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Sonic Heroes Remake in UE5 Rumored, So Who Knows If It'll Happen

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Kilo, Mar 25, 2024.



    Heroes lacks a modern steam/console port, silly as that sounds. I can see justification for it as of now, even if arguably SA1 needs a remake much more. And honestly? One of the reasons the brand has done so well for the past few years is because the lesser loved titles are being simply made available to much wider gaming audiences, often with improvements.

    Regardless, I'd be willing to accept this. I just want some of the more forgotten titles restored back to some form of availability. GBA Collection. Chaotix (Yes, I will never stop wishing for this). 3D Blast Saturn (I know, I know, very unlikely) SegaSonic Arcade. Unleashed. Much of Sonic's more mediocre 2000 years can be improved if you port them to modern hardware and fix some issues,

    Heroes being a step towards that is fine.

    I feel like we'll likely never get Shadow 05 or Sonic 06 again for obvious reasons, or the Boom series or Wii motion control games, but oh well...
  2. Wildcat


    I’d just like the switching between 3 characters to feel more natural. Always felt like it disrupted the flow imo. I don’t know how I’d fix it. Having 3 gameplay styles at once sounds fun but I don’t know.

    Make it so you can’t spam the team blast. I think most purposely charged it up to get through easier. I did...especially on Egg Emperor.
  3. Turbohog


    I thought switching characters worked fine, but it always looked extremely goofy. On a related note, if the remake is legit they shouldn't force the flying characters to automatically carry the other characters. Always hated that.
  4. Wildcat


    To me adjusting to each gameplay style on the fly felt like a chore but that’s the entire point of the game so I don’t know. Maybe it’s just me.

    The flying characters have to be portrayed carrying the others. It wouldn’t make sense visually. Like they’re being left behind and then just appear again when it’s their turn. That’d be super weird in pit sections like the alligator chase.
  5. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    I think the real complaint there is that the flying characters feel like ass with the other team members dragging them down. I think the problem can be solved by making the flying characters faster regardless of who they’re carrying and (if the game doesn’t do this already, it’s been a while), make the flying characters the only one with an active hurtbox in flight formation.
  6. Johndough


    I see this has resurfaced. It's definitely an interesting thing that cropped up, but I have to wonder if this will ever come to fruition.

    The Midori situation is pretty clear at this point. They had access to internal SEGA documents dating 2023 and older, and they leaked the content based on those documents and then sold info to get scoops on other companies. Beyond a certain point, however, I think they ran out of content, and the Heroes thing popped up very late during their run as Midori. I have a sneaking suspicion it was something they made up at that point.

    That aside, as far as this sonicas person is concerned, I do not think they are reliable at all, and in fact I think they are just a kid. During the wait time for the movie 3 trailer, they were just another account posting every real and fake detail about the movie, and then they proceeded their way into getting access to some leaks (because remember, movie storyboards did leak a while back, along with other things. It's not hard to get someone to share those with you privately if you look hard enough). I do not think they have anything about a Heroes remake, nor do I think Infinite is in Shadow Generations, as they claim.

    This is not to say that there haven't been any talks at SEGA to remake Heroes. I think remake conversations probably happen so often at their offices. Not just for Heroes, but for all the games. In terms of feasibility, however, getting Heroes up to snuff for the 2020s is a tall tall order.

    The game would need extensive reworks to the controls, the level design, the progression system, and the character mechanics to really reach a place the dev team can be comfortable with. Not to mention the change in voice cast, the outdated graphics and all the assets needing to be redone from scratch.

    It's a lose-lose situation. If they change too much it will alienate fans and cause initial push back (I recall that even just removing the lives system caused a ruckus for SCU, let alone more extensive changes). Meanwhile, if they don't change enough, newcomers will find it very hard to get through the game.

    All in all I think they have better options to do. I think their current work creating Open-Zone and remastering Generations lends itself more to remaking SA1 or remastering Unleashed.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2024
  7. Zephyr


    Bob sledding alone can't carry it, man...
  8. Snub-n0zeMunkey


    yo what up Member
    Heroes' multiplayer had these cool metallic skins so it can't have been that bad
    look they managed to make a robot character even more metallic than he was before! that's innovation.
  9. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    Also the visual inspiration for the zombots in the comics, thus peak by association.
  10. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    It wasn't bad. The regular stage modes had shorten versions of levels, but it was still fun and it had a large variety of them to choose. Sonic Adventure 2 on the Dreamcast only had 3 action stages. They were the full versions, and still enjoyable, but it was only 3. No one that I knew wanted to play Hunting or Mech battles. Battle 2 beefed up the selection of stages, although to be fair to Heroes, none of the new additions were full versions, they were shortened ones too. Only the original 3 Dreamcast maps were the full stages.

