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Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Scarred Sun, May 23, 2008.

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  1. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    No U.

    I've already explained everything I said... Thing is, we need to get the facts from the devs, not from using our imagination.

    If you can do better with the interviews, please be our guest.
  2. MathUser


    3rd top wiki contributor Researcher
    Besides the japanese concept art that referenced time travel, we also have this article:

    No idea what its dated, or what magazine it is, and all the pictures provided are mockups. So I guess it was from pretty early in the games development.
  3. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Sure, but at the moment we can't know why or when was the concept dropped, or if any of the scrapped levels were related to it, unless we can contact somebody who worked on the game and remembers that stuff.

    EDIT: Did anybody manage to contact Judy Totoya, by the way?
  4. Tweaker


    Is the concept of speculation alien to you or something? For one second, can you take a step outside of the box, read what I've proposed, and debate ideas in the theory itself rather than repeat yourself like a broken record? Could you, rather, based on what is written, reason whether or not it makes sense in your mind? That is always what these topics are about.

    Of COURSE we're not going to know anything thing for certain until we get some sort of word from a SEGA employee—that much is bleedingly obvious and doesn't need to be said. This isn't 1999, I'm not random newbie idiot #279, and I'm basing my reasoning off a combination of observations and facts that I believe lead themselves to fit together in a sound, coherent matter. You're being a dick by completely disregarding that and instead stating the ultimate conclusion to any topic; but this topic has just started, and I see absolutely no reason to try and end it so early.

    You have seniority on your side. If you want to rip my theory apart, then do it using your own facts.
  5. I'd like to say that Tweaker makes a good point in that we haven't contacted anyone from the Japanese side of the development team. I remember (unless I'm wrong) that American devs we talked to mentioned a language barrier being there, so it was hard to communicate what was going on at times. Especially given how Naka prefers to have a hold on his games, I wouldn't be surprised if the American devs weren't that well informed of what was going on aside from what needed to be done to get the game out the door when needed. Plus with the rushing in mind, the office must've been a center of chaos.

    I think it's plausible to say that language barriers might've contributed a bit to how things went down and why American staff members may not know as much about certain game elements we think existed.

    EDIT: Also, on a different note - This topic is a good opportunity to get another Skypecast going.


    If I recall correctly, at first there was to be a Sonic 2 CD that was to be released later - but later turned into Sonic CD. Could they have planned to make that game like Sonic 2, but with time travelling?
    As it turned out, Sonic CD and Sonic 3K are both recycled versions of Sonic 2, as I see it.
  7. Tweaker


    Sonic 3 & Knuckles definitely wasn't recycled, it was a sequel that used the Hidden Palace concept. That hardly makes the whole game "recycled."

    Sonic CD, however, I agree with—it was an alternate interpretation of ideas that didn't see the light of day when it came to the final Sonic 2.

    As for Sonic 2 CD, I'm betting it was initially meant to exist as an "upgraded" version of Sonic 2, but once time travel was axed, the project split off into Sonic 2 and Sonic CD—with Sonic CD taking the place as Sonic's debut game on the Sega CD.
  8. ...I'm seeing parallels to Zelda game development and beta research here. There too was a point where:

    a) Features planned for Zelda 64 were canned because they didn't have enough time or power to do what they wanted. Or they just didn't fit in after a while. They later implemented these features with future titles (Twilight Princess).

    b) There was a disk "upgrade" for Zelda 64. However, as oppose to Sonic 2 CD it WAS made. But it was for the 64 Disk Drive, which never made it out of Japan, nore did the upgraded Zelda 64 until they brought it to the Gamecube as a special pre-order prize for Zelda Wind Waker.

    Yes, I know this is a Sonic forum but I thought I'd point it out solely for the sake of interest. But if anything, it supports the idea that developers wanted to make games that you could easily expand. After all it's cheaper to upgrade or add content to a game and make money selling it compared to making a new game all together.

    Another thing I'd like to point out is if the Sonic CD dev team did indeed get some input from the Sonic 2 team, does it support the argument that R2 is a cut desert level?
  9. RattleMan


    Explains why Flying Battery is 09 and 0A in the Sound Test and Ice Cap is right after it (0B and 0C), and Flying Battery is before Ice Cap in the Level Select
  10. Yeah, when I first went into Sandipolis and sonic went into the sand I thought they died :P It's make more sense, yet again, sega chose to release a half game...and then make another one to finish it. It's sort of a good idea, have a cliffhanger, but the levels didn't really go alone with eachother in s3k, they should have atleast redone it to be the way they intended it.
  11. Moogle!


    I was under the impression that it was said or written somewhere that the reason the Desert zone was scrapped was becasue Naka thought it wouldn't appeal to Japanese audiances.
  12. I can't say I've ever heard that before. Where ever you read it, it probably wasn't very creditable. Unless maybe it was in a gaming magazine or something.
  13. Moogle!


    It came from one of these sites, quite possibly this one. But this was a long while back, and could have been speculation.
  14. Ambil


    I want that heinous hedgehog hammered! Member
    This is the second post I promised, but will not have useful contents. Because I fail at viewing...

    in the IRC log. So now tell me where this is proven, kthx.
  15. Qjimbo


    Your friendly neighbourhood lemming. Oldbie
    I am loving every aspect of this thread.

    The information, the discussion and he enthusiasm. Great to see threads like this still happen ;)

    Facinating stuff too!

  16. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    I believe that was spread around with many other rumors back when the sites assumed things as facts. We need to eradicate that kind of stuff to avoid any further confusion...
  17. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    A lot of what Iceknight is saying is true - most of this we've known for years. The new thing is just it being pieced together for the first time in a random rush of IRC-based inspiration. =P

    S3K, no. S&K, yes. Mushroom Hill is Wood, FB was ripped from Sonic 3, Sandopolis is the Desert Zone, Lava Reef & Hidden Palace are HPZ recycles, Sky Sanctuary is further based on this, Death Egg is a fleshed out version of the final S2 zone and/or Cyber City; and Doomsday... well, I guess this is the one original piece unless by the original S2 plan the final boss fight was meant to require Super Sonic.

    Funny how we've been "playing" GCZ for years in the form of Metropolis 3, though. =P
  18. Cooljerk


    Professional Electromancer Oldbie
    I noticed this as well. Before I had found all the star posts in EHZ, I would hit the reset button on my genesis to nab the final emerald.

    I too thought it was a glitch.

    This would have been sort of like Super Mario Bros. new game + mode, huh?
  19. Ambil


    I want that heinous hedgehog hammered! Member
    This comes from Sonic 1. If you finish the game, you can start again with the emeralds you get, to let you try again and collect the emeralds you couldn't get.

    I'm sure this was intentional (look at the "TRY AGAIN" in Sonic 1 ending!), and not a big deal to be retained in Sonic 2.
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