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Sonic Heroes discussion

Discussion in 'Prototype Discussion' started by evilhamwizard, Feb 28, 2008.

  1. MathUser


    3rd top wiki contributor Researcher
    Thanks, these have been added also.
  2. Liliam


    Not to be a bitch, but you're botching up the article quite badly. You list the first two battle songs twice, and what the hell is this?
    It doesn't have vocals, it doesn't have vocals, the drums are different, it doesn't have vocals and the drums are different?

    I seem to have screwed up, though. Apparently STG27 is identical to the final track, I guess it just *does* sound that incomplete and off after all. Also, BTL02 doesn't have missing melodies at all. Just the different instruments.
  3. MathUser


    3rd top wiki contributor Researcher
    I wouldn't be suprised I I messed up some things. I'm the only one really porting all the info from the proto forums into the wiki. I'm hoping that other mistakes are caught by others and fixed up later also.

    As for how I messed that up. I just do a quick readthru when merging info on the different songs. I usually try not to add dupe info.
  4. evilhamwizard


    Yeah, I kinda typed this up in the middle of the night because I wanted to get it over with. :(

    The format went like this:
    Filename - Track Title ~ Comment.
    I should've tried to format it a little better, sorry. :(
  5. evilhamwizard


    Here's something a little interesting.


    Is it me or is that "Temp" written on those two icons? The Hang Castle Boss map plays the "Faker" music from Sonic Adventure 2, by the way. I need to look into this game a little bit more, since playing the game is a little easier this time.
  6. Tiberious


    Yeah, I'm furry. Got a problem? Oldbie
    Here's another couple for the music section:

    SNG_SPTSG1: lacking some of the 'effects' used in the final, and in in_cube v0.36, statics out horribly at the loop point.
    SNG_STG20: Missing measures of drums at start, also no panning/echo of the initial instrument.
    SNG_STG05: Not even exactly the same as the Casino Park Original Version found on the soundtrack. I might be able to send someone with hosting capabilities an ADX I'd made of the CD version I've made, if anyone's interested in it for comparison. Also craps out at the loop with in_cube v0.36 (on a side note, I've had THE most problems with ANY of the Heroes ADXes with this winamp plugin. Even some of the final ones go to hell at the loop point).

    More missing songs:
    SNG_STG24TS (Fighting Team Sonic)
    SNG_STG24TR (Fighting Team Rose)
    SNG_STG24TC (Fighting... wait for it... TEAM CHA-O-TIX! *shot*)

    Obviously, these are for the team battles after Lost Jungle (Sonic vs. Dark, Rose vs. Chaotix).
  7. evilhamwizard


    Just posting this because it's something that wasn't mentioned yet:


    Different model.


    Different save screen (I think).

    I've noticed that the battle stages don't load any music even though the music files are there. This prototype seems to do that a lot. The game says "FILE IS LOADING" when loading a saved game. Super Hard Mode hasn't even been worked on yet. You begin on the first stage but there aren't any objects loaded. The little debug stuff I found earlier also serves as a way to cheat. While holding L+R, you can use the D-Pad to increase the amount of rings (UP), get all the power ups for each character, automatically start Special Attacks, increase the amount of lives, and finish the stage right away by holding down L+R+X (you always finish with an E rank however). No special debugging screen appears for any of this, but I'm still looking. It's really difficult to play this game on Dolphin without a proper controller. If only this game worked for me on a retail Gamecube...

    That's all for now. I'll see if I can find other things later.

    Also for those who are looking into playing with Dolphin, the latest SVN version fixes the problem with pixel shaders in a lot of games. This means you can have good looking graphics while being able to use the debug menus in Sonic Adventure DX Preview with nice speed.
  8. muteKi


    Fuck it Member
    Can anyone get me an ADX of the beta Casino Park music?
  9. muteKi


    Fuck it Member
    Ah, thanks muchly. I'm going to replace the final with this one in my PC version.
  10. [​IMG]

    It said "lank" instead of "rank". Engrish.
  11. evilhamwizard


    Even though this stuff is in basically every version of Sonic Heroes, I think it's worth a mention here because 10.8 has at least a few debug stuff enabled.

    First of all, the debugger is the same one that Sonic Adventure 2 uses. But there's some other stuff too:

    A: Push Stage##B: Pop Stage###T_L/T_R:team####S: Start###Z: Reset###X: Perfomance##2P X: Movie Mode##2P B: now Mission1####2P B: now Mission2####2P B: now Hard Mode###Y: Event(now ON)###Y: Event(now OFF)##2P L/R :team###TEAM %d:%s##TEAM %d:------##LANG :%s####2P K/L-R renda suna!###SOUND :%s###3P K/L-R renda suna!###DEMO OFF####DEMO SHOW###DEMO SHOW REAL##DEMO RECORD#DEMO SHOW ENTRY#DEMO RECORD ENTRY###DEMO SAVE ENTRY

    There's also what appears to be an ingame menu:

    SYSTEM RWINIT : ##SYSTEM CHARASET : ##SYSTEM MAININIT : ##SYSTEM MAINTASKINIT : ##SYSTEM INITMODULES : ##---------------------###MAIN PROGRAM+ : ##SUB PROGRAM : ##PLAYER : ##LAND : ## (DISP MODELS ) : ## (OCTREE ) : ##STAGE TEXTURE : ## (SHARE ) : ## (NATIVE+LAND ) : ## (GDISP ) : ##SOUND : ## (INIT ) : ## (ADXCREATE ) : ## (LOADMLT ) : ##ETC : ## (STAGE INIT ) : ## (SET SHARE ) : ## (SET NATIVE ) : ## (PARTICLE ) : ##TOTAL(about) : ##-------------------------------------------------------------###DISPLAY OPEQ : ##DISPLAY PUNCH : ##DISPLAY ALPHA : ##DISPLAY 2D : ##SYNC WAIT : ##DISPLAY BEFORE REND : ##ALL :

    And like I said, same debugger that SA2 uses:

    JONES###HALF####THREE1##THREE2##THREE3##THREE4##THREE5########\?###ALL#OBJECT##ENEMY###ETC#POS X###POS Y###POS Z###ANG X###ANG Y###ANG Z###range###\#N?\5?0POS :###fff#ANG :###xxx#ETC :###CC######BROKEN##SHADOW##LIGHT1##LIGHT2

    If SA2/Sonic Heroes are similar enough, the way to activate the debug menus should still be the same. The way you could load up the debug stuff in SA2 is by changing 00->01 around or above the memory region where ring/life/time data is kept.

    PS: I pulled this from dumping the memory of the 10.8 proto.
  12. I apologize for the bump, but can anyone re-upload this? I'd like to mess around with it...PM Link if needed..Thank you >_<
  13. evilhamwizard


    lol I forgot to post this, but in 10.8 the credits list hasn't been written yet with the proper names, instead:

  14. Here's a prototype cutscene I saw on YouTube, it shows the original voice of Metal Sonic without effects on it.

  15. DrunkDoomguy


    Sonic +
    Heh, I don't think I would have been able to take the final boss seriously if he had that voice.