    That said, this is all a moot point. If the Heroes remake is real, I want the multiplayer mode back, and I want the full version of the stages available rather than the dumbed down ones. A remake should improve upon the original, not keep the exact same experience. Not that it matters, they're probably going to cut it.

    Now who wants to come over and play 06 Co-Op.
  11. serpx


    If this is true, who is making it?

    Sonic Team is working on Sonic Frontiers 2 (Name TBD), and they just finished SxSG. Does Sonic Team have 3 teams to develop big games? If not, a Heroes remake is either being made by someone else, or is super early in development.
  12. Sparks


    Sondro Gomez / Kyle & Lucy
    Honestly... I would rather whatever team is being assigned to remake Heroes be doing Heroes first. A remake of Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 is a very tall order, and after how poorly Sonic Colors Ultimate was handled, I think SEGA needs to play it safe with remakes and figure out how to do them properly before they pull out the big guns.
  13. Spamitex


    #1 Knuckles Fan Member

    The biggest issue with Sonic Heroes is that you're effectively replaying the same game four times with slightly varying level design based on Easy (Team Rose), Medium (Team Sonic), Hard (Team Dark), and whatever theck Team Chaotixx is?

    How do you remake and improve upon a game where it's sheer structure is the issue at hand?

    Maybe if each character followed a general design (Speed, Fly, Power Type) but had 1-2 unique mechanics for each of them. Such as giving Shadow his Chaos Spears, giving Amy her Hammer Vault from SA1, or just giving Sonic a Spindash possibly? Or just outright making each character experience the same Zones, but allowing for further level design remixing that caters to them?

    Like what would be the best things to do for a Heroes remake to make it better or more *fun*
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  14. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    Something that was given a bit of lip service in Sonic Rush was Sonic and Blaze playing their levels in slightly different orders at points. It was ultimately underdeveloped, but this would be a good opportunity to revisit that well and cross it over with Encore Mode from Mania by giving the levels new aesthetic spins for the three other teams.
  15. Spamitex


    #1 Knuckles Fan Member


    Alright, you're onto something here
  16. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
    Just let the player get to Metal Overlord with a single playthrough. Self-selection, like the classic era. It's that easy. Players who want more game or are curious about how the rest of the stories got there will choose another team after finishing the one they like best, and players who were satisfied with just one will do something else. The game isn't more worth the player's money by forcing them to do all four, the gameplay should be fun enough that they're compelled to try the other characters because they're there.

    (Making the stages themselves distinct in other ways is good too, though. They should also do that)
  17. JcFerggy


    Do you want to taco 'bout it? Member
    My biggest issue (other than what has been stated) is that the game's "Easy" mode is placed 3rd on the player select. I understand SEGA's intention to have Sonic be the first selectable team, since it would be weird to start a Sonic game and not have him as the default option, but going through the game like most do, you do Normal, Hard, then doing Easy with its forced Tutorial comes across as patronizing. Even somehow indicating to the player with the Easy Medium Hard labels might be enough to clue in new time players to check it out first.
  18. Frostav


    I don't really like Heroes that much but I just realized that a full remake would be like, the first 3D Sonic game to have NO 2D sections at all in literally nearly two decades so I am now all for that shit.

    I think a big issue is also that Heroes is just not hard enough that there needs to be an easy mode so Team Rose feels extremely pointless (nevermind that they have basically zero relevance to the plot)
  19. Johndough


    I know it's always forgotten because they decided to stick it on Apple Arcade, but Dream Team is a fully 3D platforming Sonic game.

    I don't think it's as much of a point of contention as much as it was a few years ago. For a while it felt like Sonic Team just didn't know how to make 3D stages anymore and had to use 2D whenever platforming happened, but now it doesn't feel like that anymore.
  20. Iggy for Short

    Iggy for Short

    Bit of a nitpick, but by classic logic, Metal Overlord would only be for Team Sonic (with all of the emeralds). Though getting to fight the Super boss with any team would be interesting... I wonder what Neo Metal Sonic thinks of Shadow's own similarities to Sonic.
    Honestly, young me playing on PS2 would beg to differ. I could not get past the lava climb in Grand Metropolis Power Plant for the life of me, but Team Rose mercifully skipped it and let me beat the game as a kid. Granted, that was likely a jank issue, which a remake would probably fix anyway.

    I wonder if they could differentiate between the playthroughs in a way even more similar to the classics - letting teams' unique abilities open the way to different paths rather than relying on alternate object layouts. Espio's got invisibility, shuriken, and stickiness, Amy can launch her tornados, and Shadow can stop time... albeit with a full meter. I forget how much Heroes already played with that, but I'm sure it could be leaned into more, especially if they expanded on moveset differences. Though routes probably wouldn't be locked down as completely as the Sonic/Knuckles forks in 3&K.