleashed this game has some potential, just there are a few things that made me want to punch a baby.

    In fact I'm pretty sure that second pinball table in the Casino level was at one point meant to be mandatory, as the first section leads straight to a pinball section, then to another 3d section, and the end of that 3d section is set up in a way that is exactly the same as the set up for the first section that lead to the pinball, but they probably realized it was such bullshit that they shoved it on the side and threw a red ring in there. Wise move. Oh and this game is a prime example of why lives suck. 100 rings doesn't equal a life anymore? Then what the hell is the point of collecting all these rings?

    Oh yea and for a game that wanted to give more control to the player there are even more automated sections than Generations ever had. That bouncing around on springs stuff and the cannons are just ugh.

    And here's this thing
  15. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    I don't know man, I definately hear some skyscraper scamper in there.

    Melpontro is continuing his speed run. hes doing good with these stages.
  16. muteKi


    Fuck it Member
    I can catch it in the intro -- it's what Skyscraper Scamper wanted to sound like -- but mostly I just hear this:

    Like I said, TPIR music.
  17. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    Oh yeah, is the Circus music straight from Billy Hatcher or is it just supposed to sound like Billy Hatcher music?

    Haven't played the game in forever.
  18. Josh


    We posted up our first impressions, as well. THRILL as people in the comments section completely fail to grasp how "first impressions" are different from "reviews"!

  19. Tiller


    HDK & World Runner
    You guys talk about there not being a decent skill floor and having no variance in speed, but you have to be decent at the game to make use of the parkour to get through a level at a decent pace. You namedrop Generations as a great game, yet it has the same problems with the speed variance which comes down to boosting or not boosting, though there is some acceleration at the not boosting pace. There is less interaction when speedrunning where it is more about reaction times than applying game mechanics.

    I don't dig Lost World too much either, but I'm just sayin'.
  20. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.

    Also, Mel is showing off the games...uh...finer moments: