You may be right considering that everything support related is linking to the SOA website and theres very little talk even from SEGA and Hardlight's Twitters. Well, since this counts as a new version shouldn't we rip the assets out of it?
Sure that'd be swell but I don't have a copy of it. I'd love to know more about this version (it does look more fun)
Wow, really? I'm so annoyed by this. After the update in November last year, I had hoped that we might see Mechanical Zone become unlocked in the near future (It still says "Coming Soon" on the level select screen) but this has squashed that hope very easily. I'm more annoyed that an App I paid for gets more support than an App that's free. Seems a bit backwards to me but there you go. Also, since the update last November, the intro and outro cutscenes for Act 1 and Act 6 (Boss Acts) respectively have no music, which worked before. I've attempted several emails to Hardlight to inform them of the issue but they don't seem to listen or respond at all to my communication. It's like banging my head against a brick wall. I guess I'm stuck with what I have, then. EDIT: So, after this, I contacted Hardlight through Facebook to see if I could get some answers to some of my questions. I actually got a response this time so I've pasted some of the relevant information here: Also, when I asked about the possibility of the final level (Mechanical Zone) being unlocked in Sonic Jump and whether or not Jump Fever will run on my device (as Sonic Dash is incompatible and I was concerned): At least I got a response this time. So this is out now. Google Play link: EDIT: I can confirm that this has the same kind of shitty microtransactions Sonic Dash has: It also shoves a 15/30 second ad which you can't skip into your face every time you play if you don't buy something.
Are we gonna start asset ripping from this? love to have some of the new music. EDIT: In fact I need both sets of music in HQ to send to a friend over at FFShrine so I can get a complete soundtrack.
It says at the top "*something* hours left", so it sounds like the zone will be changed every day. So you'll have to actually bother playing it more than once to see everything.
He means in the original Sonic Jump, not Sonic Jump Fever (I presume). After my talk a few months back with someone from Hardlight, this was pretty much confirmed anyway. Kind of annoying, though. I'm also unable to download Sonic Jump Fever as it says my device is incompatible, even though the associate I spoke to a while back asked me what device I was using and confirmed it would be available for it. Sounds like the same issue as Sonic Dash.
Why did I start the game with Tails being unlocked and not Sonic? Seems like a weird choice for the default character.
Anyone from Sega lurking who can explain this? This... is a pretty huge security hole. There is zero reason a game needs to have root access.
That's really odd. Although this hasn't happened to me (yet), it's probably a mistake made when the manifest file for the app was created. It would look like this: Code (Text): <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACESS_SUPERUSER"/> Even then, that is a pretty big flaw, as you would think that they test the app and this would come up. Why the hell would this be needed to play a cheap game? (Cheap, not in the literal sense :P)
This game is the game equivalent of this: Wayyyy too much going on.
That merely indicates the program uses superuser access at some point. The warning appears at the exact point when the program attempts to call out to 'su'. Also notice that Superuser is indicating that ACCESS_SUPERUSER is *not* declared in the manifest.
Gold Lightning, what's your phone model and firmware version (and specifically what ROM are you using)?
I decompiled the dex, and found a file called Code (Text): public class RootChecker { private static String[] rootPackageList = { "", "com.thirdparty.superuser", "eu.chainfire.supersu", "com.koushikdutta.superuser", "com.zachspong.temprootremovejb", "com.ramdroid.appquarantine" }; private static String[] suCommandList = { "/system/bin/su", "/system/xbin/su", "/sbin/su", "/system/su", "/system/bin/.ext/.su", "/system/usr/we-need-root/su-backup", "/system/xbin/mu" }; Looks like it's actually a root checker. It works by attempting to run the su binary. Full code: Spoiler Code (Text): package com.sega.hlsdk.drm; import android.content.Context; import; import; import; public class RootChecker { private static String[] rootPackageList = { "", "com.thirdparty.superuser", "eu.chainfire.supersu", "com.koushikdutta.superuser", "com.zachspong.temprootremovejb", "com.ramdroid.appquarantine" }; private static String[] suCommandList = { "/system/bin/su", "/system/xbin/su", "/sbin/su", "/system/su", "/system/bin/.ext/.su", "/system/usr/we-need-root/su-backup", "/system/xbin/mu" }; public static boolean detectRoot(Context paramContext) { if (paramContext == null); while (true) { return false; PackageManager localPackageManager = paramContext.getPackageManager(); String[] arrayOfString1 = rootPackageList; int I = arrayOfString1.length; int j = 0; while (j < I) { String str2 = arrayOfString1[j]; try { localPackageManager.getPackageInfo(str2, 1); return true; } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException localNameNotFoundException) { j++; } } String[] arrayOfString2 = suCommandList; int k = arrayOfString2.length; int m = 0; while (m < k) { String str1 = arrayOfString2[m]; try { Runtime.getRuntime().exec(str1); return true; } catch (IOException localIOException) { m++; } } } } } The question is, why is it only triggering on gold lightning's phone? And why does Sonic Jump Fever have a root checker in the first place? (I suppose it's to prevent cheating, since there are in-app purchases for stuff like rings, but still...) EDIT: Also, Sonic Jump Fever's music is *.m4a (AAC). If you'd like to put it on your playlist, simply unpack the APK or IPA archive and search for *.m4a. EDIT 2: Spoilers for new stuff coming soon... Spoiler Code (Text): -rw-r--r-- 1 david users 435528 Jul 9 16:15 hd-player_amy.sla -rw-r--r-- 1 david users 446065 Jul 9 16:15 hd-player_blaze.sla -rw-r--r-- 1 david users 446627 Jul 9 16:15 hd-player_cream.sla -rw-r--r-- 1 david users 417656 Jul 9 16:15 hd-player_knuckles.sla -rw-r--r-- 1 david users 499584 Jul 9 16:42 hd-player_rouge.sla -rw-r--r-- 1 david users 340930 Jul 9 16:15 hd-player_shadow.sla -rw-r--r-- 1 david users 439849 Jul 9 16:15 hd-player_silver.sla -rw-r--r-- 1 david users 418628 Jul 9 16:15 hd-player_sonic.sla -rw-r--r-- 1 david users 436975 Jul 9 16:42 hd-player_tails.sla -rw-r--r-- 1 david users 417404 Jul 9 16:15 hd-player_vector.sla
Well if I recall correctly, Vector had sprites within the first Sonic Jump, but they never got around to releasing him since they gave up all hope there. Now why then they decided for Vector instead of Espio or why Hardlight seems to have some disliking towards Metal Sonic as a playable character is beyond me. Same goes for why they keep choosing Cream, and not only that but saving Cream for last like she's something special. Now if Knuckles was the last character to unlock or something, then I think it'd be worth while. Or Super Sonic. That'd be kinda fun in this game actually.