That's what I had in mind when I brought it up. Makes the whole thing a little more entertaining than just WEEP WOOP SANIC CARDS.
Er, if those are supposed to be for a game you need some sort of defined rules like stats and key words. All I see is the same kind of general description you'd find on a regular trading card.
That's what I originally thought people had in mind, but everything in the templates are set up to be easily alterable
Guys its a template hes just showing off the design, which I like btw. So whos going to be the sucker to fork out cash for these .jpgs so we can get them on the wiki?
I was going to make a post about the animal friends being renamed, but I'll just post it here: So I figured I'd make a news post about the cards over at SEGAbits and it turned into a review. I noted the names being wrong, but it looks like a Stampii rep commented and stated: "Sega Japan have decided to change (again) the name of Sonic's animal friends so these are the (new) right ones." So seems SEGA of Japan is doing a bit of brand reorganizing and the Stampii cards are the first to reflect this. I hope this means they'll utilize the animals a bit more in the future! So, according to the cards (and SoJ): Flicky is still Flicky Rocky is still Rocky Pecky is still Pecky However: Picky is now Cookie Ricky is now Pocky Cucky is now Ricky Pocky is now Picky Picky, Ricky and Pocky got shuffled, Cucky was returned (sounded like Cocky, maybe that's why?) and Cookie is new.
I am doing it. Also, there is extra info, images and videos if you use the Stampii software, some of them are interesting to wikify ( like height charts for almost all the characters). I'm willing to dump those too for the wiki. Again, if anyone want to help, register in stampii using my username as a refree ( ashthedragon), and if you don't want the cards they give to you for free at register, PM me
Strange tidying up, but good stuff. Thanks for the tip. Sent you the eight cards I got, ash. It looks like you get more cards for activating more devices, I guess?
wait what that no that's stupid why would they do that. I am hoping that this is just some strange misunderstanding and that Sega of Japan hasn't actually done this. There is no need to change the names of Sonic's animal friends. Cookie?! That doesn't even match the scheme and Ricky is Pocky so Pocky is Picky and wait Sega of Japan hasn't changed the names before that was Sega of America trying to appeal to an American audience in a silly way and I know this is a small thing but it just baffles and confuses me and I would love to know the reasoning behind it if it was really Sega of Japan who sent down the order. Ignoring the fact that digital trading cards you pay for is a silly idea in the first place. I mean, maybe it's a strange regional thing? Because...changing these names are so arbitrary. They've been the same for years. The only thing I could think would make sense is if they just called Cucky "Clucky" if they were really just afraid of people making cock jokes. Even though everyone has had the chance to do it for the last 21 years.
Thanks you for the cards,Gene! There give you more for activating more devices? I activated PC software, facebook and android, but they didn't give anything. They are also supposed to give you credit money to buy more cards if other use you as a refree, but they aren't giving any to me ( some friend have made me a referee, so they should give me money, but they don't...). Also, the "invite friends" menu is broken. Stampii sucks ass
To their credit, they're apparently working with some of the SSMB members to get all the names and info corrected.
From Sonic News Network Sonic's age has always been a tricky one to pinpoint. a mistranslation in the original Japanese? manual states that he was 10 years old. According to the Sonic Technical Files, it says he is 18, "but it's kinda hard to tell. Once Sonic Jam was released, it looked like it was solidified at 16, but Sonic Channel had finalized it as 15. As of Sonic Generations he and the rest of the cast have been elevated by one year.
Man, Sega should have contacted me when I was 8; I made all sorts of Sonic trading cards back then. ... Okay they were just overpowered Pokemon cards with Sonic characters.