I'll say more when I'm on something other than a phone.
When I first read the topic I thought "Sweet Sonic's getting a Trading Card Game!" then I read "Digital". >.> I'm sort of 50 50 on the topic, knowing me though I'll probably end up trying to collect them all even if they're not physical cards. :v:
Feh. After a childhood of being surrounded by collectible card games, regular collectible cards are incredibly boring by comparison. So how would a Sonic CCG go down?
These cards would be kind of cool if they were physical, but they are just pictures, what stops someone from just right click -> save as? (That saying, we should archive them anyway.) Also the Genesis Era Cards were much better. Do we have them all archived?
All right, Retro, you know what to do. Collect them up and throw them on the wiki. If you can collect them all and defeat the Four Grandmasters and that son of a bitch Ronald, you will be the Sonic Retro Champion.
There was once a Sonic card game, but I've never seen it in stores or in forum discussion, so I get the feeling it must have been pretty terrible. Especially since it was based on The Chris Thorndyke Show, Starring Sonic. I saw the new digital cards on Facebook earlier and...whatever. If I want CG art of Sonic characters on a filtered multi-color background, I'll do a Google search and slap some shit together in Photoshop. I really don't see the point. Why not put some extra effort in to make it a game, like the online Pokemon TCG?
I got hooked on it. Even if it is...stupid, but somehow it hooked me. Maybe the little child in me wants to have her card collecting time. If anyone of here want to sign in, would you please put me as "the one who invited you"? ashthedragon is the user name. If I can collect all the card I'll take the images and upload them at the wiki.
I bet if they have a cool rating they'll mark Modern as cooler than Classic just to piss me off. Not gonna lie, this is a pretty stupid idea. I remember the thrill of saving up pocket money to buy Pogs, X-Files trading cars and Sonic stickers, and the fun of putting your duplicates aside and swapping the shit out of them with fellow collectors. How the fuck do digital cards work? You pay a £1 and are randomly assigned a digital pack of 12 cards? Get the fuck out of here!
I appreciate the offer here, Sega, but no thanks. Might have been different if they were actual physical cards as I thought at first, but I'm not paying for JPG files.
post-powerful... is that like post-modern or post-hardcore :v: ? That is hilarious. So is the fact that I can make those cards look way better, and probably get paid way less than whoever did it first
The second we upload all of them on the wiki is the second we remove all inherent value from them. This doesn't apply to physical trading cards as the legitimate article can be worth up to hundreds. These are just jpgs. Hell, I encourage someone make a generic template and try making their own. For shits and giggles. And science.
It's all the fun of buying trading cards with none of the fun of having the cards you bought. Plus there is so much crappy sonic stock art pasted onto generic backgrounds already. We don't need worse ones by SEGA.
>Sonic >Trading cards HOLY SHIT, EGGMAN NEGA'S PLAN WORKED! *shot* No, but seriously, I'm not much for Trading Card Games, less so if it's just JPEGs even I could whip up in GIMP.
We need a Retro brand of cards. I'd buy those... heck, I'd love to be part of it. "Gold Seal of Retro Certification."